Relaxers and Fibroids

JuicesN'Berries said:
Whoa I really was the bearer of bad news....I think you will be ok. But think of it this way...with all the research you are doing you can make an informed decision....which is better off than you started.:grin:
:lol: Yeah, I got kinda scared since my water bottle was sitting right in front of me. :lol: Thanks for the info though.:)
chocostudent said:
What evidence does Dick Gregory have to support this hypothesis? If there was a study to support this theory, believe me relaxed women everywhere would be filing lawsuits. And before long, attorneys would be making those annoying TV commercials, “Did you or a loved one use ORS Olive Oil No LYE relaxer? Well give us a call at 555-5555…” My point is that correlation does not imply causation. Some diseases appear in certain races at higher numbers. Some examples are Tay-Sachs in Jews, and Sickle-cell in blacks. This is genetic. Dick Gregory is a comedian and an activist, not a doctor or a scientist. When I want to know about telling a joke or arranging a protest, then I would listen to him-- otherwise he won’t be entertained.

Ok lets try this one more time.........I DON'T KNOW.....IT WAS A QUESTION RAISED FOR DISCUSSION.....NO ONE HERE ESPECIALLY ME IS MAKING ANY STATEMENTS!!! I would like to add, that just because something has not been proven yet does not mean that it has no credibility. Years ago some scientist said that smoking cigarettes was bad for you.....while doctors were still smoking in hospitals...But now we all know smoking is bad for you.

Again I did not post this thread to be Dick Gregory's public defendant..why, because I DO NOT KNOW if what he said is true, I merely posed a question for discussion. But again I would like to add that the fact that he is a comedian does not take away his credibility. He is also a social activitst, writer and entrepeneur. Maybe he did what all of us need to do.....and research it for yourself.
JuicesN'Berries said:
Maybe he did what all of us need to do.....and research it for yourself.

And that my friends is the bottom line. :)

I don't take anything, and I mean ANYTHING I read on a message board, hear on the radio, my t-v or from George W. Bush's lips as gospel.

It's always best to do research on a topic like this that intrigues you...who knows what you might find out?

Juices N' Berries, interesting topic.

But I don't believe it! :lol:
sweetwhispers said:
I don't know about fibroids and relaxers , but i know that premature puberty in black girls has been linked to hair products such as placenta etc. I know i'll be using all natural products on my kids thats for sure.

I also believe it is due to many of the increased number of hormones and chemicals in many foods that we eat.
JuicesN'Berries said:
Whoa there now lil buddy...Like I said twice before in this thread I DO NOT KNOW!!!!! This thread was not meant to scare anybody although it is scary. I was simply putting it out there, and asking all the ladies in here what they thought about what I had HEARD...not what I know. If you want a bandwagon try a thread labeled MTG, this thread was posted merely to raise a question for discussion. BTW, my mom, my step mom, both of my grandmothers....and some random lady I met at six flags are all black women who suffer from maybe its just my neck of the woods. I guess because I'm natural and I posed the question people take offense to what I'm saying or should I say asking. Please read before you accuse people of scare tactics and trying to start a bandwagons.....We must not forget RID...(Reading Is Fundamental)

Sorry there Juice n Berries, Didn't mean for it to sound like we are ganging up on you. The general point was for people to research things for themselves. Which I am glad to see after the thread wad started many people combing the search engines for info on Fibroids, reusing bottled water containers, and so forth. I think most of us know that we (the general populace) have been lied to and/ decieved about so many important things about our own health that I can't stress the importance of fact finding for ourselves. It shows that we are intelligent and caring women who want to and really deserve to know the truth about things that effect our lives and the people we know. Sorry you thought the comments regarding the thread were aimed at you personally. I didn't think that they were. As I recall the Fibrosis theory comment was said by Dick Gregory and not you...correct. Then Do Not take offense at the various comments in the thread. It is still JUST a discussion. Peace.
One thing I do know...fibroids are found in droves more in black women than it has to do with our culture, meaning what we eat, our heavy weights, etc.

