
New Member
hi i'm new here my name is Destiny and i'm 14 i just wanted to ask you guys for some help. my hair is 1/2 inch past my shoulders but my hair seems to grow really slow or it seems it's not growing at all i use optimum shampoo and conditioner i also use wgo and motion's hair lotion and today i just started using africa's best maximum strength super gro. if any of you have advice for me to reach my ultimate goal *middle of my back* please help me i could really use your help....
Hey LilMizzD, welcome. First off, I'm pretty certain that your hair is growing, but just not *retaining* the length. How are your hair ends? Do you notice any short broken hairs coming off? Make sure there are no splits and be super gentle with your hair.

I don't know how you style your hair, but it's best to use the least amount of heat possible. I don't use any heat, except for when deep conditioning.

Moisturize everyday or even twice a day with a product that is water based (water as first ingredient). I would also ditch the Super Gro.

Have fun reading all the info here, you'll get tons of advice.
yes i do notice short broken ends coming off. I usually just wear it in a ponytail but sometimes it's hard for me to moisturize my ends because they are so thick. i do not use heat that much i only use it like once every 3 weeks.
Ok, if I was you I'd do a protein treament for the breakage and to strengthen your hair. One that I've used and like is Hi Pro Pac. Do a search for more recomendations.

Also, do you relax?
Welcome to LHCF! I'm also 14. I agree with moisturizing with a water based product. Probably keeping your hair up in a protective style, like a bun or french roll, will help you out a little more because your ends are not exposed to the air. HTH