Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection story


Well-Known Member
As a Christian,and an African American I find myself working
in Jewish synagogues. I moonlight as a music specialist and for whatever reason... I have never figured this out.... the Jewish schools are my main clients.
By clients I mean subcontracted to a number and variety of schools and
demographic...a harlem school... multicultural schools...a WASP school
(where every child in the wealthy student body except the two black kids were blonde)........a celebrity school......... etc

The first Jewish director hired me by word of mouth and then other schools followed suit. I was even contacted by a Jewish director because someone listed my name on craig's list as a good Jewish music teacher and I had to explain I was not Jewish.

I have only two clients now and they are both Jewish schools.
Over the years I have sat down with varying Jewish directors and tried to convince them that they might be better off hiring someone in their traditon and heritage and religion..........
when I take african dance/drumming classes as narrow as this sounds I will only take from Africans!
I'm not sure why God has consistently placed me there..but the directors brush it off. One school did fire me to hire a Jewish person ...he played a klezmer ditty on the guitar as he passed my class to audition :grin:

Anyway Jewish curricula is part of my job
Since the teachings I am exposed to are of the Old Testament I never found it a conflict with my own beliefs...Though the job has not been without predictable difficulty...

every lunch period.. I duck into a church to pray
I alway wonder if one of parents will seem me entering or exiting a church..I carry a bible and a cross in my purse...
I once said cross my heart and there such silence! I had offended someone.
and I said a word without thinking once and mother hissed did you hear her she said ..CHRISTMAS
Once an israeli teacher during Passover ..suggested I sing a spiritual
...She wanted me to sing Go down Moses...but she mixed it up in her head with ...another spiritual....Go tell it on the Mountain and she hummed the melody,too :look:
which highligts as its chorus ..that Jesus Christ is born
I gently pointed out to her..she meant....the other.
The schools won't even permit Jingle Bells..
because of the indirect association with Santa Claus

I once sat next to an israeli elderly couple on the subway ..they saw my guitar and asked what I did and I said I teach music in a synagogue
they said yeah!!!..sure you do!! :ohwell: ..sing something!
it was Passover so I sang Mah Nishtah nah
they were shocked and then they joined in the chorus :yep:
and then they began complaining loudly.. .about American Jews
to me ..sigh.and the director of the American Jewish school said to me once.. I hate to say this and it might sound ..strange but
(this about this an israeli teacher w/ some negative behavoir)
I think this is an an israeli thing..I was so shocked ....
I.......of all people.... hear complaints from both sides... a lot

my point is....there are no accidents...I am exposed to both israeli and Jewish traditions....
I had to learn Jewish songs.and in Hebrew and the holiday's meaning.

I read the torah when at work to understand more.
I am moved by the Jewish holidays and what they mean and the Jewish kids are radical in demanding their holiday songs!
I never wanted to partcipate in a service that denies Jesus so traditional Jewish services even liberal... not even Reform..but liberal conservative syngagogues was out of the question.

I went to a Jews for Jesus service last year for Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kippur... it combined soul,gospel,hebrew and a true love of Jesus and moving testimonies of Jews who grew up orthodox and had to come to accept Jesus as Savior..and read bible verses to back up this knowledge and many black people as well as jews attended ... and prayed that all Jews would come to know and accept and love the Lord as their Savior.
I loved these High Holiday services,especially Yom Kippur and look forward to it this year.

Any others can share?
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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Hi, Kayte!

You've shared a mouthful here... so interesting and complex....

I have been intrigued with the complex phenomenon of the Messianic Judaism.

There's an organization in my local area called "Project Fiba" that seeks to
"nurture, develop and expand the relationship and goodwill between African Americans and Jews. This project will help unite Israel and African Americans as international friends and strong allies. Both groups will come to understand that they are each convenant allies." (Mission Statement)

I went to one of their events a couple of years ago and it was so interesting as the African American leader counterpart chronicled his experiences in Africa (I forget which country) where Jews there are Black...where here in America, our primary image of Jews are White (or that we rarely see Black Jews).
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

God works in mysterious ways. I work as a caterer at the jewish dinner (on Fridays) for my school. I was talking to one girl today who said I should take advantage of the Jewish birthright trip (free trip, all expenses paid to Israel). It struck a cord with me and I want to go. Its really for Jewish students but your post has inspired me more. I'll claim some type of connection to Judaism... I think this is another sign telling me to go!!!

never herd of messianic to look it up
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

You've shared a mouthful here...