One person told me, that hormones are stored or carried in fat cells...if that's the case, that's one probable cause....Also, the meats we eat have a LOT of added chemicals and hormones, and AA's eat more chicken b/c it's that could be a factor

Also, I've found that fibroids are the result of estrogen "overload", which is lowered by exercise (black women don't do it nearly as much, white women do) . It, estrogen, is also, as I said before, increased by your weight.
secretdiamond said:
Yeah I just went off to google it I am shocked! :( I thought I was thinking about the environment when I decided to do that. I hate to hijack the thread and go off topic, but it looks like the water that you buy are the bottles that can't be reused. I just felt bad throwing them away, when I thought I could use them. :(

I went to It was the first thing that popped up on my google search for "water bottle reuse" and they said that they are safe and that the studies had numerous errors and holes in them:

Other sites have said that there is no credibility in these studies as well:

Don't Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Can I Reuse My Water Bottle?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Reuse of Plastic Bottles

But I'm not taking any chances because other sites have said that washing them out might make them even MORE dangerous from chemicals released going into the water. This sucks.

I'm thinking of buying this one:

I just hope I didn't do any harm to myself now, but accroding to the above sites, I probably didn't so I'm not sure.

Some things are better left unknown for me. Ignorance is bliss in this case. I use the same water bottle for weeks at a time.:ohwell: Damn....
JuicesN'Berries said:
Ok lets try this one more time.........I DON'T KNOW.....IT WAS A QUESTION RAISED FOR DISCUSSION.....NO ONE HERE ESPECIALLY ME IS MAKING ANY STATEMENTS!!! I would like to add, that just because something has not been proven yet does not mean that it has no credibility. Years ago some scientist said that smoking cigarettes was bad for you.....while doctors were still smoking in hospitals...But now we all know smoking is bad for you.

Again I did not post this thread to be Dick Gregory's public defendant..why, because I DO NOT KNOW if what he said is true, I merely posed a question for discussion. But again I would like to add that the fact that he is a comedian does not take away his credibility. He is also a social activitst, writer and entrepeneur. Maybe he did what all of us need to do.....and research it for yourself.

Hey lady, don't wory about it. I know it seems that people are kinda tense and are ganging up on you, but I think relaxing is a sore subject for a lot of people here.

I don't know if you are aware of the many threads we have had in the past where a lot of people would basically resort to anything to put down relaxed heads. Some people would even disguise their message through "warning/informational" posts:lol: (not saying this is the case with your post AL ALL).

So it's not you or your post or anything, I just think over time we naturally put our dukes up because of those experiences. Don't sweat it.
OP, I know you were posting for discussion. Fibroids effect many women, both white and black which makes the relaxer as causation "interesting." Note the emboldened.

I excerpted some information originally presented by Dr, Hersh, Biospheree Medical

Fibroids are a benign tumor of the wall that makes up the majority of the uterus. The same kind of muscle tumor occurs elsewhere in the body, but much less more commonly, it’s called by a different name elsewhere in the body. But, in the uterus, they’re called fibroids, or lyomyoma. As you said, they’re benign, the do not become cancer, they’re not an indication of cancer, but, they cause real significant problems. They cause women to have sometimes terribly heavy and prolonged periods to the point where women can get dangerously anemic at times. They enlarge the uterus just like pregnancy does, so women can get the same kind of pressure symptoms, with having to void frequently, discomfort and actually looking like they’re pregnant, and they can cause problems with fertility. They’re very common. By age 35, about 80% of African-American women have been told they have fibroids, and about 50% of white women of the same age have been told they have fibroids. They cause symptoms in about half of women who have them. So, in their prime of life, from their 30’s through menopause, about 1 in 4 white women, and more than 1 in 3 black women, have problems with fibroids, have symptoms that may require some sort of treatment.
chocostudent said:
What evidence does Dick Gregory have to support this hypothesis? If there was a study to support this theory, believe me relaxed women everywhere would be filing lawsuits. And before long, attorneys would be making those annoying TV commercials, “Did you or a loved one use ORS Olive Oil No LYE relaxer? Well give us a call at 555-5555…” My point is that correlation does not imply causation. Some diseases appear in certain races at higher numbers. Some examples are Tay-Sachs in Jews, and Sickle-cell in blacks. This is genetic. Dick Gregory is a comedian and an activist, not a doctor or a scientist. When I want to know about telling a joke or arranging a protest, then I would listen to him-- otherwise he won’t be

