Is it possible to have HEALTHY LONG BLEACHED and RELAXED hair ???

Sorry for the sidebar.. but what are you colored ladies doing re: your eyebrows? I have jet jet jet (jet) black brows, so I'm thinking I would need to lighten them.

if you have sparse eyebrows you can also just use a brown pencil to make them look brown. i have light reddish brown kinky twists in right now and it bothered me how it looked with my black eyebrows, so i bought jolen's but didn't use it because i was afraid it would affect my eyebrow piercing:nono:. so i just tried pencil and it worked! usually if you're of a darker complexion, you don't want your eyebrows to be lighter than a medium brown anyway, otherwise it'll end up looking weird.

i would recommend putting on the jolens for like 1-2 minutes at a time and then immediately checking/rinsing off to see the color. you can always reapply right after, and you don't want to end up with blonde eyebrows...
Or would it just be 'altered'? Not necessarily 'damaged'? I think these are two different states, yet sometimes used interchangeably. :yep: jmho

I hear you, and honestly it's a matter of perspective really....each position could be accurate...
i had my eyebrows lightened to a light brown when I dyed it blonde and brown. maaaan, it lasted two weeks. completely black by 3 weeks. i personally wasn't trying to put bleach on my face every 2-3 weeks so i never did it again.

I'm thinking bout highlighting in september. hopefully all my newly gained info on protein & moisture, i won't destroy my hair this go around.
i certainly plan on doing so.... i'm looking for a better brand than the box i've always used b4! :grin:
i plan on aphogee'in my self to pieces, S-curl'in my day away!
and no heat (maybe once yearly)... no other chemicals
and possibly lifting the whole head a shade lighter... then using a chestnut blonde (as always) on the top only this time

i'm also considering underprocessing the color & using rinses to tint or alter intstead of drying the hair out with a 30minute process (salons):nono:

we'll see
I ve done it on relaxed naturally off-black hair and thanks to that i went from nearly WL to SL .I wouldnt suggest it hair broke off something horrible a month after bleaching it ,it was stiff,dry and took a good dose of silicone to make it shiny ,which then led to shampoo more often ,I also went to Dubai on holiday and the heat +sea salt was a killah ! I had to keep chopping an inch every 3 or 4 months .
I ve done it on relaxed naturally off-black hair and thanks to that i went from nearly WL to SL .I wouldnt suggest it hair broke off something horrible a month after bleaching it ,it was stiff,dry and took a good dose of silicone to make it shiny ,which then led to shampoo more often ,I also went to Dubai on holiday and the heat +sea salt was a killah ! I had to keep chopping an inch every 3 or 4 months .

Was this before or after you started your healthy hair journey? Do you think that you would have been able to maintain your hair's health with the info you know now?
Water is a chemical, Shampoo is a chemical. Thats if you want to get technical.

Wind is damaging, so is the sun, cold weather, hot weather, the ocean, the pool, the chlorine in the drinking water. So its safe to then say that ALL hair is damaged.

I think its a misconception, that being natural, will keep the hair on your head. I know relaxers are damaging, but IMO, its less damaging than blow drying and hotcombing, flat ironing and all that extra manipulating to wear straight hair for MY hair. Thats why I relax, I dont like my natural hair and its healthier for me.

I think it is not right to say that proper heat styling is as damaging as a relaxer because science has shown that the hair is only temporarily manipulated whereas with a relaxer it has been completely changed and it is not reversible and therefore technically the strand is damaged but since it was done on purpose who cares, you wanted it that way! Besides most relaxed heads use heat also, I know I did from time to time! I say the curls were damaged but we know the hair can still be free of splits and look GREAT AND LONG! The word damaged, this is not a natural vs relaxer issue just a " scientific term" used for chemically processed hair. Chemically altered is a much better term IMO!!!! We are all in this together!:grin:
I went dark blonde once and my relaxed hair could not handle it.
Then I tried it again with a bronze color just as highlights (big chunky streaks) and with extra moisture, I got no extra breakage. I just really babied my strands that had the streaks. I loved the bronze highlights!!!

OP my highschool bff wears her hair light blonde and has for over 10 years and it has never been shorter than BSL. She said her secret is sealing with a light grease daily, idk if you are for or opposed to grease but it worked in her case!