I've got a big 'un,too! lol :grin: I do go on and on

There's an organization in my local area called "Project Fiba" that seeks to
"nurture, develop and expand the relationship and goodwill between African Americans and Jews. This project will help unite Israel and African Americans as international friends and strong allies. Both groups will come to understand that they are each convenant allies." (Mission Statement

this is so cool.....
in the civl rights movement blacks and jews were side by side
it's good to see that histroy of unity still heartstrong

or that we rarely see Black Jews

how true..though I have seen sephardic.jews....and American black children with a white/jewish mom and occasionally an all black family that converted
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

God works in mysterious ways. I work as a caterer at the jewish dinner (on Fridays) for my school. I was talking to one girl today who said I should take advantage of the Jewish birthright trip (free trip, all expenses paid to Israel). It struck a cord with me and I want to go. Its really for Jewish students but your post has inspired me more. I'll claim some type of connection to Judaism... I think this is another sign telling me to go!!!

never herd of messianic to look it up

messianic refers to Christ the Messiah
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

THESE people are NOT Jewish they are Christians using Jewish symbols and speaking Jacked up Hebrew. They are Christian anyone who prays to Jesus is no longer a Jew they are Christian.

You cannot be both
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto


On another note...thank you for this post Kayte!
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

THESE people are NOT Jewish they are Christians using Jewish symbols and speaking Jacked up Hebrew. They are Christian anyone who prays to Jesus is no longer a Jew they are Christian.

and These are inflammatory words..
and you are certainly entitled to own your anger
but Jacked up hebrew?

and you know this as a truism?

prays to Jesus is no longer a Jew

Jesus was/is a Jew
Peter... John... Mary..Abraham

I'm going to repost the rules to the CF

I'm confused since you obviously bumped up this thread but for what purpose?
to say these angry unpleasant things about people who worship in a way
different than you do?

respectfully disagree with the sentiment and content of your post
have a blessed day
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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

This forum is for those who know JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and SAVIOR. It is not here to question HIS existence or criticize those who believe in HIM.
-Any posts and/or threads not related to The LORD JESUS will be moved to the Off Topic Forum.
-Inappropriate posts and/or threads will be removed or deleted all together.

Thank-you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. Be blessed, ladies.

I think this may be appropos....
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

If Shimmy does not mind...reposting her beautifully stated words
on this subject and maybe offer more perspective :)

Being a Christian is a matter of the heart. It's ones' personal choice in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and choosing to follow Him.

Many people have been mistaken that they are automatically Christians because their parents are. Being a Christian does not have a human bloodline as would a Jew, African American or Indian, etc.

However, it is from the Bloodline of the shed blood of Jesus Christ for our sins, that when we accept Him, we become a part of.

Another thing as well, being a Jew or any culture does not always denote their faith. People choose to make choices. Such as many Jews have chosen Christianity (Messianic - meaning they have accepted the Messiah (Jesus Christ), or have chosen other faiths as do other cultures who have chosen the faith of another culture to worship. There's a lot of 'faith' crossing going on.

Even Sammy Davis Jr. adopted the Jewish faith and later returned to Christianity. It's life and it's peoples' choices.

Bottomline: Christianity is not inherited, it is a chosen faith by an individual of their accord. So there is no half/half faith-wise.
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

I plan to visit a Messianic congregation in the near future for one of the High Holidays. As a Christian, I believe that careful study of the ceremonial system within the Scriptures gives a deeper understanding of who Jesus is, His sacrifice and purpose.
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

THESE people are NOT Jewish they are Christians using Jewish symbols and speaking Jacked up Hebrew. They are Christian anyone who prays to Jesus is no longer a Jew they are Christian.

