Short or long


Well-Known Member
Which looks better on me

I like my hair short and curly
but DH has a thing for long hair ( or longer than I really like)


It looks good about an hour then it starts getting big, I have about 3 in of new growth

It doesn't hang right curly anymore so I either clip the top up or put it in a ponytail

I put a blue tint on this pic sooo it's not really THat blue-black
I think you look nice w/both styles but you do look really nice w/the long hair, it makes you look really young too, but I think you should go w/whatever makes you feel good, both of them are fine. :)
I like both styles, but the longer style, in my opinion, looks better. But, always go with what you and hubby both like. My husband likes my hair better straight (it was that way when we met) and he is ALWAYS bugging me to go back to relaxing.
I think you look nice both ways. I have the same delima. Thats why I now LOVE my shrinkage. I can go from short and curly to straight and long in a matter of minutes.:)
I like both styles. I am partial to the first pic because I wear my hair that way. Is the longer pic of you with pressed hair?
Country gal said:
I like both styles. I am partial to the first pic because I wear my hair that way. Is the longer pic of you with pressed hair?

Flat ironed
Girl, I think you can do it both! If your hair is natural then your shrinkage can make it look shorter, and when you want it long then just flat iron it. I like the way you look in the last picture (long curly/natural)
In my opinion..You look young and sexy with the longer hair but cute with the short curly hair. I like the short curly hair because it looks naturallll.
rai said:
Girl, I think you can do it both! If your hair is natural then your shrinkage can make it look shorter, and when you want it long then just flat iron it. I like the way you look in the last picture (long curly/natural)

I'm texturized
I wish my hair looked good longer
but it's a knotty mess

Thanks for all the input
DH loves longer styles, it doesn't matter if it's kinky or str8