

Well-Known Member
No one is talking, whats going on, anyone wondering what is happening, as we draw closer and closer to the Sunday Law its going to get much worst. God is warning us to wake up, pay attention.

You clearly see the devastation its only begun. There will be a Sunday Law, force worship. I searched the scriptures to see an example of God Almighty forcing anyone to obey him, he allows us the choice. We chose whom we will serve and obey.

I am amazed at the silence. I been silent, I already know how many of you feel about me, and really I know its not about me at all. But I plan to share all I can. There isn't going to be a rapture, your going to go through as those who have experience this devastation. Those who have lived and have died. We need to prepare. Seriously search the scriptures see what you can find about Sunday or the first day and God's changing of his Holy day.

Prepare for what? How do you want people to prepare? What have you done to prepare (this might help others understand/prepare)?

Thanks in advance, @blazingthru!
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Prepare for what? How do you want people to prepare? What have you done to prepare (this might help others understand/prepare)?

Thanks in advance, @blazingthru!

Great question, Now it the time to get serious, we done it all, we brought it, we wore it, we saw it, we did it, now its time to put all that away. Leave it alone, lets start taking God serious and really asking him for a new heart and a new mind.
He said we are getting ready to face a time like we have never faced before, Matt 24: 21 some of us can get off the grid we can sustain life with out going to the market to get food, nor do we need electricity or government water we have all that prepared already. Some of us are going to have to find another way to survive what's coming over the earth. PR is one prime example. Many of those folks will be able to survive because they will adjust quickly to not having power they were prepared. Some will die. Some will learn to adapt.

Hopefully, many of us will take the time to learn how to grow and prepare foods from our own garden we have given up the meat and meat products, eggs, milk, cheese, at this point. we should realized that these foods caused diseased in the body. As much as we love these things, we leave them alone now, because of sickness. Sickness doesn't always come right away. I use to eat pork, I stopped eating pork 2003, but I got very sick from it in 2008. I had not eaten it in all those years, I learned that pork hides in the joints and causes damage there, not just there, various places in the body.

As you probably know there are many, many vegans now and they are not Christian's they have learned that there is danger to the foods we eat. see "What the Health" God has already created us to be on a plant based diet. Yes there was a time were we could eat meats and it was safe, after the flood, but now that the meat industry has found there was a way to make a lot of money, the product is no longer safe and it wasn't safe once the industry took on providing the meat. Everyone use to hunt and provide their own meats. Its best to leave it alone, there is no meat in heaven, none on the new earth as well, now is the time to prepare.

Giving up the old ways, movies, disturbing programs on TV. I am guilty, I watch Game of Thrones and Outlander, though I hadn't this year. I am not much into watching TV and have not been for some years, but I do have programs I watched that at times, I cringed, especially, if there is curse words and vulgar behavior, I end up not watching it at all. Shows, games especially sports, how does destroying ones body give any glory to God, its truly sad that people still need to be entertained in that way, but at this time, we need to walk away from all this and build up our strength to prep for this battle. I am nobodies saint. I am not pretending to be. I know these programs change you and your way of thinking. By beholding we do become changed. We just got to put it down. Walk a new path.

Change our clothing, being almost naked is in now. Its a shame, its woman who have something to hide the most and now its all for viewing for everyone, its really a sad thing. Nothing is hidden, now its In to make sure you have a camel toe, I was completely shocked when I saw a bunch of woman doing that. I didn't know what to say, my daughters are in that age group 24-30, they say oh its way worst in reality. The most I ever did in my life that I would consider racy was wear short, shorts, who didn't in the 70's and go without a bra. in the 90's bra's was the fashion and I did that once or twice at the club, but never was brave enough to just wear it out like that. But I am old school in my thinking regarding clothes. I always wanted to show off my figure because that is just what you did. but nothing else. Years ago I realize that that is a problem, Besides I had a very controlling husband I wasn't free to wear all that I wanted anyway. One thing I can say. He didn't want anyone to see what only he should see. He made me change a couple of times, if my dress was to short or to tight, I thought I looked cute, he never said, just take it off. Now I know how God feels about how we dress and comport ourselves as woman of God we behave in a certain way at home and in public, they should be one and the same. All of it is to bring glory to our God. Not to say that men are not innocent, I am a woman. I really haven't studied out men, I believe their tights pants are hurting them in more ways then one, or the fact that they are becoming more feminine, which is so strange. thats just Satan trying to twist the minds of our men and they allowing it. But there are some men, that will never sign on for that ever. I've never heard a woman say she struggles with men, I am sure woman do. There needs to be a change.