You cannot be both

I understand your where you are coming from, however, some of th congretations do have Jewish leader-meaning they grew up in Orthodox congregatgions. The Mesianic Rabbi that came to our church had grown up and studied to become an Orthodox Rabbi before converting. He did not speak jacked up Hebrew and use random Jewish symbols. I know that there are many congregations that do this, so I know what you are referring to. I'm not sure about your statements about praying to Jesus- I think you are a little confused about who we pray to. Jesus is our intercessor, but we pray to God!
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

When I mean Jacked up Hebrew I am talking Ashkenazi vs Sephardic/Mizrahi which Sephardic/mizhari is the proper way to speak Hebew and every Hebrew speaker knows this.

Jews just pray straight to G-d no intercessors are necessary on our behalf. Thank you for your understanding

I understand your where you are coming from, however, some of th congretations do have Jewish leader-meaning they grew up in Orthodox congregatgions. The Mesianic Rabbi that came to our church had grown up and studied to become an Orthodox Rabbi before converting. He did not speak jacked up Hebrew and use random Jewish symbols. I know that there are many congregations that do this, so I know what you are referring to. I'm not sure about your statements about praying to Jesus- I think you are a little confused about who we pray to. Jesus is our intercessor, but we pray to God!
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

He did not speak jacked up Hebrew and use random Jewish symbols.

I don't even know who does this..:(

that statement made was based on blind assumption and generalizations without fact..
thank you for addressing it
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Umm Sorry to say Lots of Jews for Jesus do. Hey I have been approached by ENOUGH to them to KNOW the difference and the funny thing is I dont' even tell them that I am Israeli and speak FLUENT PROPER Hebrew. They just ASSUME that because I am Habesha that I am ignorant of the fact.

Blind assumptions KNOW just the facts. Be surprised at the flim flam people will throw on you when they just think that you are an ignorant African.

I don't even know who does this..:(

that statement made was based on blind assumption and generalizations without fact..
thank you for addressing it
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

If Shimmy does not mind...reposting her beautifully stated words
on this subject and maybe offer more perspective :)

Thanks Kayte... :love2:

Here is one fact that can never be disputed:

Jesus is Jewish, born, lived, died and ressurrected as such. Each of his followers, in the beginning, were Jews and followed Him through to the very end of their lives. His earthly mother and father were Jews. They followed the Jewish laws and did not change, but only fulfilled them.

Christianity is simply the completion of the Jewish Covenant that God promised from day 1. The Passover Sader is symbolic of this Covenant. The only difference is that there are Jews who 'Believe' and Jews who do not 'Believe' that the fulfillment of the Covenant has taken place, Period.

In addition, Jews will always have their Jewish Bloodline no matter what faith they choose, the same as I will always be a Black Woman. Their DNA still renders them as Jews. Mine still renders me 'Black". :love2:

Being a Christian has never changed the brown/red tint of my skin, neither the curly texture of my hair, the frame of my African body. It never gave me a different mother or father or siblings or my culturally mixed grandparents.

We cannot change our bloodline, our DNA, our features, our ancestors, no matter what manner of 'Faith' we choose to worship.

One cannot deny that out of all 'Faiths', both Christians and Jews are still an unrooted, undeniable blend of one another which can never be torn assunder. For in the beginning, the 'Word' was and the 'Word' which walked among us, still is and always will be. We serve and honor the same God, the Alpha and the Omega, whom cannot be denied, ever.

'We' all as people may deny it, but then, that's what 'we' as people do. Nevertheless, He's still God and always will be, forever and ever, and He loves us all, so much, far more than 'we' can deny Him. Amen. :Rose:
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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Umm Sorry to say Lots of Jews for Jesus do. Hey I have been approached by ENOUGH to them to KNOW the difference and the funny thing is I dont' even tell them that I am Israeli and speak FLUENT PROPER Hebrew. They just ASSUME that because I am Habesha that I am ignorant of the fact.

Blind assumptions KNOW just the facts. Be surprised at the flim flam people will throw on you when they just think that you are an ignorant African.
Almaz, I'm sorry you've had to experience this act of pure racism. The 'color' of our skin has no refuge to the ignorance of others, who wrongly assume, that 'we' of color have lack of intelligence, comprehension, and status. And this prejudice comes not only with 'Faith', Religions, but in Life period in every single area.

