Salon in NYC that rollerset natural hair?


New Member
Can anyone recommend a salon in the NYC area that rollerset 4a hair?

I know alot of salons don't like to rollerset natural hair because it takes forever and instead press or blow dry in the dominican salons. But I'm looking for a healthy alternative to get my hair straigth with any heat damage.

I usually rollerset my own hair but it can get a little time consuming since I'm not a pro.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!
No, it doesn't. I'm willing to travel especially if they can straighten natural hair without direct heat. Thanks!
Ooh you just want it straightened with a rollerset?? No using the round brush and dryer afterwards? Let me know cause my stylist might be able to do that.
Yes, I want it rollerset and maybe blow dry the roots only. Let me know if your stylist is able to do that with 4a natural hair. Thanks!