cum hoc ergo propter hoc
LocksOfLuV said:
Hey lady, don't wory about it. I know it seems that people are kinda tense and are ganging up on you, but I think relaxing is a sore subject for a lot of people here.

I don't know if you are aware of the many threads we have had in the past where a lot of people would basically resort to anything to put down relaxed heads. Some people would even disguise their message through "warning/informational" posts:lol: (not saying this is the case with your post AL ALL).

So it's not you or your post or anything, I just think over time we naturally put our dukes up because of those experiences. Don't sweat it.

For a second I was like damn, some of ya'll are trying to make me develop fibrioids.....I felt like a freakin' Ninja trying to fight some of you off of me!! I got real caught up in defending the fact that I was trying to start a discussion, not defending Dick Gregory.....which was kinda stressin me out. But I went to sleep on it and I realized that there was no need for me to get my panties in a bunch over a few people that failed to read the whole thread.......or that did not appreciate a natural head having something to say about a relaxer.

When I looked back it was not one natural head that had something to say and if they did they definitely weren't attacking me or the thread. I'm sorry that some of ya'll hold your relaxer so near and dear to your heart that the mere thought of it being involved in such controversy..has you all up in arms. If it makes anyone feel better.....or lets you know that I don't have anything against relaxers or relaxed heads.........I myself am thinking about getting a relaxer/telaxer SURPRISE!!!

So I really couldn't be Dick Gregory's public Defendent if I wanted to. I have also noticed that this whole thread goes alot deeper than relaxers and goes to show you how defensive black women are when they get the slightest notion that they are being attacked by another black woman....All I can say is can we please get along.... and not let the products used on our heads or lack there of separate us.......Because it really is not that serious......

Thank You LocsofLuv.
JuicesN'Berries said:
For a second I was like damn, some of ya'll are trying to make me develop fibrioids.....I felt like a freakin' Ninja trying to fight some of you off of me!! I got real caught up in defending the fact that I was trying to start a discussion, not defending Dick Gregory.....which was kinda stressin me out. But I went to sleep on it and I realized that there was no need for me to get my panties in a bunch over a few people that failed to read the whole thread.......or that did not appreciate a natural head having something to say about a relaxer.

When I looked back it was not one natural head that had something to say and if they did they definitely weren't attacking me or the thread. I'm sorry that some of ya'll hold your relaxer so near and dear to your heart that the mere thought of it being involved in such controversy..has you all up in arms. If it makes anyone feel better.....or lets you know that I don't have anything against relaxers or relaxed heads.........I myself am thinking about getting a relaxer/telaxer SURPRISE!!!

So I really couldn't be Dick Gregory's public Defendent if I wanted to. I have also noticed that this whole thread goes alot deeper than relaxers and goes to show you how defensive black women are when they get the slightest notion that they are being attacked by another black woman....All I can say is can we please get along.... and not let the products used on our heads or lack there of separate us.......Because it really is not that serious......

Thank You LocsofLuv.