Studying the word, compare it to whats happening now. Pay close attention. See what new laws are being erected. National Sunday Law. Uniting of Church and state, its unbelievable how that can happen in this day and age, but people truly forgot that you never want the Church to have that sort of power. We are free to choose what we will believe, accepting the consequences in that choice as well, however we are still free to make it, once the church and state unit its now a law when you worship and who you worship and how. If you obey the law then your disobedient to God, if you don't obey the law you are disobedient to the Government and they will issue their own punishments.

This is the reason why we need to be prepare, We need to be able to explain why we believe what we believe and accept whatever the consequences are. Which we can do if we are sealed in Christ.

You know many "Christians" don't know what they believe. They don't even know why they worship in venue that they worship in or their church history. They are still looking for that church that is spoken of in the bible but they are not, the bible gives every clue you can think of down to the color of the robes. But its her children that don't see that they are her children. They have the same laws in their church and follow the same traditions. Its sad to be in ignorance and love it. I was in ignorance, but I knew I was in ignorance, just could'n 't do anything about it, but I did try. What I had in my heart was the love of the truth. Wanting to know it fully, So I could finally be free, So now I hope to share as much as I can before I can't anymore. There is always someone in the wings that desperately want to know how they fit in the scheme of things. This is God's promise, if you search for me with all your heart you will find me. Yes and you will find him. If that is truly your desire.

We are facing terrible weather, earthquakes and worst diseases and painful sores. Trust you want to be on the Lords side, but if your still doing what you been doing and still walking down that same wide and smooth road, You should expect to be receiving all the plaques spoken of in the word.

Make sure what you believe aligns with being obedient to God, it should be the highest desires of our lives knowing that we are only here for a short while. So I said a lot I didn't bombard you with scriptures. I wanted to, my opinion and views means nothing. Satan is the accuser, He will bring everything we have done before the presences of the lord. Jesus is our defender, but if we're not walking in the light, what defense do we have really?
Great question, Now it the time to get serious, we done it all, we brought it, we wore it, we saw it, we did it, now its time to put all that away. Leave it alone, lets start taking God serious and really asking him for a new heart and a new mind.
He said we are getting ready to face a time like we have never faced before, Matt 24: 21 some of us can get off the grid we can sustain life with out going to the market to get food, nor do we need electricity or government water we have all that prepared already. Some of us are going to have to find another way to survive what's coming over the earth. PR is one prime example. Many of those folks will be able to survive because they will adjust quickly to not having power they were prepared. Some will die. Some will learn to adapt.

Hopefully, many of us will take the time to learn how to grow and prepare foods from our own garden we have given up the meat and meat products, eggs, milk, cheese, at this point. we should realized that these foods caused diseased in the body. As much as we love these things, we leave them alone now, because of sickness. Sickness doesn't always come right away. I use to eat pork, I stopped eating pork 2003, but I got very sick from it in 2008. I had not eaten it in all those years, I learned that pork hides in the joints and causes damage there, not just there, various places in the body.

As you probably know there are many, many vegans now and they are not Christian's they have learned that there is danger to the foods we eat. see "What the Health" God has already created us to be on a plant based diet. Yes there was a time were we could eat meats and it was safe, after the flood, but now that the meat industry has found there was a way to make a lot of money, the product is no longer safe and it wasn't safe once the industry took on providing the meat. Everyone use to hunt and provide their own meats. Its best to leave it alone, there is no meat in heaven, none on the new earth as well, now is the time to prepare.