This is not 'standard' of Messianic Jews, but of the entire human race, period. There is a war between all of mankind and the root of this evil is not the by love of Jesus by those who are Jewish, but of those who simply do not love, at all.

No matter what 'Faith' we honor, there will be fools in all walks of life and 'Faith' who will assume they are the superior above us, yet they are not. Only God Himself, reigns above all of mankind, no matter what they think of 'us'. No man is above us, only God, Himself.

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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Sorry but I have had experiences with MANY MANY Jews for Jesus and they office was right down the street where I used to live in Skokie, Illiinois and this was their MO. I dont' have much respect for these people if you want to be Christian then be a Christian but please please PLEASE leave the Jewish people alone so we can be Jewish and worship how we please and as we please for the last 3,000 years.

They leave a very bad taste in my mouth and many others that had to deal with them in Skokie, Illinois. They preyed on the old and Eldery and infirmed to get them to convert. This is wrong.

Sorry but they leave a bad taste in my mouth. The harrassed some of my elderly relatives in Skokie to the point where I had to threathed bodily harm and get a restraining order against the group to STAY the HELL away out of my families house. Telling them that they went through the Holocaust because they did not accept Jesus.

Okay do your thing but leave others out of it and this is wrong. Sorry but this is my experience and the experience of many jews that live and have lived in Skokie THEY set up and office in Skokie BECAUSE of the highest population of Holocaust suvivours in the world outside of Israel. Just to proslytise to them which is wrong. Go in DA HOOD and proslytise to the already Christians there and not living a Chrisitian life.

Thank you Shimmie for you understanding.
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Blind assumptions KNOW just the facts. Be surprised at the flim flam people will throw on you when they just think that you are an ignorant African.

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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

What NOOOO you misunderstood I am talking about the people trying to talk Jacked up Hebrew to me when they thought I was just and Ignorant African and did not know Better. Honey I was NOT talking about you. No No never I was talking about my experience with some of the Messianics

I would never say anything like that to you

Ummm in case you forget I am African

You misunderstood

an ignorant ..WHAT?
what did you call me???
ignorant African???

are trying to use ethnicty my heritage
my blackness
as means to shame me

are you crazy....
blackness is what makes me....
and you are OUT OF YOUR minfd thinking you are calling me
some thing bad by calling me African

what was your purpose to bump up the thread
to call me an ignorant African

my last words to you


and you are now on ignore
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Kayte Kayte Hello AGAIN I was NOT referring to you. What I was saying is when messianics approached me at one time they were speaking some Jacked up Hebrew terms and BECUASE of the fact that I am African they THOUGHT that I was STUPID and did not know what they were saying I was talking about the FLIM FLAM that they were trying to Pull ON ME because they thought I was Just AN Ignorant woman FROM Africa Ma'am I was in NO way at all referring to you this is MY experience that I am talking.

I was not referring to you what so ever. Please It was not about you. I apologise for the misunderstanding.

Oh I am a VERY happy person Again these were Ashkenazi Jews that were approaching me this way. In now way shape of form I was ever speaking about you. I dont' know you. When I said AFRICAN I was saying you'd be surprised at the Flim Flam people will throw on your because THEY think you are (Speaking of myself born and RAISED in AFRICA) just and Ignorant African. Are you from Africa too? I am sorry was not and never was referring to you it was me

Again Sorry for the misunderstanding

Unhappy no I am VERY happy in my beliefs and in my faith. If someone has a negative experience with a certian group that is just it their experience. Again my experiences with Messianics have not been pleasant I am not saying that they are ALL bad but it is what it is to me and my family

Calling a member honey..when there is an animosity over your own actions
after using inflammatory language with that person is
I'm sorry you have chosen to do that

FYI... I routinely avoid your posts..because the ignorance you speak of
is most demonstrated from your own keyboard ..shrug
and that's not tit for tat ..
check it out... I absolutely do not respond to your threads or whatever

but did not misunderstand...I think you said a very very racist and evil thing
and to play it off as if you were speaking of yourself
is dishonest...

