JC Penny is having a GREAT sale on Chi stuff!!


Well-Known Member
Heads up ladies.. I went to JcPennys to buy Chi Silk Infusion. I was told its usually $13 for 2oz. However, I saw a box marked from 24.99 to $14.99 and it contains 2oz of Chi Silk Infusion, 6oz o Chi Norish Intense silk hair masque and 12oz of Chi Nourish Intense silk bath.

Is that a good bargain or what!:drunk:
Are CHI products designed solely for those who use heat on their hair? I'd love to try them but the only time I hear them being raved about is when someone has just flat-ironed their hair.
Heads up ladies.. I went to JcPennys to buy Chi Silk Infusion. I was told its usually $13 for 2oz. However, I saw a box marked from 24.99 to $14.99 and it contains 2oz of Chi Silk Infusion, 6oz o Chi Norish Intense silk hair masque and 12oz of Chi Nourish Intense silk bath.

Is that a good bargain or what!:drunk:

That's a great bargain! I just boought the little CHI Silk Infusion at Ulta yesterday. I wish I had known about the JCPenney sale.
thanks for the info! i went to walgreen's today and they were sold out of the infusion so i'll be headed over there pronto :)