Giving up the old ways, movies, disturbing programs on TV. I am guilty, I watch Game of Thrones and Outlander, though I hadn't this year. I am not much into watching TV and have not been for some years, but I do have programs I watched that at times, I cringed, especially, if there is curse words and vulgar behavior, I end up not watching it at all. Shows, games especially sports, how does destroying ones body give any glory to God, its truly sad that people still need to be entertained in that way, but at this time, we need to walk away from all this and build up our strength to prep for this battle. I am nobodies saint. I am not pretending to be. I know these programs change you and your way of thinking. By beholding we do become changed. We just got to put it down. Walk a new path.

Change our clothing, being almost naked is in now. Its a shame, its woman who have something to hide the most and now its all for viewing for everyone, its really a sad thing. Nothing is hidden, now its In to make sure you have a camel toe, I was completely shocked when I saw a bunch of woman doing that. I didn't know what to say, my daughters are in that age group 24-30, they say oh its way worst in reality. The most I ever did in my life that I would consider racy was wear short, shorts, who didn't in the 70's and go without a bra. in the 90's bra's was the fashion and I did that once or twice at the club, but never was brave enough to just wear it out like that. But I am old school in my thinking regarding clothes. I always wanted to show off my figure because that is just what you did. but nothing else. Years ago I realize that that is a problem, Besides I had a very controlling husband I wasn't free to wear all that I wanted anyway. One thing I can say. He didn't want anyone to see what only he should see. He made me change a couple of times, if my dress was to short or to tight, I thought I looked cute, he never said, just take it off. Now I know how God feels about how we dress and comport ourselves as woman of God we behave in a certain way at home and in public, they should be one and the same. All of it is to bring glory to our God. Not to say that men are not innocent, I am a woman. I really haven't studied out men, I believe their tights pants are hurting them in more ways then one, or the fact that they are becoming more feminine, which is so strange. thats just Satan trying to twist the minds of our men and they allowing it. But there are some men, that will never sign on for that ever. I've never heard a woman say she struggles with men, I am sure woman do. There needs to be a change.

Studying the word, compare it to whats happening now. Pay close attention. See what new laws are being erected. National Sunday Law. Uniting of Church and state, its unbelievable how that can happen in this day and age, but people truly forgot that you never want the Church to have that sort of power. We are free to choose what we will believe, accepting the consequences in that choice as well, however we are still free to make it, once the church and state unit its now a law when you worship and who you worship and how. If you obey the law then your disobedient to God, if you don't obey the law you are disobedient to the Government and they will issue their own punishments.

This is the reason why we need to be prepare, We need to be able to explain why we believe what we believe and accept whatever the consequences are. Which we can do if we are sealed in Christ.

You know many "Christians" don't know what they believe. They don't even know why they worship in venue that they worship in or their church history. They are still looking for that church that is spoken of in the bible but they are not, the bible gives every clue you can think of down to the color of the robes. But its her children that don't see that they are her children. They have the same laws in their church and follow the same traditions. Its sad to be in ignorance and love it. I was in ignorance, but I knew I was in ignorance, just could'n 't do anything about it, but I did try. What I had in my heart was the love of the truth. Wanting to know it fully, So I could finally be free, So now I hope to share as much as I can before I can't anymore. There is always someone in the wings that desperately want to know how they fit in the scheme of things. This is God's promise, if you search for me with all your heart you will find me. Yes and you will find him. If that is truly your desire.

We are facing terrible weather, earthquakes and worst diseases and painful sores. Trust you want to be on the Lords side, but if your still doing what you been doing and still walking down that same wide and smooth road, You should expect to be receiving all the plaques spoken of in the word.

Make sure what you believe aligns with being obedient to God, it should be the highest desires of our lives knowing that we are only here for a short while. So I said a lot I didn't bombard you with scriptures. I wanted to, my opinion and views means nothing. Satan is the accuser, He will bring everything we have done before the presences of the lord. Jesus is our defender, but if we're not walking in the light, what defense do we have really?

Thanks for taking the time to share all of this.

I trust the power and efficacy of God's salvation plan.

