I have a question for Christians...


New Member
if you woke up tomorrow, turned on the TV (or the computer) and heard that the "rapture" had occurred, what would you do?

Considering you are a Christian... and you're still here... and you had NOT been "raptured"...

I've been thinking about this a lot lately because of the discussions we've had on what it means to be a true Christian.

Any thoughts?

BTW, I asked my dad, who is a minister, the same question today.
I've thought of this before, and always thought that I would be prepared to struggle I would not take the mark, and would be willing to get killed for God.... Now that I think about it, I don't know. These what or who is a real Christian topics are interesting. i spent a week helping out katrina victims with various christian groups and was like, I'm just not that deep, maybe I'm really not that saved. :lol:
Honeyhips said:
I've thought of this before, and always thought that I would be prepared to struggle I would not take the mark, and would be willing to get killed for God.... Now that I think about it, I don't know. These what or who is a real Christian topics are interesting. i spent a week helping out katrina victims with various christian groups and was like, I'm just not that deep, maybe I'm really not that saved. :lol:

I know... it's something for Christians to really think about. "What if...?"

That would be one frightful day for a lot of people.

The mark of the BEAST! Talk about a test! My parents are very devoted to their Christian walk. If left here, would they take the "mark"? Or would they die for the cause?

Something to ponder...
just wanted to clarify, that if I was left here, I still would not deny God, but I would have to wonder why I was left... Well maybe not. ;)
Got a story about that wanna hear it, here it go!! A little over five years ago, I had just got back in the church and was all into the Lord, praying, in the church every time the doors opened, reading and studying my word faithfully. Well my son who was seven at the time would sleep with me. One night about three thirty in the morning, I woke up and my son was gone, his over sized tee shirt that he slept in was there but he was gone, I called his name (Preston) not a sound to be heard. I looked on the floor thinking maybe he had fell out of the bed, no Preston. I got up went to his room, thinking maybe he went into his room to watch cartoon after I fell asleep and he went on to sleep. Bed empty, I got scared and at this point, I wanted to go into my daughters room but was about frozen with fear. All I could think is OH LAWD, YA DONE COME BACK AND LEFT ME HERE. At this point, I'm about to freak out when my daughter walks out of her room carrying my son who had fell asleep in her room watching tv. That night, I did a little extra praying and soul searching.
ladydee36330 said:
Got a story about that wanna hear it, here it go!! A little over five years ago, I had just got back in the church and was all into the Lord, praying, in the church every time the doors opened, reading and studying my word faithfully. Well my son who was seven at the time would sleep with me. One night about three thirty in the morning, I woke up and my son was gone, his over sized tee shirt that he slept in was there but he was gone, I called his name (Preston) not a sound to be heard. I looked on the floor thinking maybe he had fell out of the bed, no Preston. I got up went to his room, thinking maybe he went into his room to watch cartoon after I fell asleep and he went on to sleep. Bed empty, I got scared and at this point, I wanted to go into my daughters room but was about frozen with fear. All I could think is OH LAWD, YA DONE COME BACK AND LEFT ME HERE. At this point, I'm about to freak out when my daughter walks out of her room carrying my son who had fell asleep in her room watching tv. That night, I did a little extra praying and soul searching.

Man! It's a scary THOUGHT!

I couldn't imagine being a Christian, or believing I'm a Christian, only to be "left behind"... Dear God NO! :eek:

And my dad says if you're "left behind", you have to work hard to show God you truly are His, but when the government begins withdrawing food and gas and water and EVERYTHING else, can you honestly say you'll be left standing?

It's also my understanding that the unsaved will seek to destroy you. Now, many of you know I'm not a Christian, but I do not see myself destroying, say, my parents if one of them is "left behind".

I would help them...
Weeelllll Blossssom, if you ask me and you didnt, I believe you are a christian and just dont know it yet. Maybe not a saved born again christian as man defines christians but you do have call on your life as we all do. If you are the same Blossom that was here when I joined LHCF back in 2003 God's call on you is becoming more obvious in your comments and you utter curiosity about christianity. This curiosity is not by chance its God putting those questions there making you want to know more, causing you to search and to seek answers. Doors open my sistah, now you come on in.
ladydee36330 said:
Weeelllll Blossssom, if you ask me and you didnt, I believe you are a christian and just dont know it yet. Maybe not a saved born again christian as man defines christians but you do have call on your life as we all do. If you are the same Blossom that was here when I joined LHCF back in 2003 God's call on you is becoming more obvious in your comments and you utter curiosity about christianity. This curiosity is not by chance its God putting those questions there making you want to know more, causing you to search and to seek answers. Doors open my sistah, now you come on in.

Is that what the problem is?

That's really strange you should say that, because I went to church Sunday before last with my parents and I enjoyed it very much... the singing and the sermon.

The Bible is a very important book and many people study it, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Being raised in a Christian home and having read many parts of the Bible, I have a good understanding of it. So when I talk about what it means to be a true Christian, I'm not speculating. I know the Word.

Back to the Sunday I went to church with the parents, I actually CAUGHT myself singing "Jesus Is the Answer"... and I stopped a moment and thought: "Wait a minute... what are you doing? Jesus is the answer? Not to you!" It sounded in my own mind like a rebuke! But then the music sounded so good and I continued singing "Jesus Is the Answer" right along with the choir.

