Rave: Elucence Silk Elixir


New Member
OMG, I am in love. Since I have been getting scalp injections for alopecia (my last treatment is this Friday, and my hair is growing back, I'm so happy!)I have not gotten a relaxer since the end of December, so I have a good amount of new growth. I wanted to press my hair for this week, but a problem that I have already had is that my hair lifts up in the back when I have a lot of new growth; even if I flat iron it and leave it wrapped up for several hours, after I unwrap my hair it will still stick out. Only certain products allow me to flat iron hair with lots of new growth without having it stick out or look too greasy. I have never been able to do this at home, stylists are the only ones who have been able to do it; the only way i have been able to do it at home is if i use a hot comb and I don't use hot combs anymore.

Well I was reading the board and I was seeing some raves about the silk elixir. Now, as much as i love how the elucence shampoo and conditioner smell, i can take them or leave them; they aren't staples. but something told me to to try the silk elixir. On Monday night, I put the silk elixir on all sections of my hair, focusing on my new growth, and flat ironed with my small gold n hot ceramic iron set on 6. I was getting excited when i unwrapped my hair the next morning and it was shiny, moisturized, and NOT STICKING OUT. My hair is still behaving, and I am so happy. I pray that they don't change this product or take it off the market. I love this stuff! And to think, i was on my way to buying a HAI or CHI Iron so I could get more heat from my flat iron; whew, elucence saved me from that damage. So this proves, it's all about quality products, not the heat! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Where did you ladies buy it from? Thanks in advance for your responses. And Jaibee, I'm glad you had such a successful experience with it!