Sweating promotes hair growth?


Think Slim
I just started working out again and I have noticed that in the past couple of weeks my hair is growing like a weed. It seems like I'm getting the same little growth spurt that many of us get during the summer months.

I wonder if sweating has anything to do with it. I know it sounds weird and I'm not complaining, just curious :confused:
I think it may have more to do with blood circulating well. Exercise is good for many reasons! I need start and become active in exercising. :)
Mrs Lee, I never thought about blood circulation. That makes a lot of sense. The funny thing is as much as I love physical activities, I used to avoid working out, because I couldn't manage my hair...Now, I'm amazed :shocked:

My butt is getting smaller and my hair is getting longer...it's a win-win situation LOL :up:
I too believe it is blood circulation and the heat it generates. Red blood cells along with all that oxygen is what feeds our hair after all. Exercise is great for hair growth.
has this ever happened to any other ladies? im very interested =)

Webby yay for you! ive been working out as well..but right now my hair is weaved up so i dont know if im having the same effect =)
Now that I think about it my hair grew superfast when I worked out.I use to think and inch a month was the norm. Now I'm fat with and I get about 1/2 inch to 3/4 and month. Hmmm....I better get the sweatin
I have done TaeBo for one week so far and noticed under my weave I have a significant amount of new growth for just one week. It feels like anywhere from 1/4" to 1/2" an inch in different places. :)
Poohbear said:
I have done TaeBo for one week so far and noticed under my weave I have a significant amount of new growth for just one week. It feels like anywhere from 1/4" to 1/2" an inch in different places. :)

My mother just started working out a couple of weeks ago and she too has noticed a lot of new growth.
I use to think this was a load of crap until the Spring of 2002. I wore a full head weave and it was a hot spring too, there were at least 2 weeks with 90+ temperatures. At the end of May when I took my hair out. I clearly had 3 inches of un stretched new growth. I knew it was not braids shifting, because there was a clear line of demarcation between the natural new growth and previously relaxed hair.