I need a trim but…


Well-Known Member
My hair is natural now so I am not sure how I was going to do this. Here is what I was thinking

1 Get my hair washed and pressed at the salon and then get the trim but I know this will cost at least $70
2 Wash and straighten my hair at home and go to super cuts to get the trim that will cost about 15 bucks

The problem with super cuts is that sometimes I don’t find a AA person doing the cuts so I am afraid if I go with my hair lightly pressed they won’t trim it right.

What do you 4A/4B ladies do when you need a trim?
I'm a proud DIYer!

I wash, condition & section my hair into 4. I section & stretch each section into 2 (or more)and dust my ends. I trim/dust every 6 months but i'm on a year long stretch & won't be trimming till early next year God willing...

I am 100% natural & don't need to str8ten my hair to trim.