Reading Romans chapter 8 with an emphasis on verse 15 and 16 keeps me from putting my focus on sin, missing the mark, worrying about salvation, etc. Christ's death and my baptism and receipt of the Holy Spirit have been good enough for me to stop trying to save myself in my own power and instead walk with God and go "from glory to glory" as I grow.

I trust the scriptures that say God is the author and finisher of my faith, that God is continually cleansing me of my sin, that there is no condemnation for Christians walking in the Spirit, that God has not given us a spirit of fear, and on and on and on.

I learned from Joseph Prince to walk with God, hear the Spirit, but not live condemned or sin conscious -- as if Christ's great and sacrificial suffering and death never happened.

I am living a VICTORIOUS Christian life via that peace mentioned in the bible -- the peace that passes all understanding.

I refuse a scary, doomsy Christianity. That is from the enemy, in my opinion, and very attention-grabbing, attention-directing, attention-stealing, and effective on people with certain mentalities.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. My eyes are fixed on Jesus and not all this . . . "extra stuff" that crops up all the time to be a source of worry and control. My salvation is secure. He knows I am (but) flesh and blood, and He's got me in His palm and the cleft of the rock. Praise God for His effective work, salvation, protection, and love!
I have faith and am grateful for His Redemption...but I live like it's 1938 again. Be at peace but keep your eyes open and be fit in case you gotta run.:hide:
We are all free to make our own choices, whatever that may be. I encourage everyone to truly study the word, Especially Daniel and Revelations together. Read how the Christians were the only ones to escape, because they were prepared. That story is for today as well, it is a warning to be prepared. Read what happen to those who did not. Especially since they believe that God was going to rescue them, since they were the chosen people of God.

It is not a message of fear it is of warning. Wake up, pay attention and so many of us are asleep continuing to do the exact same thing. Still following after tradition and saying the same words, which no longer have any meaning. Believing things that have no biblical base, which is the only way to God. Traditions are not a way to God. Though the bible speaks on passing the word down from Generation to Generations, we have the bible now that should be our only source.

Revelation 3:17
Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.

Revelation 19:13
He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

Revelation 19:16
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.

Without this robe you are naked and lost.
Isaiah 61:10
I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness

He prepares the way for me, But choosing not to be prepared!!! Your saying you have all you need.
we don't have a clue, I watched a video the other day and the folks were praising the lord. Inside a Serpent. Inside a Serpent praising the lord lifting "holy" hands. I saw people possessed in service with demons, they were possessed. but other folks embraced it. No clue at all. None whatsoever, they embraced the devil and think they are in Church worshiping God the father. When in fact they were not. Because they didn't want to hear what anyone else had to say. I met a woman like that would ask all kinds of questions but the moment I told her that was devil worship and not from the Holy Spirit she lost her mind. She refused to give up and give in. She is still worshiping that way to day though she is very ill. Refuse to sit down and read the word for herself.

But the fact is this if we do not know what we're doing we are not going to stop doing it until its to late. Even I question what I believe all the time, I check and double check often enough. I research the reason why I chose the path that I have especially when its something I am being lazy about. I look for an excuse but God is faithful he lets me see my own sin and makes me completely aware of it so that I can pull myself out of it. So that I can overcome it and other things I am struggling with. I can say yes this is hard, really hard, but If I trust in the lord if I do things that help me avoid that area God will help me overcome it and then I can see it for what it is.

Anyway being prepared should not be viewed as doom and gloom. I imagine the foolish virgins wish they were prepared. Now this is those folks who thought they had enough of what they needed but when Jesus came they were not prepared and could not enter into his gates. He didn't know them. I love the truth no matter what pain it brings I rather have the truth and so I view the word of God differently. I need to know what is going on.
We are all free to make our own choices, whatever that may be. I encourage everyone to truly study the word, Especially Daniel and Revelations together. Read how the Christians were the only ones to escape, because they were prepared. That story is for today as well, it is a warning to be prepared. Read what happen to those who did not. Especially since they believe that God was going to rescue them, since they were the chosen people of God.

