Sew In's & Relaxers


New Member
Hi, I'm new to LHCF and sew in's. Have a question, is it okay to get a sew in when I need a relaxer? I usually get a relaxer every 12 weeks. I am at week 11 and would like to skip. My plan is too keep the sew in for 8 weeks. My hair was trimmed two weeks ago. My goal is for my hair to grow. Please help.
Hi and welcome.

Its ok, no one will see your hair so its ok, sew ins can help you stretch.

^^I agree with this.

You'll be getting your hair braided for the sew-in. You wouldn't want that kind of stress on freshly relaxed hair.

Be sure to speak up and let your stylist/braider know if the braiding feels too tight or you could end up with a lot of breakage and hair loss.
OP, I'm about to do the same. You should be fine, but you will have to be very gentle during the takedown and take your time detangling. I took two days last time, to fully detangle, but it was worth it b/c i was able to retain a lot of growth.