I am also sorry you are so unhappy
I think you bumped up the thread with
that unhappiness..and jewish theology or no
what you have done is not condoned by God

I apologize for losing my temper! I always regret that

I speak from my heart..

no on the contrary forgot...
and I do not respect you..

and I am now putting you on ignore which I should have done
when I avoided your posts from the giddy-up

again apologies for losing my temper
hopefully some thing I said willl make sense one day
take care~~

God bless you
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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

I am so sorry .... I am very quick tempered and I saw my words quoted along with ignorant African and reacted.....

but I went back and re-read Shimmie's post
and her response speaks to you speaking of yourself having that experience
and not speaking to someone else

so I owe you a HUGE apology

I am so sorry Almaz....what I said was unkind and not fair
I feel very foolish~~as I should
I hope you can forgive my BIG BIG MOUTH

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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

See I told you. Don't be mad at the Maz Maz LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Are you from Africa too?
no ..from
and is it possible to feel even stupider....

See I told you. Don't be mad at the Maz Maz LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
ohhh..I deserve that
excuse me
time for my whupping

All joking aside....
I am so sorry I mouthed off...I did misunderstand you
God is certainly teaching me a BIG lesson..and
I guess He is not pleased with me right now
I said some very unkind things and clearly misjudgedyou
I really regret it...I feel bad.....
thank you for being much more gracious than I was

I'm not going to post for a while....
for a long while.......:(
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Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

Sorry but I have had experiences with MANY MANY Jews for Jesus and they office was right down the street where I used to live in Skokie, Illiinois and this was their MO.

I dont' have much respect for these people if you want to be Christian then be a Christian but please please PLEASE leave the Jewish people alone so we can be Jewish and worship how we please and as we please for the last 3,000 years.

They leave a very bad taste in my mouth and many others that had to deal with them in Skokie, Illinois. They preyed on the old and Eldery and infirmed to get them to convert. This is wrong.

Sorry but they leave a bad taste in my mouth. The harrassed some of my elderly relatives in Skokie to the point where I had to threathed bodily harm and get a restraining order against the group to STAY the HELL away out of my families house. Telling them that they went through the Holocaust because they did not accept Jesus.

Okay do your thing but leave others out of it and this is wrong. Sorry but this is my experience and the experience of many jews that live and have lived in Skokie THEY set up and office in Skokie BECAUSE of the highest population of Holocaust suvivours in the world outside of Israel. Just to proslytise to them which is wrong. Go in DA HOOD and proslytise to the already Christians there and not living a Chrisitian life.

Thank you Shimmie for you understanding.
Again, I am so sorry for your unfortuante experience. Personally, I don't know of any Messianic Jews who have done this. The ones I know, simply worship and have geniune love for all of mankind.

But you know, there's always a group from a group whose over zealous actions, make it hard for everyone involved.

In the same manner that it has been falsely overcasted that ....
  • All Black Women are on welfare and have 10-15 baby daddies
  • All Black women wear wigs and weaves and horse hair braids
  • All Black men are non-working, non support paying, 10-15 baby momma's.
  • All Black men hate Black women
  • All Jews have white skin.....
The list can go on and on. but in like manner, not all Messianic Jews are overbearing and forceful and browbeaters and abusers of the elderly.

But whenever a group of any kind, is hated or resented, the few of those who are negative (the bad apples), make it easier for it's opposers to label them 'all' as bad people.

Just by being 'Black', you and I both know this. :yep:

I know that I can't change the world, but I can change the way that I treat you, and I choose to treat you as my sister. We both love God and that's a wonderful kinship that makes us 'one.'

Love and blessings to you and I mean this sincerely. :giveheart: Shame on those who oppose.
Re: Jews for Jesus..Christians & High Holidays in Messianic Svce..Your connection sto

no ..from
and is it possible to feel even stupider....

ohhh..I deserve that
excuse me
time for my whupping

All joking aside....
I am so sorry I mouthed off...I did misunderstand you
God is certainly teaching me a BIG lesson..and
I guess He is not pleased with me right now
I said some very unkind things and clearly misjudgedyou
I really regret it...I feel bad.....
thank you for being much more gracious than I was

I'm not going to post for a while....
for a long while.......:(

Kayte, Kayte, Precious Lady, Beautiful Sister...Divine.

I love you, too... :love2: