The Discussion About My Hair Between My Co-Workers

There are only 5 black teachers in my school. The others are older and wear their hair in short hairstyles.

So today, two of the white ladies debated one another about whether or not my hair is really all my hair. This was after a group of them had complimented me on my hair. The debate: (not in my presence) Well #1 says that my hair is not real because black women's hair does not grow this long. #2 tells her that it does if they take care of it. Actually, I was kind of surpirsed that #2 had such wisdom about our hair and I can't really say that I was offended at #1's comment, because she genuinely thought what she thought. I know it would probably have offended some, but I chose not to be offended.

Anyway, #2 decided to just come and ask me if it was my hair and she told me about their little debate. So I went back to her classroom with her because #1 was in there and I explained to them that it is my hair and that black women can and do have long hair. I told them that I get more compliments on my hair from white women than black and #1 says that it's so gorgeous and that's why she thought it wasn't real. Anyway, wasn't that fun! :ohwell:

:look: Girl, I'm on this site everyday and can hardly believe that's all your hair so can't really blame them:rolleyes:
You were very tactful in the way you handled this scenario. All of us with below bra clasp hair can learn from your example. So far I've been tactful, too.
Supergirl your hair is beautiful. I go through the same thing. I don't even bother to correct people anymore. If they want to think it's a weave I just let them.
I met this guy a couple of months ago in Atlanta and he told my friend that I was pretty but he can't get down with a woman wearing that much weave :grin: . Believe it or not, I get this a lot from guys.
Supergirl your hair is beautiful. I go through the same thing. I don't even bother to correct people anymore. If they want to think it's a weave I just let them.
I met this guy a couple of months ago in Atlanta and he told my friend that I was pretty but he can't get down with a woman wearing that much weave :grin: . Believe it or not, I get this a lot from guys.

Oh wow, :ohwell:. I am so sorry to hear this. Is it that unbelieveable? Well, your hair look great. I love it. Why don't they just ask instead of assume? Sad. Such a shame.