Reluctantly thinking of returning to no lye


Well-Known Member
For some reason I've developed a sensitive scalp that I think can no longer take the harshness of lye relaxers. I don't know what happened, I don't know if its hormonal changes or what, but I can't tolerate them any more. I really thinking of trying Phyto relaxer but I want to be super sure that the chemicals in phytorelaxer won't conflict with my lye relaxed hair. Any more info on phytorelaxer would be greatly appreciated. If phyto relaxer doesn't work out, I believe I will have to transition to natural
Hi Digital!

We have similar hair (but I absolutely LOVE your length). I went from Affirm Lye to Phyto, just about 10 weeks ago. My hair is doing great. (I'm trying to stretch it) I did see some shedding in my second wash after the touchup. I did a protein treatment and have been doing wonderful ever since. My hair has never looked and felt so good. It's in the best condition it's ever been in. HTH! Good luck with your decision.
I used index 2.. I got some THIck *** hair! I usally get 1 or 2 scabs when I get a relaxer... just the way it is for me... BUT not with the Phyto! I did start to feel some tingle when it was time to come out, but overall it was much better than with other relaxers. I should mention...I based my entire scalp with Affirms Gentle Assurance.