Rusk Smoother usuers


Well-Known Member
i went to Metro Beauty today and i saw packages of Rusk Smoother shampoo and leave-in/conditioner for $25 just like they usually have for nexxus therappe and humectress. it's the 32oz bottles

i think that's a great price especially since i've been looking for some rusk at metro beauty since November 2005!!!!

i saw the 8 oz Rusk Smoother leave-in for $10

i'm thinking that i should just get the big one, but i don't think i want the shampoo. Actually, i know nothing of it. And that's a BIG bottle. It's not something I could just stop using because it's huge and would last about 6 months or more with regular use. I see that they don't sell the big Rusk Smoother conditioner bottle alone.

So yeah, i was just letting you ladies know, in case you wanted to get some.

Also, has anyone used the Rusk Smoother shampoo? how did you like it? Do you think it's worth me buying them both?:confused:
I have never used any of the Rusk products except for the Smoother that I found at Ulta once (after looking high and low for it) in the 32 ounce bottle for $9.99. That has lasted me so long and I wished I had actually gotten 2 bottles!! (I had never used and didn't know if i would like it or not, but after the first time using it, i was hooked, thanks to Sylver2!)
i asked the lady if they sold them separately and she said it would cost $21 to buy the Rusk Smoother bottle by itself. I want it, although i admit, i'd love to find it for $10 instead.

Except, there's no Ulta here in Miami, as far as i know... and i want to get it before Rusk disappears again. it could last me a LOOOONNNNG time