Taming new growth when rollersetting


New Member
After many attempts I am finally able to do a decent wet set with rollers, but when stretching relaxers what do you do to smooth out the new growth? Is there a particular leave-in that you use or do you smooth out the new growth after you take the rollers out (i.e. flat iron or blow dryer/paddle brush to your roots)? Right now I try to minimize the time spent under the dryer when I wet set to avoid heat, but maybe this isn't possible when stretching relaxers. If you blow dry roots please provide details on how exactly you do it.

Is it safe to flat iron or blow dry your roots if you wet set 2x/week?

Also, what styles do you wear your hair in after you wet set when stretching relaxers?

I know WGO can make the new growth softer which can therefore make hair easier to manage. You probably could flat iron your roots out, but not more than once a week. Make sure you use some sort of heat protectant.

Personally, I haven't used my flat iron or curling iron in a while. I just let my new growth show. lol.
I flat iron my roots only when I do my rollersets, but I set my hair once a week.

Also a small tooth BONE comb really helps smooth out the new growth and lay it flat on the rollers. Since its seamless it doesn't snag and break my hair.
When I stretch, I normally do my same routine of washing and I do a protein tx. then use my leave in and air dry. I just take care not to comb to rough after air drying. The longest part of this is flat ironing those roots to make it manageable, but it's a must. I only flat iron once a week (unless I run into a time when my hair gets too oily). HTH.
hot_pepper96 said:
I know WGO can make the new growth softer which can therefore make hair easier to manage. You probably could flat iron your roots out, but not more than once a week. Make sure you use some sort of heat protectant.

Personally, I haven't used my flat iron or curling iron in a while. I just let my new growth show. lol.

This is great advice....WGHO works wonders for my new growth (which reminds me I have to go and get a bottle as I have run out of the stuff). I was wondering why my new growth feels like pan scourer....anyway, when I rollerset hair with new growth I usually pull the hair taut as I wrap the rollers round to stretch the hair a little....this helps.

I also think the magnetic rollers are easier to use than the ones with the pins.
This is what i do and it works awesome. After I take the rollers out, I spritz the new growth with water. Then I take a boar bristle round brush with very firm bristles. I run the run the brush from the top of my hair and brush down, rolling the brush up (the hair will be around the brush like it was a roller). I use a lot of tension so the roots are actually pulled taunt. I take the blowdryer and just blast the roots for a hot second. Your roots will lay flat. I do the opposite on the under side of my hair. The roots will be bone strait and the hair will lay flat. Hard to explain but works.
macherieamour said:
This is what i do and it works awesome. After I take the rollers out, I spritz the new growth with water. Then I take a boar bristle round brush with very firm bristles. I run the run the brush from the top of my hair and brush down, rolling the brush up (the hair will be around the brush like it was a roller). I use a lot of tension so the roots are actually pulled taunt. I take the blowdryer and just blast the roots for a hot second. Your roots will lay flat. I do the opposite on the under side of my hair. The roots will be bone strait and the hair will lay flat. Hard to explain but works.

I've tried this before and it really works. I just wish I could do it on the whole length of my natural hair without pulling my hair out. Has anyone mastered a rollerset and blowout on natural hair?
Thanks for all the pointers. I'll have to try each one and see what works best.

CinnaMocha and Hot Pepper96,

When you flat iron the roots how thin do you part or section your hair?
What heat protectant do you use?

Bailey's ANd Cream,
Can I still flat iron or blow dry after I use WGO on my roots?

How often do you blow dry your roots?
Do you use a heat protectant?
Do you wet the roots and blow dry as your taking the rollers out?
Also do you use an attachment on your blow dryer?
What's the wattage on your blow dryer and how high do you use the setting?
Will it work if I use a flat bruch rather than a round one?

...oh yeah, how do you make sure the air is only hitting the roots and not drying out the length of your hair?
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pharmd said:
Thanks for all the pointers. I'll have to try each one and see what works best.

CinnaMocha and Hot Pepper96,

When you flat iron the roots how thin do you part or section your hair?
What heat protectant do you use?

Bailey's ANd Cream,
Can I still flat iron or blow dry after I use WGO on my roots?

How often do you blow dry your roots?
Do you use a heat protectant?
Do you wet the roots and blow dry as your taking the rollers out?
Also do you use an attachment on your blow dryer?
What's the wattage on your blow dryer and how high do you use the setting?
Will it work if I use a flat bruch rather than a round one?

...oh yeah, how do you make sure the air is only hitting the roots and not drying out the length of your hair?

Hey Pharmd,

I blow dry with the Wild Growth Hair Oil and it seems to protect the hair and makes it more elastic....I've never tried flat ironing with WGHO in my hair, but then I've only used my flat iron about 2/3 times anyway.:)
My hair is texlaxed and usually when I rollerset, the first few inches are a bit frizzy not to mention the newgrowth if my rollerset is sloppy-which it usually is. I set my hair with NTM silk touch and sit under the dryer until its dry. I then take the end of the rattail comb and part each roller section (I use purple or grey rollers) about 2 or 3 times (very thin sections) and clamp the sections for about 3 seconds without moving the iron down the hair bacause it is already straight from the set. I find that this minimises the amount of combing, visibility of new growth, rollermarks and makes it look really nice. I don't add an extra heat protectatnt as I feel it weighs down the hair. I do sometimes use a glossifer or oil sheen lightly afterwards. I really wanted to avoid using direct heat as I haven't used it in a while but I feel as though when its used in moderation, it can be a good thing. I then just pin curl at night and go to bed. I do this once every 2 weeks and haven't noticed any ill effects, I find that its actually beneficial in that i don't have to fight through the roots with a comb.
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I sometimes use coconut oil on the root area and rollerset with mesh rollers. The rollers pulls the roots taught and the coconut oil does the "straightening" when under the dryer.
pharmd said:
After many attempts I am finally able to do a decent wet set with rollers, but when stretching relaxers what do you do to smooth out the new growth? Is there a particular leave-in that you use or do you smooth out the new growth after you take the rollers out (i.e. flat iron or blow dryer/paddle brush to your roots)? Right now I try to minimize the time spent under the dryer when I wet set to avoid heat, but maybe this isn't possible when stretching relaxers. If you blow dry roots please provide details on how exactly you do it.

Is it safe to flat iron or blow dry your roots if you wet set 2x/week?

Also, what styles do you wear your hair in after you wet set when stretching relaxers?


I flat iron my roots after rollersetting. I apply heat protectant to the roots and clamp for a few seconds. My roots don't get completely straight that way, but it's good enough for my hair to lay right and have the right shape.

I think I'm going to try Macherieamour's blowdrying technique next.
As HotPepper said, I let my new growth show. I rollerset but I don't have a blowdryer or flat iron. What I continue to do is the scarf method that Sylver2 and SouthernGirl perfected. The scarf smoothes down the new growth without heat.
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