Quick question for those who use topical growth aids


Well-Known Member
How often do you wash/co-wash?

I'm asking because I'm using MN right now, and I think it's working. I can't tell for sure yet because I've been wearing my hair back in a bun. I would like to co-wash a couple of times a week. I said I was going to, but I haven't started yet. However, I don't want to wash off the MN. I was just wondering how often you all wash/co-wash when you're using topical growth aids.

I co-wash on Tuesdays & do my regular wash on Saturdays. I normally use my MN @ the most daily & @ the least every other day - just depends on how my hair/scalp is feeling.
Ok. That sounds like a plan. I just want to make sure that I co-wash at least once during the week.
