Prayer Request


New Member
I just found out a very good friend of mine since high school had a brain aneurysm Friday and is in the ICU in critical condition. I am asking a special prayer request that she be healed and that she will not have any deficits but will be healed 100% and also for strength for her mother and family during this time in JESUS' name. She has two young children, a boy and girl, and her name is Anita. I believe in prayer, and the prayer of the righteous availeth much. So please touch and agree with me. Thank you all!

Oops...just realized there is a "prayer request thread" where I should have posted this. I don't know how to delete this thread though. Help anyone?
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No, don't delete this thread....right here is just fine.

I have prayed for Anita. Please keep us informed of her progress.

Thank you for all your prayers. I just talked to a friend who spoke with her cousin earlier today. She had made some improvements 2 days ago but had a setback yesterday. She is not doing too good right now. Please continue to pray for her. She has two young children and she herself is only 29 years old. Thank you all and God bless!
I am sad to report back to you all that my dear friend did not make it. Thank you for your prayers. Her family needs prayers now more than ever. Life is so short and we should all cherish every moment. Cherish your family and your friends and let them know you love them and that they are important to you. She was one of the sweetest people and she will be greatly missed.