Nappy Naturals


Well-Known Member
Several of my natural friends have commented that their curl pattern in the back/middle of their head is tighter than the front. For example, when doing twists the back ones will curl tight at the ends but the front half will be kinda loose/straight. I notice this as well in my hair.

Has anyone else experienced this? What do you think is the cause? My guess was manipulation...pulling the front hair into buns etc. I dont think that the curl pattern is all grows out nappy in the beginning.

Oh and my friends who use and who dont use heat have both noticed Im confused :confused:
Most people have different textures on their head.

The middle of my head is very tight and grows fast, while the back/nape area is much looser and seems to grow slowly. My twists are always loose in the back b/c of the texture.

ETA: But I'm sure manipulation can cause the front and back to become loose/straight after time.
Mine is loose in the back too, in fact my twists will unravel there. The crown is tighter and the rest in-between.

ETA: The front waves more than curls from pulling it back in a pony tail. It has gotten "trained" to lay that way. But If I do a deep condition it comes right back.
I agree with Pretty in Purple-- different hair textures existing on one head.
My hair is a smorgasboard (sp) of that: the hair at the crown/middle is a patch of coarse 4a. The front of my hair is wavy/curly 3c mixed w/loose 4a curls. The back of my head? Totally curly 3bish/3c! It's crazy. :)

Even without much manipulation, that is just the way my hair grows out of my head!
I also have multiple textures on my's looser in the back and gets tighter and coarser at my edges. I believe it's the loosest around my ears. I would say I range from 3b-4a, but I identify as 4a.
I'm not natural, but I got a billion textures of NG. I actually just took pictures of the middle back of my head where the texture is still original.

You can see the hair leading up to it is wavy then BAM! 4a :lachen:
There's a close up in my Oct 2006 album.
I thought I was the only one going through this!!!!:lol: The back of my hair is so pretty and soft,:p my twist always come loose and it grows real fast. My middle is very rough and I have a hard time combing it,:eek: that's where I lack growth. The front looks like I get it press and I don't, that comes from pulling it back in flat twist all the time. But overall my hair is a natural 4b(I think it a 4g).:lachen:
I have different textures on my head as well. It is the loosest at the back and around my ears. I have coarse waves in the front crown and very tight coils every where else. I'm mostly 4a.
Mine is a mix kinky thick waves and coils at my edges and temples... looser waves and some str8 parts at crown. The top of the back is tight curls at 4a proly..then the back and nape are a 3c looser curls. I have no idea how this happened. I think maybe cuz my mom has nappy coils all over and my dad has thick waves. my genes got confused and couldn't make up its mind and I guess by the time I was born it was too late to change lol
Yeah, the curl patterns CAN be different. Many people have a looser curl pattern or different texture in the back than front, and the crown is often coarser. Who knows why.

My hair is thicker and straighter in the front than in the back. The sides of my hair curl the tightest, and show the most shrinkage. I just sort of work with all the textures and patterns best I can. :)
I am only transitioning but the hair in the front of my head is definitely straighter than the back. Although the front is easiest to comb, I hate that it looks so much straighter than the rest and Im afraid that my wash and go's wont look right when I am fully natural because of it :(
Enchantmt said:
Mine is loose in the back too, in fact my twists will unravel there. The crown is tighter and the rest in-between.

ETA: The front waves more than curls from pulling it back in a pony tail. It has gotten "trained" to lay that way. But If I do a deep condition it comes right back.

This is the way mine is as well. I am constantly retwisting the back of m hair. I pretty much have 3 different textures on my head.
my hair also has very different textures throughout. it's not from manipulation or anything else but pure genetics. i remember my hair being like this up until i got my first relaxer, during the time i was relaxed, and when i bc'ed.
Mine is very loose in the front and tighter in the back. I think it's a case of natural different textures with my hair.
All of my hair is in the 4a category, but I have a couple sections that behave differently than the rest. The front is always stretched out more because I wear it pulled back every day. When I go a long time without pulling it back it starts to make more defined coils like the rest of my hair, so in my case the stretched look in the front really is just from manipulation. And then my hair in the crown is a little bit coarser than the rest of my hair. I've compared a hair from this section to a hair from a different section of my head, and the hair at the crown is thicker. The rest of my hair is pretty normal--all fine, super coily and shrinky.
I can't really say if my hair is 3a or any of those numbers because I can't understand them. But my hair at the front and back is so straight in texture. It curls no matter what I do to it. I love the curl the rest of my hair does not curl so quickly and so nicely. With the front & Back I can just wash and put nothing in it and it curls up but the rest is tighter and needs work. I think that is just how it is. I have yet to meet anyone that has the same hair texture all over.
My hair gets progressively nappier from the nape to my hairline. I always thought everyone's hair was looser at the nape.
my hair does this too, and its not from manipulation. i dont do anything to my hair, so it cant be from that.
my crown is has a looser curl pattern than the back, and is more susceptible( sp???) to the back.
its just something that we have to deal with :ohwell:
I call my pattern skunky. I have a broad stripe down the middle of my entire head that is loosely curled and seems to grow faster than the rest. Both sides are very tightly coiled and appear shorter than the middle "stripe". I just try to work with it, but I think its gonna be interesting as my hair gets longer.
My hair is near straight in the neck, super curly around the ears and frizzy in the front and most of my hair (in the middle) is my regular 3b/c hair. I love my little coils around my ears :)
Mixture of loose and tight curls at the bottom (3c)---my fastest growing section.

Mostly wavy at the front (could be from pulling back all the time)---slow-average growing section.

Coarse at the crown and top (4a???)---grows slow.
i have the same problem. the crown/bang area is loose and straightens very easily. the back on the other hand is very tightly coiled. why? i dont know.
I too have several textures - wavy in the bang area, curly on the sides, tight in the back upper middle, loosely curled at the nape. I had the same textures while I was relaxed! I remember having to be careful straightening the upper back because it seemed the kinkiest but it would burn faster than any other area.