to comb or not to comb...


New Member
Ladies I am very confused about a few hair issues discussed here on the board. I have read in many places that hair is done and then not combed again until the next time - be it a day or a week or more later. How is this possible? Doesn't your hair get tangled? Doesn't it get messy so you NEED to comb and restyle it? Are you able to wear the scarf/bonnet at night so it does not come off so your hair doesn't get messy? (How that happens is still a mystery to me) What about just being outside and the wind blowing dirt and dust that gets in your hair - how do you deal with this without combing your hair?

I understand the idea and need for low manipulation, but I simply do not understand the no combing. I am reading and learning - and one day (may it be soon) when I am out of these braids, I will return to relaxing and actually having my own hair (and not the store bought kind), so I really want to understand the best practices for hair care to attain health, length, and strength.

How does this work - or not work - exactly. Details, please ladies, details.
I do not comb between washes and I wash my hair every 5 days. In between that time I just use my fingers to "comb" or smooth my hair. I think once you try it and keep at it, not combing will became second nature. A year ago telling me not combing my hair was like asking me to shave my head and dye my scalp pink.:confused: But now the idea of combing my hair beyond wash day makes me nervous:look:. The thing that REALLY convinced me not to comb my hair was reading the statement that Combing your hair all the time is like giving yourself a haircut everyday. :perplexed

I never have issues with dirt and grime in my hair, but even if I did I don't really see how combing would help... The area of my hair that I used to comb the most where my bangs and they were all wispy, sad and thin, practically an embarrassment. After about 4 months of not combing everyday they now look like this:

The only thing I can add about not combing is be SURE to remove all the shed hair that has built up BEFORE you wash. Otherwise you will have monstrous, frightful tangles. I remove my shed hair by gently running a soft boar bristle brush over my hair before I wash.:yep:
It is also important to remember what KIND of tools you use and what condition your hair is in at that moment. I comb my hair problem. Here is why, my hair is already healthy and I use a 100% RUBBER comb with NO seams. With that said, I think it is great that some ladies can go without combing, but for those of us that want/need to you still have options.

Good luck with what ever you choose and keep us posted :)
Seamless combs are the way to go if you have to comb

And I can't see how combing gets dirt and dust out of your hair..only washing really does that
SohoHair said:
I do not comb between washes and I wash my hair every 5 days. In between that time I just use my fingers to "comb" or smooth my hair. I think once you try it and keep at it, not combing will became second nature. A year ago telling me not combing my hair was like asking me to shave my head and dye my scalp pink.:confused: But now the idea of combing my hair beyond wash day makes me nervous:look:. The thing that REALLY convinced me not to comb my hair was reading the statement that Combing your hair all the time is like giving yourself a haircut everyday. :perplexed

Very well stated!

I dont comb either throughout the week......... I usually bun, which eliminates the need for this. I sleep with a scarf or satin bonnet. If the top of my hair gets a bit messy at night, i can just smooth the loosened strands back with my fingers or lightly smooth the top back with a comb (not combing, more like raking it back lightly).

During wash week, the only thing im losing are the accumulated shed strands.......... versus shed AND broken strands that i would have otherwise lost during the week due to combing. No matter how healthy my hair is, its VERY fine and fragile and it breaks when i comb it.

I do comb occasionally on weekends, when i wear it down, and i get some breakage, no matter how gently i comb or what tools i use. This shows me that it would be so much worse if i combed 7 days per week.
I use my fingers to gently detangle and smooth my hair. I wear my hair up in a bun most of the time so it stays relatively neat.
My hair is fine and fragile too and if I comb it I can hear the snap, crackle, pop. The only time that I can comb it is after it is freshly washed. Usually for that whole day, I can comb without breakage. After that, I try to avoid combing.

I do use a smooth, handcrafted, seamless Mason Pearson comb, so for my hair it isn't the tool that's the problem, it's just that my hair is fragile.
I detangle with a seamless comb nearly everyday, but only with tons of conditioner in my hair and directly under the shower spray. Once I get out of the shower, I do not comb my hair. Trying to comb it when it's dry spells disaster. I wear my hair up all of the time and I do this simply by smoothing it with my hands. I also fingercomb if necessary.
I use my fingers to detangle and style my hair. I only comb my hair on relaxer day and also on wash days... and I comb with wide tooth combs/pick to prepare for my rollersets on wash days.
Thank you for the responses. Each time I have read about not combing I did think it was akin to "shaving my head and dyeing my scalp pink":p I am beginning to understand more.

For those of you who do not comb, is your hair relaxed?
newflowers said:
Thank you for the responses. Each time I have read about not combing I did think it was akin to "shaving my head and dyeing my scalp pink":p I am beginning to understand more.

For those of you who do not comb, is your hair relaxed?

yes, I am relaxed.
newflowers said:
Thank you for the responses. Each time I have read about not combing I did think it was akin to "shaving my head and dyeing my scalp pink":p I am beginning to understand more.

For those of you who do not comb, is your hair relaxed?

Mine is natural.
I never comb my hair inbetween washes and my hair is relaxed. I usually wash my hair every 3-4 days. I also airdry too so combing my hair would be asking for breakage.