You have me dieing laughing at the ninga part lol, you are too cute, I totally understand and appreciate you sharing what you heard I'm gonna tell my girlfriend who relax to do a research because she also realize she has fibroids with her recent checkup, I'll let her do her own research and come to her own conclusion, but thanks again chica its always good to know stuff than ignore it :)
guesswho said:
You have me dieing laughing at the ninga part lol, you are too cute, I totally understand and appreciate you sharing what you heard I'm gonna tell my girlfriend who relax to do a research because she also realize she has fibroids with her recent checkup, I'll let her do her own research and come to her own conclusion, but thanks again chica its always good to know stuff than ignore it :)

hugs and kisses to you (((((Guess who))))):) ;) thats the kind of response I was hoping for.......I guess I can finally take off my ninja suit!!!!!!!......*takes breath of fresh air*
I would say the two are not related. White women get fibroids.
Samoan woman get fibroids to the same extent black women do.
My OB feels it's more diet related than anything else.
JuicesN'Berries said:
When I looked back it was not one natural head that had something to say and if they did they definitely weren't attacking me or the thread. I'm sorry that some of ya'll hold your relaxer so near and dear to your heart that the mere thought of it being involved in such controversy..has you all up in arms. If it makes anyone feel better.....or lets you know that I don't have anything against relaxers or relaxed heads.........I myself am thinking about getting a relaxer/telaxer SURPRISE!!!

So I really couldn't be Dick Gregory's public Defendent if I wanted to. I have also noticed that this whole thread goes alot deeper than relaxers and goes to show you how defensive black women are when they get the slightest notion that they are being attacked by another black woman....All I can say is can we please get along.... and not let the products used on our heads or lack there of separate us.......Because it really is not that serious......

Thank You LocsofLuv.

:confused: I'll just say that I wasn't trying to attack you nor was I making any efforts to defend a relaxer. I didn't see anyone else doing that either, but I realize our perceptions color our realities. I think us being "divided" by this conversation may be a bit of an exaggeration considering it's just a couple pages long (a few depending on your settings) and from my observation, nobody's up in arms. You asked for our thoughts, so we came in and gave them. :confused: Just because we don't agree with what he said doesn't mean we're attacking you or him; it simply means we don't agree...and that's ok. :)

I see that you've been here just over a year. I'm not sure if you remember the BIG thing about relaxers and natural hair that happened a while back, but periodically, the relaxed versus natural thing comes up here, and most times, it's a big deal. Relaxers have been cited as the cause of every disease and ailment under the sun, and I doubt many LHCF members don't know that. As thorough and well-read as these women are, most of them know EXACTLY what's in their relaxers, and they've assessed the possibilities and made informed decisions.

I don't think this is limited to relaxers...if you had come and said the same thing about flat irons, I think you would have gotten a similar response. The ladies here are opinionated, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I applaud you for sharing the information with us. I think most of us appreciate new information whether we believe/agree with it or not. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
:confused: I'll just say that I wasn't trying to attack you nor was I making any efforts to defend a relaxer. I didn't see anyone else doing that either, but I realize our perceptions color our realities. I think us being "divided" by this conversation may be a bit of an exaggeration considering it's just a couple pages long (a few depending on your settings) and from my observation, nobody's up in arms. You asked for our thoughts, so we came in and gave them. :confused: Just because we don't agree with what he said doesn't mean we're attacking you or him; it simply means we don't agree...and that's ok. :)

I see that you've been here just over a year. I'm not sure if you remember the BIG thing about relaxers and natural hair that happened a while back, but periodically, the relaxed versus natural thing comes up here, and most times, it's a big deal. Relaxers have been cited as the cause of every disease and ailment under the sun, and I doubt many LHCF members don't know that. As thorough and well-read as these women are, most of them know EXACTLY what's in their relaxers, and they've assessed the possibilities and made informed decisions.

I don't think this is limited to relaxers...if you had come and said the same thing about flat irons, I think you would have gotten a similar response. The ladies here are opinionated, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I applaud you for sharing the information with us. I think most of us appreciate new information whether we believe/agree with it or not. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, DI! I was reading this thread like :confused:

I didn't see it as people jumping on the OP personally, but questioning the validity of the claim and they should.
:confused: I'm relaxed and I don't recall jumping down anyone's throat. :confused: It's still food for thought, I just said I needed to see the research, but okay.
I actually do believe that there is a connection between fibroids and relaxers. This is one of the MANY reasons that I decided to transition.

I think of it this way: the skin is our body's largest organ. We know that we can absorb chemicals through the skin, that's why BC and nicotene patches work transdermally.

