Should I use the neutralizing shampoo once more??


New Member
What is in Phyto Index Neutralising shampoo ??? I just noticed that the woman who did my relaxer didnt use the full bottle yet we used 2 kits to do my hair. She used only 1/4 of the neutralising shampoo. My gut feeling is to wash my hair with it one more time.

If i do use the rest of the neutralising shampoo, do i do a moisturizing deep conditionner after or a protein Deep conditionner?

How many days will i have to wait to do my porosity control?

I have been moisturizing my hair religiously twice a day, sealing it with sweet almond oil. So far no hair breakage and I also used moisturizes with some protein in it.

Any advice?
Thanks everyone for responding to my post.I wrote this post at arount 4 am my time and i was totally freaking out. So, I also emailed and faxed the Phyto company in the UK offfice. The phystospecific specialist Karine told me rinse and that there would be no harm in using the neutralizer. I also emailed the woman who i purchased my phyto from and she told be to use a the neutralizer and then follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and then deep condition. Both confirmed that my hair is in great shape and that there was no dammage. Thank GOD!:) Thanks again everyone