Silky Hair Tips


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Lustrous soft hair is what we desire . Here are some tips for shiny tresses!
1. Apply 2 whole eggs mixed with 4 spoons olive oil to your hair. Then wrap your hair with a plastic and leave for 20 minutes then wash. This is an excellent tip for silky and shiny hair.

2. Unusual Tip for silky hair - After washing your hair, mix 1/4 of mouthwash in mug of water and pour over your hair
3. Shikakai powder,green grams and fenugreek seeds mixed with whole egg and used as shampoo also improves texture of hair resulting in soft and lustrous hair.

4. Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to an egg. Beat well and apply on your hair followed by washing with a herbal shampoo.

5. Two tablespoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked overnight in water. The softened seeds should be grounded into a fine paste in the morning , mixed with curd and applied over the scalp & left for half an hour and then washed thoroughly. This is highly affective for controlling dandruff and makes hair more straight and silky

6. Essential Pack for hair - Take 2tbspns fuller's earth(multani mitti), 2 tbspns of besan and 1/2 cup vinegar. Apply this pack for 20-30 minutes and then wash it. If your hair are damaged by the use of ironing or rod ,etc then add two full eggs in this pack. You can also apply hair oil before applying this pack. This is a very healthy pack and a good conditioner.
7.Take amla (100gm), shikaki (100gm), brahmi booti (10gm), shilajit (1/2 gm), anaarchhilka (20gm), bhringraj (10 gm). Soak them overnight in an iron utensil. Blend and make a paste. Apply well into the scalp. Keep it for 1-2 hours and wash it off with warm water.

8. Beer- You can simply apply flat beer before washing hair. It helps in toning and conditioning the hair.It adds bounce and shine to the hair making it silky and shiny. Try it because it really works !

9. Squeezed lemons can be soaked overnight and the water can then be used to clean the hair.You can also simply rub lemom juice all over your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off.12. Dry peels of lemon and oranges should be used. This will maintain soft and silky hair and also removes dandruff from the scalp.

10. Excellent tip before shampoo - Mix a tablespoon of glycerin with same quantity of olive oil, brown vinegar, castor oil, conditioner and shampoo. apply the mask to pre-shampooed hair and leave on for 10-minutes. rinse well and see the difference
12. As the final rinse - Used tea leaves can be boiled again in 2-3 cups of fresh water. Strain the liquid, cool it and use it on your hair as the last rinse after shampoo.
Let down hair after shampoo and gradually pour the tea water on the head, rubbing gently with the fingers.This willl improve the look of your hair

13. Mix curd, lemon and mustard oil, apply gently on hair and wash your head after about half an hour.

14. Mix equal quantities of onion and lemon juice and apply to your hair before shampoo.

15. Vinegar- After shampooing your hair, add tablespoon of vinegar to a mug of water and poured over the hair improves the lok of the hair and gives shine to the hair

16. Add few leaves Hibiscus (China rose) to a glass of water. Heat it. The juice of a lime should be squeezed in the sieved mixture and it should be applied to the hair before shampooing.

17. After shampoo alwaz use a conditioner. They coat the hair with a lubricant or synthetic that replaces the stripped out sebum giving your hair a radiant glow.

18. Alwaz wear a hat whenever you step out in the sun. Dry your hair gently, by blotting and squeezing, not rubbing. Never brush wet hair. Instead, use a wide-tooth comb.
Great tips! :up: I keep forgetting to do one of the last tips - wearing a hat (or scarf) when stepping out in the sun. I lined one of my big, floppy hats I bought at the Gap with satin fabric but I keep forgetting to take it with me.
Kristenxdollface said:
why do you need to cover your hair when you're out in the sun?

I've heard that the sun's UV rays have an oxidizing effect on your hair. Meaning that they essentially break down (bleach) your hair color and effect the inner protein structure. Ever noticed your hair reddening in the summer? Especially near the ends? The sun is very powerful. Thats why its great to use hair products (and skin ones too) with sunscreens in them.:)
Unfortuantely I cant be wearin a hat everytime I go outside, so I will def start using products with Sunscreen in them

and Im gonna try that egg n olive oil trick :)
Two quick things... well... three... Macherieamour I love your hair.

I used to find that soaking a towel in hot water and wringing it out to put on my hair was problematic. Number One, it was HEAVY. Two, I didn't like wringing out a HOT towel. Three, I could never wring it out well enough, so it would drip, drip, drip.

So... I find that if I take one of those Turbie-Twists (3 for $10), wet it and wring it out, then pop it in the microwave (in a bowl), it's much lighter than a regular towel, I don't have to wring it out and it doesn't drip! (Turbie-Twists are those towel-like turbans that are designed to actually stay on your head!).

Second thing... if you are having breakage at the nape of your neck... check your jewelry! Necklaces can often get caught up in the hair there and pull it out. It may start out as a few strands, but over time they add up!

Yeah I reg towel is heavy. I use a larger hand towel that I stole from a hotel.......dont judge me, you dont know my situation:lol: jk.

But that turban thing sound easier:grin:

Khandi, i cant wait to try the egg thing either. Its supposed to make ur hair soooo shiny. I have so many other proteins to get rid of tho:ohwell:
macherieamour said:
I use a larger hand towel that I stole from a hotel.......dont judge me, you dont know my situation:lol: jk.

:lol: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: You don't know how much I needed this laugh today! hahaha thank you! :D
Two quick things... well... three... Macherieamour I love your hair.

I used to find that soaking a towel in hot water and wringing it out to put on my hair was problematic. Number One, it was HEAVY. Two, I didn't like wringing out a HOT towel. Three, I could never wring it out well enough, so it would drip, drip, drip.

So... I find that if I take one of those Turbie-Twists (3 for $10), wet it and wring it out, then pop it in the microwave (in a bowl), it's much lighter than a regular towel, I don't have to wring it out and it doesn't drip! (Turbie-Twists are those towel-like turbans that are designed to actually stay on your head!).

Second thing... if you are having breakage at the nape of your neck... check your jewelry! Necklaces can often get caught up in the hair there and pull it out. It may start out as a few strands, but over time they add up!

This is what I do...I found mine at the Dollar store. The only downside is that the towel is super hot at first...Ouch!