It is not a message of fear it is of warning. Wake up, pay attention and so many of us are asleep continuing to do the exact same thing. Still following after tradition and saying the same words, which no longer have any meaning. Believing things that have no biblical base, which is the only way to God. Traditions are not a way to God. Though the bible speaks on passing the word down from Generation to Generations, we have the bible now that should be our only source.

Revelation 3:17
Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.

Revelation 19:13
He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

Revelation 19:16
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.

Without this robe you are naked and lost.
Isaiah 61:10
I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness

He prepares the way for me, But choosing not to be prepared!!! Your saying you have all you need.
we don't have a clue, I watched a video the other day and the folks were praising the lord. Inside a Serpent. Inside a Serpent praising the lord lifting "holy" hands. I saw people possessed in service with demons, they were possessed. but other folks embraced it. No clue at all. None whatsoever, they embraced the devil and think they are in Church worshiping God the father. When in fact they were not. Because they didn't want to hear what anyone else had to say. I met a woman like that would ask all kinds of questions but the moment I told her that was devil worship and not from the Holy Spirit she lost her mind. She refused to give up and give in. She is still worshiping that way to day though she is very ill. Refuse to sit down and read the word for herself.

But the fact is this if we do not know what we're doing we are not going to stop doing it until its to late. Even I question what I believe all the time, I check and double check often enough. I research the reason why I chose the path that I have especially when its something I am being lazy about. I look for an excuse but God is faithful he lets me see my own sin and makes me completely aware of it so that I can pull myself out of it. So that I can overcome it and other things I am struggling with. I can say yes this is hard, really hard, but If I trust in the lord if I do things that help me avoid that area God will help me overcome it and then I can see it for what it is.

Anyway being prepared should not be viewed as doom and gloom. I imagine the foolish virgins wish they were prepared. Now this is those folks who thought they had enough of what they needed but when Jesus came they were not prepared and could not enter into his gates. He didn't know them. I love the truth no matter what pain it brings I rather have the truth and so I view the word of God differently. I need to know what is going on.

If a person is baptized, a disciple, is walking with the Lord, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit . . . are they not prepared? Is that not "the oil for the lamp?" Are you saying those steps/conditions aren't good enough? Are you saying that being a baptized disciple that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and is sensitive to God's inner promptings . . . that's ineffective??? All of that won't have you prepared?

The bible says we enter rest as believers when we take his yoke upon us. The bible also says to be vigilant. The bible also says not to get tangled up again into a yoke of bondage after gaining the precious freedom Christ died to afford us.

What does a saved, indwelt, vigilant, discipled Christian need to be warned about that is different from what we've already known: There's an Enemy, so be vigilant.

It sounds like you are saying we need to be warned about losing our souls, despite having God's indwelling, sealed salvation, etc.
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My understanding:

Being baptized leads to receipt of the Holy Spirit.

After that, walking with God (reading the bible, praying, repenting, confessing, assembling, worshipping, giving, living as a Christian and disciple, etc.) maintains a wonderful relationship with God.

That IS preparation. For life, for death, for salvation.

Will you put more onto people? Why doesn't the above suffice? What is the person who is doing the above NEGLECTING? Are you saying the person is unprepared and the person's soul is lost? If you are NOT saying that, and salvation is secure, all is well, no? God will continue to indwell and lead and guide, come what may, yes?

I get the sense that security in Christ is not a conceptual reality in your belief system. Am I wrong? God is faithful!!!
Security in Christ

John 10:27-29

27My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. 28I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. 29My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand


Guess what? Jesus said that, but some personality types will rather watch manmade videos and let those override the words of Jesus. The videos have a higher place and value than the son of God, the Lamb Who died for us. We don't want to rest in the salvation of the cross while having an appropriate level of vigilance and discernment and wisdom. That would not be pressurizing and work-entailed enough, right??? We don't want to "win" from Jesus's work primarily, right? It's gotta be our work, because then it's a function of us, and that's the only way we'll have it. The Christian story that places the victory on the finished work of Jesus doesn't quite punish and work us and stress enough, does it?

