Protective styles wannabe but thin edges


New Member
I finally have enough length to consider bunning, but my edges are really thin. I am seeing results with MTG and Castor Oil, but I need some suggestions in the meantime. I feel that wrapping at night may be hindering my growth rate. I would love nothing more than wearing my hair in a sleek bun or even swinging a phony pony, but these edges are holding me back. Anyone else experiencing this?? Any suggestions?? TIA
Bumping for responses....

I would also like to know this. I recently got my hair cut (a couple of weeks ago) and it is ear-lobe length. I can pull it back into a bun/pony with the aid of gel, but i believe that this puts great strain on my temples. Currently, I wrap my hair every night, but I've hear that can cause breakage as well.