**Spin Off** Phyto Users - How do you do it?


Well-Known Member
Is this what a spinoff is? :huh: I dunno, but anywho...
My phyto is sitting at work so I won't be tempted to apply it. This will be my first application so I want to make sure it goes smoothly. I'm not sure how different this is going to be from my past no-lye relaxers. Here are my questions below. I'm going to try and limit them to 10. :drunk: Please answer what you can and TIA!

1. Phyto application: self-relax or salon?

2. Phyto prep: what is done to to your hair before you even open the box?

3. Phyto Kit: is everything that comes in the kit used and are the directions followed to the T?

4. Phyto substitutions? if you don't use everything in the kit, what's substituted, what used in its place, and why?

5. Phyto directions: what directions have been added or omitted? (i.e. longer processing time, etc.)

6. Phyto rinsing, neutralizing, reconstructuring: any added steps here? I've used ORS and a great tip was doing a light protein before neutralizing, does anyone do this with Phyto?

7.Phyto conditioning: any additional conditioners used? are they protein or moisturizing?

8. Phyto styling: what do you do after phyto application? do you style as usual?

9. Post phyto: things one needs to know about caring for Phyto hair.

I hope this isn't too much. I just don't want to assume its like all other relaxers and I'm a bit apprehensive about even switching. I don't want to kill my hair, so I need all the knowledge and protection :knight: I can get.
1. Phyto application: First time I ever self-relaxed (just today) I used the Phyto 1. Usually, I went to hairdressers that would use Affirm, overcharge and/or burn me.

2. Phyto prep: I bought basing gel, a hair dye applicator brush and clips.I based my scalp with the purple base stuff from Affirm. I also smoothed some Suave tropical conditioner on my previously relaxed hair to protect it. I think I used a little too much. I was really scared of burning.

3. Phyto Kit: Everything you need is included, but I tend to be over prepared. I pretty much followed directions and got extra tips from LHCF and Southerngirl's profile. Her thread on self-relaxing is WONDERFUL.

4. Phyto substitutions? I didn't use the tube of wheat germ/corn oil base that came with it. It was a TINY little tube. I don't think that would have even covered my hairline. I used vaseline and purple base instead.

5. Phyto directions: I am super paranoid about overprocessing so I left it on for 15 minutes. Because I this was my first time I think I washed one section of my hair a little too soon. It feels a bit underprocessed, but I can live with it.

6. Phyto rinsing, neutralizing, reconstructuring: I rinsed and used the neut. shampoo exactly as the instructions said. I used half the bottle, as per the instructions. I had to shampoo about 4 times to get to half the bottle but I'm sure the relaxer is all out.

7.Phyto conditioning: The milky reconstrctor didn't seem like enough for 2 applications, so I added some Suave humectant and a quarter-size dollop of Keracare. I let it set (no heat) for about 20 min. with a bag over my head. Then rinsed it out.

8. Phyto styling: I wanted to see an unaltered (no rollerset or maxiglide) result, so I let it airdry. I have nice smoothed little ripples near the hairline, bulk and tangles are gone, hair is soft and manageable. I am happy with my first time results...and most importantly....NOT ONE BURN!!!:D

9. Post phyto: I don't have a history yet with phyto since this is my first one, but I can imagine care should be the same as with any chemical process...be careful, "listen" to your hair for what it needs or is lacking, be gentle and know that no one will take better care of your hair than you will. ;)
1. Phyto application: I self relax with Index I.

2. Phyto prep: The wash BEFORE I relax I make sure to do an ACV rinse to lower my hair pH and porosity. I also make sure my hair is VERY well detangled. Then before I relax I section my hair into about 6-8 sections. I based my scalp with the corn germ oil that comes with Phyto. Then I mix the corn germ oil, porosity control and chi silk infusion and apply this to the lengths of my hair to prevents overlapping.

3. Phyto Kit: use everything except the gloves (too baggy) I follow all the directions.

4. Phyto substitutions? none to report

5. Phyto directions: I use Index I for about 19 minutes total processing time. After my hair has been properly neutralized I use a very moisturizing shampoo (Phytonectar). I also leave the Milky Reconstructor on for about 10-15 minutes longer and I follow it up with Damage Remedy Conditioner.

6. Phyto rinsing, neutralizing, reconstructuring: After the foam on the 'poo has turned white I lather up with the neutralizing poo and let it sit for 6-10 minutes. Then I lather up again and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. After my hair has been properly neutralized I use a very moisturizing shampoo (Phytonectar). I also leave the Milky Reconstructor on for about 10-15 minutes longerl.

7.Phyto conditioning: I follow up the Milky Reconstructor with a moisturizing conditioner (Aveda Damage Remedy Conditioner) for about 25 minutes.

8. Phyto styling: I use my regular products to rollerset and style my hair.

9. Post phyto: Post Phyto I just enjoy my hair!!:yay:
1. Phyto application: self-relax

2. Phyto prep: I usually treat my new growth with a few sprays of silk amino acids before I relax.

3. Phyto Kit: I usually do not use the conditioner that comes withe the kit. My hair doesn't like it. But I use everything else.

4. Phyto substitutions? Stated above.

5. Phyto directions: If I use Phyto I, I process a little longer than if I use II. I treat the directions as I would with any relaxer- it's really the same.

6. Phyto rinsing, neutralizing, reconstructuring: I do everything up to the neutralizing. i DC b4 neutralizing, then wash 2 X w/ neut. poo, then rinse w/acv, then neut. poo again.

7.Phyto conditioning: moisturizing

8. Phyto styling: I use a leave-in, then CSI, then air dry, then CSI b4 flat ironing.

9. Post phyto: I just take care as I would any other time- silk scarves, keep moisturized, not too much heat.