It's a healthy balance. Read Phil. 2:12 and surrounding verses in one version with one mentality, and you come away VERY UNRESTFUL (for lack of a better term). And it will seem to contradict Jesus's words above. On the other hand, take the time to find out how that ancient phrasing would actually mean and be spoken in today's English, and you will come away feeling peaceful and secure and safe and loved . . . and the message will vibe with Jesus's words above.

In my opinion, that is the issue.
If a person is baptized, a disciple, is walking with the Lord, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit . . . are they not prepared? Is that not "the oil for the lamp?" Are you saying those steps/conditions aren't good enough? Are you saying that being a baptized disciple that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and is sensitive to God's inner promptings . . . that's ineffective??? All of that won't have you prepared?

The bible says we enter rest as believers when we take his yoke upon us. The bible also says to be vigilant. The bible also says not to get tangled up again into a yoke of bondage after gaining the precious freedom Christ died to afford us.

What does a saved, indwelt, vigilant, discipled Christian need to be warned about that is different from what we've already known: There's an Enemy, so be vigilant.

It sounds like you are saying we need to be warned about losing our souls, despite having God's indwelling, sealed salvation, etc.

I am sorry for my delay. I am also sorry I haven't had time to review all of these messages, I will do my best to respond.

All of these things are the start, we much continue walking with God and discerning the times, and reaching out to others so that they may not be lost as well, there is so much to being saved then just these things above, these things are the beginning of being saved. you can lose your salvation just as quickly as you gained it, by not continuing learning and growing. When I said preparation is to let go all of the things we have been doing that prevents us from reaching a higher and stronger relationship with God so that when the times of trouble come upon us we will be ready and we will be able to endure. Every word and thought and deed is recorded. There are several books kept in heaven. The book of Life, the book of remembrance and the Book of Judgment. knowing that every word thought and deed is recorded should be sobering. But many "Christians" do not know this. Many Christians truly believe they are walking with Christ but are walking in darkness and by choice. Every person who calls themselves Christian should study the word of God and exam themselves, and be open, yesterday is gone, today while it is called today is a new beginning. I been talking about the Sabbath for a very long time. I have a curious nature, of course some things I am not curious about but anything related to my salvation I am curious about, I would study it out carefully. Because I am a Christian I want to make sure I am doing what is pleasing to God, it is never a burden to please God. it is our duty to want to. But I also have a sinful nature and anything that restricts me from wanting to do what I want to do is a throw away as it is with many people, but because I want to overcome my sinful nature, I push past my desires and seek out what God is saying. There are only two kinds of people on the earth those who please God and those who do not. Two Churches, the Church of God and the Church of Satan, doesn't matter what your faith is your in one group or the other, the Church of God, does what pleases God, doesn't care about traditions or what the people the think is best, it cares about the Law of God and what God commands of the people who profess to love him therein by we have the very best we could ever ask or hope. Church is not a building it is the people, there are those who will obey the word of God because therein they will find life. There outward appearance will change, the mouth, the tongue will speak differently, your attitude and even your desires will change, the old habits will be put off, you can't find pleasure in doing the things you have always done. I said before I was a game of thrones fan and outlander and etc., can't watch those programs anymore. I can't listen to the music I use to anymore it doesn't have the same meaning anymore to me, it sounds different. Will a person look at me and see Christ? Am I showing the fruit of the spirit. is my attitude one of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: Against such there is no law.
Gal 5: 24
24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

So to respond to your question, yes, those things are the start of your walk with the Lord. Baptism is an outward sign that you have committed your relationship to the lord publicly, that you have washed away your sins and you have put on new, that you have died to the old way of living. The bible doesn't say you will receive the holy spirit right then and there, it is the first step, keep in mind some will not be able to be baptized, so its not the baptism only that gives you the holy spirit. The holy Spirit is what convicts you to want to be baptized, the holy spirit is the one who encourages you to spend time with the lord and and helps you with your convictions in terms of stopping this or that. The holy spirit opens your understanding of the scriptures, it is the reason we pray before we read the word. The holy spirit comes in degrees, you will get only what you need when you need it. You can tell when a person is filled with the holy spirit because they walk in the fruit of the spirit. I listed those things above. Walking in the spirit and with the Lord ensures that you will be filled when the time comes. However, refusing to be open and to do your own research will cause you to be lost, even though you have done all those things above. great multitudes will be excluded from heaven even though they professed Christ, worshiped Him regularly, and spent much of their time doing wonderful works in His name. Jesus said, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23).
Obedience is the key to your relationship with God. That is the key to it all. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments,
Proverbs 4:4
He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live.
Proverbs 7:2
Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Daniel 9:4
And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;
John 14:15
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 15:10
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
My understanding:

Being baptized leads to receipt of the Holy Spirit.

