Religiousity and fellowship, where does the love of God appear?


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt to post a thread. I saw a thread discussing the Black church and its actions towards communities. I want to discuss christian fellowship among highly religious persons who seem so taken with their own holiness, that they cannot favorably acknowledge others that are not just like them. Are most of the christians that you know, pleasant and loving or cruel and happy about it... Tell us how easy it is to be a saint of god in your house of worship.. Thanks!
May I come back later (sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening) to respond? I have to log off now. However, I wanted to acknowledge your thread and thank you for sharing this topic.

I think you'll be blessed by the responses from our other members. We have some members here with wonderful Ministries and Church associations. :yep:

See you sometime tomorrow. :Rose:
In my church (I'm catholic), you know where to be (mass) and know when it's obligatory (Sunday and Holy Days) and when you falter and cannot take communion because you are not in a state of grace, you know where to go to receive the fullness of forgiveness in celebration (reconciliation or "confession"). From the mass to reconciliation and all the sacraments, that is G-d's love. We are taking part in the ongoing creation of life. Love of G-d is everywhere, people just need to find every expression of it and emulate it.

Although our prayers are "Our...We" and we stress our community & universal focus, we also realize that it's an individual walk. I don't stress the others judging every imperfection I have too much. There are going to be many of them. What those don't realize, they are also going to give an accounting to the same Father in heaven for what they have individually committed and omitted.

People who judge those who are observant or devout in their faiths are often lacking in a great many aspects in their own lives. They want to point outwardly rather than looking introspectively at self-fault. This walk is meant to be a light unto the world...but even G-d made provision for error through forgiveness. But ultimately, it's between you and your L-rd.

So, I'd say that being "holy" in my church has many, many possibilities and growth is very well supported and that we are called to compassion as Christ. In addition, we do not teach that people who do not know Christ go to hell. We know that a man knows the truth inherently as G-d placed it within all men and that, according to the knowledge of the truth of G-d they have individually been given and live it to their utmost ability, they can be saved as anyone else (faith without works being dead). Unfortunately, everywhere, there are judgmental religious folk against others who differ in faith and viewpoint without realizing we are all on the same plane.
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This is my first attempt to post a thread. I saw a thread discussing the Black church and its actions towards communities. I want to discuss christian fellowship among highly religious persons who seem so taken with their own holiness, that they cannot favorably acknowledge others that are not just like them. Are most of the christians that you know, pleasant and loving or cruel and happy about it... Tell us how easy it is to be a saint of god in your house of worship.. Thanks!

You're talking about folks that are like the Pharisees in the Bible. Highly religious, holding others to an impossible standard that they themselves are not even trying to achieve, just wearing the garments of righteousness without a heart to match. There are some Pharisee-like Christians in the body. But most? Naw. Most are just regular people at different stages in their CHristian walk. Some are chasing after God with their whole hearts, and others are more lackidaisical in their pursuit.

On the flip side I and others (who have been called religious before) have experienced rediculous bias from folks. They have nothing to say about the good/pleasant things that I do but the INSTANT I do something wrong/make a mistake they are quick to say "arent you supposed to be a Christian?" Even from christians who are dormant in their relationship with God..."Dont you go to church 24/7?" I believe that sometimes this stems from the desire to devalue Christianity and/or justify their lack of relationship with Christ. "If I can prove that you are just as bad/worse than me than I can justify staying in the same state that Im in. Because whats the point of beign saved/going to church etc. if you still gonna mess up? We're in the same boat". But What they fail to realize is that it isnt a matter of being "better" than anyone...because salvation is a gift that no one deserves.
This is my first attempt to post a thread. I saw a thread discussing the Black church and its actions towards communities. I want to discuss christian fellowship among highly religious persons who seem so taken with their own holiness, that they cannot favorably acknowledge others that are not just like them.

Are most of the christians that you know, pleasant and loving or cruel and happy about it...

Tell us how easy it is to be a saint of god in your house of worship.. Thanks!

I have to say that the 'Christians' that I know are pleasant and loving. Any person that is 'cruel and happy about it' are not flowing with the heart of Jesus Christ and therefore are not, in my view, Christians. They may call themselves such and they may 'wear' the label, however these are not Christians. God is not the ruler of their heart, period.

In this past week, I've been reading serveral responses to Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick Fil A who strongly supports the true meaning of marriage, One man, One woman under God.

Yet he and those who share the same support of Marriage are being heavily accused of spewing hatred, biotry, and the opposite of Christianity. They are falsely accused of being cruel and happy about it. However, they are not. They are simply taking a stand and maintaining God's values here on earth.

In this earth, there will always be a challenge to Christianity. There will be those who truly walk and live in the love of Jesus Christ and extend this love unto others no matter what / who the persons are. Period.

Then there are those who are rigid and stanch, and while they love the Lord, they have a strong stand upon what the Bible says and they refuse to bend with winds of those who oppose righteousness.

Yet there are those who enter into the Body of Christ, but have not arrived with an understanding and are yet still learning.

Going back to your statement of those who are cruel and happy about it... there will always be those in any given group or community with this manner.

It's up to us to recognize that this is not how we are to be and to not allow their manner and negative attitudes to impress us to follow suit; for when we allow them to 'get to us', we 'mirror' them; we become bitter and our bitter thoughts and reactions are no different than theirs. And that's how the 'trail' grows longer, for the one(s) hurt and offended by them.

Here's what God has to say...

GREAT PEACE have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

...... Psalm 119:165
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Shimmie Thank you for your posting. I guess that misery loves company can be seen as a true statement. I am glad to be happy and enjoying Jesus. He is good to me and I see myself as a happy person. Some folks are just unhappy and believe that putting down others makes them look good I guess. Great post!
Shimmie Thank you for your posting. I guess that misery loves company can be seen as a true statement. I am glad to be happy and enjoying Jesus. He is good to me and I see myself as a happy person. Some folks are just unhappy and believe that putting down others makes them look good I guess. Great post!

Thank you felic1 for sharing about being happy and enjoying Jesus. You've made this scripture stand out: The joy of the Lord is our strength... :yep: And it surely is.

In every aspect of life, be it Church, Social environments, neighborhoods, families, corporations, any work or educational environment, the media, entertainment world, and so on... 'Humanity' has all of the same elements which means people will always be people. It's those without Christ in their hearts who are the least happy and it shows in how they behave.

Even those who say they are Christians, unless they are allowing the Holy Spirit to flow within them, they will behave unlike Jesus. I'm sure there are many reasons for it. We can never know what they are going through or have gone through which cause the pain they feel and are giving to others. So it is for them we pray for the love of God to prevail in their hearts and heal their hurts as Jesus healed ours. :love2:

Happy Sunday :grouphug2: