Omg I Did It


I took the plunge today and had my unhealthy relaxed hair chopped off. I have 2" of hair on my head. The only style I can do is a gel and slick. I can't even wrap it because it is sooo short. Oh well, now I can start my no heat, daily cw challenge. It's weird b/c my hair is still 2 text. I think there is some relaxed pieces left on the sides, but it is mostly curly NG rolling its eyes at!
Congrats :clap: Ive noticed that a lot more people arent as hesitant to BC compared to last year :) thats really awesome :)
You go girl :clap: I always admire the people who actually have the guts to do the BC. Me... I punked out and wore braids for a year cutting little by little. In any case, congrats on being naturale :up:
Congratulations!! I just did the big chop in November. It felt a bit strange at first but now I have no regrets because I am now taking better care of my hair. I know it was the best thing for me to do if I wanted to get back my hair to a healthy state. :) It will all grow back soon in no time. Just be patient.

I wish I could post a pic, but I don't have a cam yet. How do u go about getting a pic posted anyway? How do u ladies make it look so easy? Anyhow, I'm looking 4 as many styling options as possible. Thanx Jainy 4 the finger coil advice! I'm hoping to learn how to braid, twist, cornrow my hair as it gets longer...ah well, I better get 2 practicing on my dummy head! lol! Thank u ladies for your support! It's great havin a support network behing ya!