I always keep my hair in a bun or the baggie method with a bun cover over it. At night, I put a silk scarf and a bonnet over my hair so it will stay neat. If I'm not going anywhere the whole day, I'll keep my scarf on.

It has been windy here lately and if it gets messy from the wind, I'll just smooth it back with my hands or my baby brush.
I comb my relaxed hair with a wide tooth comb while the shower water moves it straight. I may comb during the week one time with shower comb when my hair looks too "yarn" like but mostly finger combing and smoothing. I am always bunned or rolled. The finger comb becomes easier with time. I shampoo, condition every four days. I condition with leave-ins, moisturizers at least three times a day. Most breakage occurs when combing. No need for a perfect smooth look, textured hair looks beautiful on most people.
I was one of those "dying my scalp pink" people to, but I decided to give it a try. I just started, but so far no problems. I'm wearing my hair curly so that makes it easier. It allows for a few fly aways and every night when I put my rollers in I just grab sections and roll it. I sorta comb it out with my fingers and pull out a few shed hairs here and there. In the morning I just unroll and finger style. For me this less combing than if I wore a bun everyday and I think I like it.
It sounds weird, but it can definitely work. On Sat washed then roller set. Then combed my hair in a wrap very gently. Sunday morning I mainly combed it down from the wrap with my fingers, just touching up with the comb a little. Sunday night I lightly brushed it back with my fingers/comb and brush in a pony tail. Added my baggie and scarf then off to bed. Mon, took the baggie off and added my scrunchie, a little moisturizer and oil. And I'm done. No combing until the next wash day which is Wed. Personally, I think the no combing mainly works for low maintenance hair doos.
newflowers said:
Thank you for the responses. Each time I have read about not combing I did think it was akin to "shaving my head and dyeing my scalp pink":p I am beginning to understand more.

For those of you who do not comb, is your hair relaxed?

I am relaxed.
I personally only comb my hair on wash days also. I am natural and with a wet set, or a braid out this is the best policy anyway I will smooth my hair out and with braid outs I re-braid in about 3 braids every night. I only really comb my hair with a wide tooth comb while in the shower full of conditioner, or with a smaller comb as I am flat ironing.

If my hair is flat ironed I still only seriously comb on wash day and I will keep my hair pressed for 2-3 weeks at a time, but I do a lot of smoothing and finger combing for pin curls ext. also because my hair is straight the shed hairs fall out quite easily without having to comb it. B4 LCHF I would brush my hair at least 2wice a day and comb my pressed hair daily, it was still thick but I do feel I suffered unnecessary breakage from this.
I only comb on wash days, and that is once or twice a week.

I mainly wear my hair in a bun, so it's usually pulled back. At night I cover it with a silk scarf, and then with a stocking cap - that helps prevent the scarf from coming off. The scarf helps keep the hair smooth, especially if you slighly wet it + add oil / serum before tying it down.

if you're natural, you can do infrequent combing as well. It might even be easier. When I was natural, I would keep my hair in twists for two weeks at a time. That meant two weeks without combing.
I am relaxed and don't ever comb my hair. Only on wash days which is usually week & half to two weeks. I show how I do it in my fokti album under my Daily Regimen. not combing my hair has been the best thing ever for it.
Pixel Lady said:
It is also important to remember what KIND of tools you use and what condition your hair is in at that moment. I comb my hair problem. Here is why, my hair is already healthy and I use a 100% RUBBER comb with NO seams. With that said, I think it is great that some ladies can go without combing, but for those of us that want/need to you still have options.

Good luck with what ever you choose and keep us posted :)

I comb my hair almost every day. I dont have problems since my hair is healthy. I use seamless bone combs. I dont comb out much hair at all. (maybe a few strands) I hope you find the method you are happy with. Keep us posted.;)
It took me ages to learn how to not comb my hair. Once I got it right my hair retention took off.

when I rinse after the gym I use a thin acidfying conditioner to detangle and rinse my hair in the same direction I plan on wearing it.

Sure, thats hard to do but with practice I got it right:lol:

I also wear a silk scarf to bed, and in the morning I've got no more to do but use moisterizer and put in a bun.

I comb every 3-4 days which is usually when I have to use soap in my hair.

Not saying that its for everyone, cause its not, but, if you can handle wearing the same style often then sure, it can work wonders for you.

Oh and I'm relaxed though there are plenty of natural ladies who use a no comb method too.

Ladies - thank you very much for the information. Right now, I am still doing C&G - something I hope to be able to extend until later this summer - so the combing is not really an issue for me right now.

I do wish to learn all I can before the braids are out for good. I'm sure I'll have to revamp and revise until I get a regime that works best, so learning different methods and options is a good thing for me right now. It may not prevent setbacks in the future, but will hopefully lower the incidence of them.

I have to admit, I'm grooving on the excuse to buy the Mason Pearson combs even if it turns out I rarely use them.
low manipulation is key. the less combing and brushing = better. I air dry my hair so if even if I wanted to put a comb thru it, I doubt that would be possible (i had to find this out the hard way aka BREAKAGE) I only comb when my hair is wet. Sure it gets tangled and blah blah blah but I find that with my hair as soon as I wet it and put some GBP in its SUPER managable and no one would ever know that I didn't comb it regulary.