Not greasing scalp = Dry, Damaged hair

I'm a grease person. I feel that hair my hair looks and grows better with it, and I prefer ones with petrolatum or mineral oil, because the without them, it wouldn't be greasy enough.
My hair would just be a big brown glob of frizzy straw.
i haven't used grease since i found this board and discovered hair oils. but the best oil forumulation that has worked wonders on my scalp and hair is at 1 with nature itchy scalp treatment. it does contain a very minute amount of petroleum as a binding agent but the majority of ingredients are essential oils like mink, almond, jojoba, castor, sunflowerseed, olive, avocado, evening primrose, etc; with menthol and aloe vera, sulfur etc

and it comes in a tube so that instead of partng your hair, you're able to just point it at a few choice spots then massage it in...
it was my saving grace when i wore braiidouts 24/7