My mother has often told me I would be a great help to young people. She tells me they need someone like me. I agree with her. However, I also know what I am and what I am not. That's why I engage in "armchair" counseling when the opportunity arises.

Who knows? Perhaps I am a Christian (for half a second Sunday before last, I almost thought I was) and am unaware... see how man screws up things? :)

Thank you for that, Lady... you're a true gem..
I wouod just thinkof it as another test of my faith. I will be faithful (or atleast try my best) till the very end. Id probably be reading Job everyday :)
beyondcute said:
I wouod just thinkof it as another test of my faith. I will be faithful (or atleast try my best) till the very end. Id probably be reading Job everyday :)

Hey! Job is a wonderful example of STRENGTH! :)
Blossssom said:
Is that what the problem is?

Yes dear... I believe God is slowly drawing you in. I've been thinking that for awhile. God is good girl, he'll have you right where you need to be. I've been going through some things and went to a womens fellowship tonite and if it was not directly for me, man oh man... it is like every single question I had was answered. I was like God, you ain't slick. :look:
If he left me behind I would die for the cause. God gave me a gift which has kept me out of prison and forced/forcing change within me. He isn't done with me yet so if it happened tommorrow that would mean I need to stay and handle some business. :perplexed
I remember a long time ago when I first saw "A Thief in the Night". I was probably about 12-13 years old. Unfortunately for me, I was sitting right by the projector, and I can still hear the guillotine blade slamming down at the end of the movie (I believe I am re-calling this correctly).

My dad told me way back then that if you thought you were a Christian but it turned out that you were not, that later on you could still be "raptured". Those who believed they were saved but were really unsaved would be given one more chance to be saved.

Having thought about this thread since I started it, I believe this is the case and the people who will eventually have to die for the cause are those who did not want to be saved; they had rejected God's plan for salvation; they didn't want to know about it; hear about it and could care LESS about it.

So when the great tribulation comes and Christ has received all of those who are His, that's when all hell will truly break loose. Those who want to become saved will have to die for it!
Wow, interesting topic!

I never thought about that before. I watched movies about it and tried to imagine how it would be in general, but I never gave serious thought on how it would be if it were me.

A lack of love, committment, faith, obedience, prayer, worship, studying, repentence, etc. would cause me to be left behind. I have to make my calling and election sure.

But to answer your question, I would be devasted. Then after repenting, I would still worship God and suffer during the tribulation.

If life is tough now, I shudder to think how it would be then.
victorious said:
If life is tough now, I shudder to think how it would be then.

Downright un-BEARABLE!

I went to my family's house today, and we were discussing it a little bit.

My parents know I'm not a Christian, and I told them that if they are left behind, they would have to depend on me for their well-being.

It's going to be a trip, ladies... I also remember hearing people say they hoped to be dead by the time the rapture occurred.

In retrospect, it sounds to me as if they weren't sure if they were truly Christians or not. And if the rapture happened... they didn't want to find out... by being LEFT BEHIND! :(
Blossssom said:
Is that what the problem is?

That's really strange you should say that, because I went to church Sunday before last with my parents and I enjoyed it very much... the singing and the sermon.

The Bible is a very important book and many people study it, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Being raised in a Christian home and having read many parts of the Bible, I have a good understanding of it. So when I talk about what it means to be a true Christian, I'm not speculating. I know the Word.

Back to the Sunday I went to church with the parents, I actually CAUGHT myself singing "Jesus Is the Answer"... and I stopped a moment and thought: "Wait a minute... what are you doing? Jesus is the answer? Not to you!" It sounded in my own mind like a rebuke! But then the music sounded so good and I continued singing "Jesus Is the Answer" right along with the choir.

My mother has often told me I would be a great help to young people. She tells me they need someone like me. I agree with her. However, I also know what I am and what I am not. That's why I engage in "armchair" counseling when the opportunity arises.

Who knows? Perhaps I am a Christian (for half a second Sunday before last, I almost thought I was) and am unaware... see how man screws up things? :)

Thank you for that, Lady... you're a true gem..

Blosssom I've thought the same thing! From the things I've seen here on the lil ol board, you've got the love of God in you. You remind me of myself in some ways because I don't consider myself religous however I am very spiritual. You're a thinker and you seem to be in touch with yourself, perhaps so much that you question your Christianity. I've gone through times when I say, I'm not worthy or I'm striving for something unattainable, but then I remember how much God has done for me and how much He loves me in spite of me.
I totally agree with this nice lady...I think your Christianity is alive and well, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
Wow, Divine Inspiration... quite often people can't believe I'm not a Christian because of the things that I say. Here and in the real world.

I truly believe God is with me, regardless if I am "saved" or not, and I'm happy I can still share the small insights that I do have pertaining to Christianity :)
Your question doesn't phase me in the least because I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW, that God has purposed me for GREAT things and that I won't be left behind!!!! ;) :angel:
Supergirl said:
I would think to myself "Oh, They must be rapturing in shifts..." :D

Like the spiritual elevator was too full??? Show me some scripture :lol:

Girl, you made me laugh today.
victorious said:
Like the spiritual elevator was too full??? Show me some scripture :lol:

Girl, you made me laugh today.

Well, there is a scripture that says that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. So maybe the M-Z people will get to go first for a change and then the A-L. Hee-hee!

I just got married so I went from an R to a B. Dang, I still have to go with the last group now!!! ;)