Just Venting


New Member
Sooooo I went to my hairdresser and I finally let her just cut my hair to just hitting my shoulders. I had a bunch of damaged areas and while I'm sad I had to loose all of that good growth I had I'm glad to feel like I have a fresh start...however, this chick did NOT cut my hair evenly across my left side is def longer then my right. And i mean seriously if you're gonna nag and fuss at me about cutting my hair the least you can do is do it right when i finally give you the go head. And of course she cut it shorter than I wanted, but thats to be expected these days right? I wanted it to be just past my shoulders so it wouldnt be so susceptible to damage but now i guess ima just have to wear it up all the time until I get over it. oh joy! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Any hair shoulder length you will need to keep off of your shoulders if you want to gain more legnth. That is where it is rubbing up against shoulders, clothing etc.

If I had a quarter for everytime someone came on the site and told of their not so wonderful experience with a stylist cutting their hair.....C A C H I N G!!!!

Hopefully you will be able to find another stylist or barber who can trim better the next time you feel will need one. I don't suggest going back to her to get that done again if she couldn't cut straight the first time. No need for her to practice on your hair.
I solved the hairdresser fights by getting my hair cut by a barbar(sp?). I flat iron it myself and go to the barbar. If I tell him/her 1/4", 1/2" or 3", that's what I get. No fighting, no trying to convince me I need more/less. Nothing. Just what I tell um. At first the guys used to give me strange looks, but now they know me and they give me compliments on how nice my hair is.

Anyway, try it out. especially if all you're doing is getting a trim.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I stopped having that problem when I started going to Supercuts for my trims. They actually understand that when I say 1/4" I don't really mean 2".
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I stopped having that problem when I started going to Supercuts for my trims. They actually understand that when I say 1/4" I don't really mean 2".

Same with me except I go to Master Cuts for my trims.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I stopped having that problem when I started going to Supercuts for my trims. They actually understand that when I say 1/4" I don't really mean 2".

Exactly that's why I go to Corner Cuts. They cut what I want, and no more.
Same here! I go to Master Cuts for my trims now. And they cut exactly what I say cut. No fussing and no convincing. Period!
thanks for that advice, i never thought about going to a barber to get my hair trimmed but that makes perfect sense now that i think about it.