I'm going natural!!!


New Member
Hi ladies! I haven't been on here for a while but I wanted to share that I've finally made the decision to go natural and I'm so excited. I don't plan to big chop any time soon though, I'm gonna transition by either wearing my hair straight or in roller sets. As of now I'm only 7 weeks and one day post my last relaxer, stretching my relaxer always did me more harm than good so this is just about the time I would relax again. I plan on doing a long transition, about 1 and a half to 2 years. I think I have a pretty good regimen in place, this is what I plan to do:

I'm gonna wash once a week and plan to DC with this wash,

Pre shampoo: kiehl's magic elixer on scalp and the reconstructive oil on the
strands, leave this in for 15 to 30 minutes

Shampoo: Kieh's Argan smoothing shampoo (love this) or either their olive oil or
amino acid one
DC: kiehl's olive oil pak (love this one) or Argan smoothing pak, followed by the matching instant conditioner.
Can u tell I love the kiehl's products, lol. For styling I'll use Red's Kitchen Sink products:

Leave in: herbal hair soufflé and silk pressing cream, air dry or blow dry on warm/cool air when in a rush, then flat iron. I don't go over 410 degrees. I'll alternate with roller setting and do this most of the time to keep the heat of my hair.

I'll give a review on Red's Kithchen Sink products in a few days, so far I'm loving them, I flat ironed my hair two days ago with the silk pressing cream and I still don't have any reversion. Their gel really control my edges and I don't look like I need a touch up.

Anyway I'm gonna figure out how to load pics so we can track my progress. Happy hair growing every one!!!
Hello Congratulations on your decision. I'm a natural and I can tell you that its the best decision I made for my hair. Even through the ups and downs I faced in my natural hair journey its all worth it. My advice to you is to enjoy your journey. If you have a regimen try to keep it simple and to the point and watch your hair flourish. Have fun on your journey. Take care
Hello Congratulations on your decision. I'm a natural and I can tell you that its the best decision I made for my hair. Even through the ups and downs I faced in my natural hair journey its all worth it. My advice to you is to enjoy your journey. If you have a regimen try to keep it simple and to the point and watch your hair flourish. Have fun on your journey. Take care

I could have wrote this myself
Yay congrats! Sounds like you have a good plan but be careful with the heat. There are a lot of fun styles that don't require heat.

Can't wait to see the pictures!