Moisturizing tips for pressed hair . . . have any?


New Member
Hi, everyone! I'm new to this board . . . so glad to finally find a place to share care tips for our hair types. Anyway, I'll just get right to it>>>>

I have always pressed my hair, and the one problem I have always had to deal with is greasy hair from using hair grease to oil my hair/scalp. I have tried a variety of creams, but they always turn my hair. Is there anyone out there who can give me any tips on what to use for pressing my hair as well as keeping it moisturized in between time, but that won't weigh my hair down or make it feel too greasy?
Good question. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't.
I'm curious about how to moisturize pressed hair, too. When wore my hair pressed I never used a moisturizer--I just greased the heck out of it... I've learned that moisture=water. But water would cause my hair to revert if I was trying to preserve a pressed style.

Maybe a thick pomade with water in it like Vitale or Liv? You could tie your hair down so it doesn't puff up... I've never tried D Low products, but maybe they can help you--

Dorothy Low
I used kemi oyl and Profectiv's healthy ends (on all my hair) this past weekend on my flatironed hair and my hair was verrrrrrrrrrrrrry soft. Maybe try that.
Maybe try other alternatives to straightening your hair. Check the thread on straightening your hair the natural way or the hennaphilic thread. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but may be better than putting the direct heat in your hair from pressing. hth
Keracare’s essential oils and Paul Mitchell’s gloss drops are both good for flat ironing. My stylist used and recommended I use these to keep my hair straight.

Girl,why didn't tell me you updated your album?! Was I on vacation or sum-thin'?

Your growth is wonderful! I was so excited to see the new pixs. Please, post some pix with your hair flat-ironed - (when you can) I love it girl!


I can not use ANY oils what-so-ever when getting my hair pressed because of the reason you stated. My stylist usually deep conditons my hair and puts a cellophane on it and blow dries. Then she presses my hair dry.
Pressing my hair with ANYTHING on it leads to "oily hair" and limp curls(for me).

Hi Lee

Yeah, I think you were on vacation...aren't you always...lucky girl

Thanks for the compliments...I have some flatironed pics..I'm still unsure as to if I will post them...I'll let you know.