If you look at the directions of how to correctly apply your relaxer, it tells you to wear gloves and not let one drop touch your scalp. I don't think these giant corporations are warning you that strongly if there is zero risk of them being sued (of course the risk of burns exists as well). I really feel that applying such a strong chemical on your organ (skin) every few weeks for twenty years or more has to impact your health somehow. To me, the risk of destroying my health and risking my fertility is not worth it for silky straight hair.

*I am not criticizing anyone who relaxes- I did it for 20 YEARS. I just weighed the risks vs. benefit for myself and the scales tip way over toward the health considerations.*

And I do sense LOTS of defensiveness and irritable undertones in the responses, it's not being imagined. Being a newbie (which I'm sure someone will point out to me) I wasn't here x years ago. But I can feel icicles drippin off my screen from some of these comments!
Wow, when did it get that serious? :confused:

I definately wasn't defensive in my response...just truthful. I thought the other ladies were being the same as well.

Unfortunately, since we can't see each other's faces and hear the tone of voice, it's easy to take words on a page out of context. There were no icicles dripping off my screen. :ohwell:
joyousnerd said:
I actually do believe that there is a connection between fibroids and relaxers. This is one of the MANY reasons that I decided to transition.

I think of it this way: the skin is our body's largest organ. We know that we can absorb chemicals through the skin, that's why BC and nicotene patches work transdermally.

If you look at the directions of how to correctly apply your relaxer, it tells you to wear gloves and not let one drop touch your scalp. I don't think these giant corporations are warning you that strongly if there is zero risk of them being sued (of course the risk of burns exists as well). I really feel that applying such a strong chemical on your organ (skin) every few weeks for twenty years or more has to impact your health somehow. To me, the risk of destroying my health and risking my fertility is not worth it for silky straight hair.

*I am not criticizing anyone who relaxes- I did it for 20 YEARS. I just weighed the risks vs. benefit for myself and the scales tip way over toward the health considerations.*

And I do sense LOTS of defensiveness and irritable undertones in the responses, it's not being imagined. Being a newbie (which I'm sure someone will point out to me) I wasn't here x years ago. But I can feel icicles drippin off my screen from some of these comments!

I am sorry you were offended. I sought to interject a bit of fact into the discussion with my post. As another poster stated quite correctly, correlation does not imply causation. However, at the end of the day, each person makes his or her own decision with or without the benefit of logic and scientific research.
Divine Inspiration said:
:confused: I'll just say that I wasn't trying to attack you nor was I making any efforts to defend a relaxer. I didn't see anyone else doing that either, but I realize our perceptions color our realities. I think us being "divided" by this conversation may be a bit of an exaggeration considering it's just a couple pages long (a few depending on your settings) and from my observation, nobody's up in arms. You asked for our thoughts, so we came in and gave them. :confused: Just because we don't agree with what he said doesn't mean we're attacking you or him; it simply means we don't agree...and that's ok. :)

I see that you've been here just over a year. I'm not sure if you remember the BIG thing about relaxers and natural hair that happened a while back, but periodically, the relaxed versus natural thing comes up here, and most times, it's a big deal. Relaxers have been cited as the cause of every disease and ailment under the sun, and I doubt many LHCF members don't know that. As thorough and well-read as these women are, most of them know EXACTLY what's in their relaxers, and they've assessed the possibilities and made informed decisions.

I don't think this is limited to relaxers...if you had come and said the same thing about flat irons, I think you would have gotten a similar response. The ladies here are opinionated, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I applaud you for sharing the information with us. I think most of us appreciate new information whether we believe/agree with it or not. :)

Ok....I'm so over this thread.....*Note to self don't say sh*t, I mean sh*t about relaxers, they have the tendency to make scalps sensitive and black women*

Goodnight all.
joyousnerd said:
I actually do believe that there is a connection between fibroids and relaxers. This is one of the MANY reasons that I decided to transition.

I think of it this way: the skin is our body's largest organ. We know that we can absorb chemicals through the skin, that's why BC and nicotene patches work transdermally.

