Looking for a fasting partner for this week...

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Alright so I've some personal things going on this week, and I've decided to fast from sundown Wednesday until sundown on Thursday, and I'd like to do this with a partner. I fast like this 2-3 times a month for good health, mental clarity, etc, but this one is different because of the circumstances.

Your reasons don't have to be the same as mine, but we could serve as accountability partners and discuss our experiences.

If you don't care to discuss it here, my PM box is always open. :)

Glamourous said:
If you want me....I'm in

Of course!! Yaaaaaay! :clap: Thanks!

My inspiration was some blockage that I'm feeling right now, and I think it's because my mind is cluttered with too many things. I think I'm going to have to clear myself out (in more ways than one) in order to make room for what I'm asking God for.

I'm planning to spend Wednesday night & Thursday in prayer & meditation. I also have a few Bible verses that I plan to read repeatedly. I've decided to write 10 pages on Wednesday and 10 pages on Thursday as well.

Water will be the only thing I'll consume during the fast.

What about you, fasting buddy? :lol:
I'm asking God an important question about my life right now and I am looking for him to answer me...cause I need to know by friday and I am still conflicted

I plan to spend Wednesday in meditiation and read through at least 50 chapters of Psalms. I will spend Thrusday afternoon in prayer and meditation and prayer and go to my bible study.

I will consume water and fruit juice only.

I believe God wanted me to do this because it so happens that all of my Thursday classes are cancelled.
I knew there was a reason I felt led to find a partner. :D

Well, I'll be praying for you amidst my prayers for revelation.

Thank you for joining me, and may God grant you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 20:4 is from me to you. :)
I'm in too, just saw this today. Do you have a request? Also, see our schedule for fasting and praying as a team in the sticky section.
Star, I'm just praying for clarity & revelation.

Africana, glad to have you. :)

The sun will be setting in about an hour here. I've got my evening mapped out, and I'm excited. :)
Glamourous said:
I think I had pretty fulfilling experience with my fast. How did you do Divine?

It was WONDERFUL...I got all I wanted and then some. I'm very pleased and glad I did it. I'm glad to hear you had a good experience as well. :yep: