Problem: Flat Ironing New Growth


New Member
Hi Ladies!
I bought the Jibere itty bitty flat iron a few days ago. I already had the large one but as you all know, it doesn't get at the roots. Well I got a roller set Wednesday and I tried to flat iron my inch of new growth with no success. This iron doesn't have a temperature setting like the big one does so perhaps it's not hot enough to straighten natural hair??? Did I do something wrong? Please respond because I'm ready to take this bad boy back to the store. I only bought it for new growth...HELP!
Have you tried using a curling iron instead? What I did when I straightened my hair last week, was take the curling iron and flip it - then put it at the point of my new growth to pull through. As you turn the curling iron, it straightens the new growth. May be worth a try if you already have a curling iron then you may not need this extra flat iron.
Thanx for responding so quickly hairlove! I do have a curling iron but it's not ceramic...since joing this board, I vowed never to use it again. Perhaps I can exchange the flat iron for a ceramic curling iron....hmm....
lunalight - I used my basic old regular curling iron last week but it's seen better days so I will be purchasing a ceramic curling iron from Sally's probably in the next week or so. I am planning to try the Curlmaster brand in 1.5" barrell. I would guess it would work the same way. You need to make sure that it "glides" well though otherwise, it'll seem like your hair is "stuck" in the barrell.

Maybe you could give your old curling iron a try on a tiny section to see if this method works for you?

Also, if you end up buying the ceramic curling iron, please post your results!