If you look at the directions of how to correctly apply your relaxer, it tells you to wear gloves and not let one drop touch your scalp. I don't think these giant corporations are warning you that strongly if there is zero risk of them being sued (of course the risk of burns exists as well). I really feel that applying such a strong chemical on your organ (skin) every few weeks for twenty years or more has to impact your health somehow. To me, the risk of destroying my health and risking my fertility is not worth it for silky straight hair.

*I am not criticizing anyone who relaxes- I did it for 20 YEARS. I just weighed the risks vs. benefit for myself and the scales tip way over toward the health considerations.*

And I do sense LOTS of defensiveness and irritable undertones in the responses, it's not being imagined. Being a newbie (which I'm sure someone will point out to me) I wasn't here x years ago. But I can feel icicles drippin off my screen from some of these comments!

Guess I'm not over it.......I just went back and re-read what everyone posted in the thread...and I knew I was not imagining the defensiveness and irritable undertones. I find it extremely funny how some of the relaxed commentators came back in here and was like "Oh we weren't attacking you, I didn't see it that way...No I didn't see it that way either" (Birds of a feather sure do flock together). What is also funny is that the only women who seemed to have understood my point....were natural (good thing we flock together too :) ). You guys are too funny.
Yes, I did come back to say I wasn't attacking you. Please show me where I did. :confused: Just because I didn't say I agreed with this man's point of view & because I'm relaxed meant I was being negative towards YOU? :confused:
secretdiamond said:
Yes, I did come back to say I wasn't attacking you. Please show me where I did. :confused: Just because I didn't say I agreed with this man's point of view & because I'm relaxed meant I was being negative towards YOU? :confused:

I definetly did not mean you, I didn't feel any type of negativity stemming from your comments...If I remember correctly we had that long dialogue about reusing the water bottles.
JuicesN'Berries said:
I definetly did not mean you, I didn't feel any type of negativity stemming from your comments...If I remember correctly we had that long dialogue about reusing the water bottles.

Cool. :) It's always good to present info and things that might possibly hurt us (and we do appreciate that). Just remember that any info presented (by anyone) will be analyzed. Especially on THIS board, where we question, research, and analyze everything. I just wanted you to see that I didn't mean to offend you by my disagreement-- and it's not because you're natural (you did even say yourself that you were thinking of a relaxer).

I remember one specific time when another member of this board started a thread about hair and presented the info (links and all). And after reading it, the first thing I said was "This is the biggest piece of crock I have ever seen." I was giving my opinion and thoughts of the information not her or her opinion. She was relaxed btw.

I'm telling you this because I don't want you to leave here thinking that your info was just rejected because you are natural. It was rejected by some based on their opinions and previous knowledge on the subject. LHCF is about the union of relaxed and naturals and we co-exist here wonderfully. I'm sure no one here wants to do anything to mess that up so as a relaxed head, please don't think it was directed at you.

Once again, thanks for the food for thought (seriously). It is just something I will keep in the back of my mind for now. I'm sorry about your family's history with fibroids and I hope you can continue finding answers. :) And you never know, maybe this info is what you need to not relax after all. If the relaxer link to fibroids and your fam. history is really important to you, maybe you shouldn't relax just to be on the safe side. The same way I will think twice before reusing my water bottle. :)
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i just wanted 2 say that dick gregory came to my school with the same speech about 2 years ago so ladies just be aware of what u put in our bodies as well as what we put on our hair. its late so ill post indepth tomorrow
My OB's first question when she discovered my fibroids, was if my mother had been given a hormone known as DES when she was pregnant with me. I answered YES.... She has found a big link between DES mothers and daughters who subsequently develop fibroid tumors.

Apparently DES was all the rage and given to alot of pregnant women back in the day to help them prevent miscarriage. My mom took it when she was pregnant with me ( I have had fibroids). My mother did not take it when she was pregnant with my older sister (she is fibroid -free and relaxed her hair for 30 years now)