After that, walking with God (reading the bible, praying, repenting, confessing, assembling, worshipping, giving, living as a Christian and disciple, etc.) maintains a wonderful relationship with God.

That IS preparation. For life, for death, for salvation.

Will you put more onto people? Why doesn't the above suffice? What is the person who is doing the above NEGLECTING? Are you saying the person is unprepared and the person's soul is lost? If you are NOT saying that, and salvation is secure, all is well, no? God will continue to indwell and lead and guide, come what may, yes?

I get the sense that security in Christ is not a conceptual reality in your belief system. Am I wrong? God is faithful!!!
Yes there is more, All of these things we should do as well and sharing our faith and sacrificing. But yes your soul can still be lost. If your not obeying God and his commandments. the person who is doing it is you. You will be the reason your lost if you do not research what you have heard. I challenge you to actually study out the scripture on the Sabbath really study it out. See for yourself who side your fighting on? Every day we draw closer to the Sunday Law, Church and State are uniting there is no stopping it. It has already been foretold, It will be a Law that you must go to service on Sunday. What are you going to do? Since you already go it is no big deal you will think that that is what we all should do anyway, but what does God say about it. That is where it all hangs.

If you don't go then are you prepared to face the consequences? When I first joined this forum I was not a Sabbath keeper, I didn't even know what it was, yet I was raised in the church my entire life and I attended many, many churches. Never finding one that had the truth, now how would i know that. Because I read the bible when I was a child, when I came to revelations, I was confused and couldn't understand it. So I developed questions. That was the holy spirit. I would ask the questions and I was satisfied for a time, but the questions would remain all of my life. But I found a program called amazing facts, and I took notes and I researched all that he said, but it didn't come on tv that much in those days. I had to go to the internet to completely study out my questions. When I came to the Sabbath I had to study that for a long time the good and the bad and what others were saying, to accept the Sabbath is to step out on faith. I had to accept it, I knew the challenges, I knew about the faith I chosed, they even say that some of them will become my enemy because they are not walking in the light and they would hate to be reminded of their sin, and so they would attack those of their own faith. I knew that before I made the commitment to become SDA. I read those words in the bible. We will not be able trust our own family members. I knew that in the last days, SDA will have a new name its not a kind name or is true, but nonetheless, we will not be Sunday worshipers and so we will be consider rebellious and punishment will be met. I knew all of this. The early Christians knew they might be thrown in the lions den, burned at the stake, drawn and quarter yet they accepted Christ and accepted that fate. Today are christian really prepared for that? Do you think that they are, are do you think that that they will suddenly have the power to endure it, and yes, they would! but only if they have been obedient to the true words of God the father, not traditions or man made ideals and beliefs, but what the word of God says and that alone. But if your already observing Sunday as your day of worship there isn't a problem with man, only Gods wraith and his plagues to await.
Worship is commanded in the Bible and is a necessary ingredient of true religion, but will a host of worshiping Christians be lost? Jesus said, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” Matthew 15:9. People will engage in vain worship if they reject true doctrine in favor of man’s tradition. Acts 5:32 only those who obey are eligible to be filled with the Spirit. This is not bondage, this is obedience, and obedience teaches you how to avoid the traps of Satan and his false worship. Satan doesn't get any credit for all the damage that he has done, and many christian can't seem to see him in action. God's law helps you to overcome the traps of Satan and his many, many schemes, we are to trust in God and not man. Do your own research. The entire purpose of the Word of God is for you to do your own research.