Need recommendations/ suggestions for thinning edges at temple & nape area.........


Active Member
Anyone recovering from or dealing with this problem please offer your suggestions. I have very sensitive edges from wearing braids & corn rows. Please let me know of any products or regiments you ladies may have tried that helped thicken & strengthen edges at the nape & temple areas.

I had that problem or should I say im still recovering. The thing that has helped me the most is staying away from heat especially on those areas. Also if your relaxed I would do those areas last since they are the most fragile. I would also say stay away from braids or any style that is gonna put tension on that area for a while. As far as products I massage vitamin e oil onto my temples every night. I know some members have had success with products such as surge so I say do a search on that and a search on thinning edges and you should get a lot of info. HTH.