How do I DRY my wet Natural Hair?


New Member
Hello, Everyone!

Well yesturday I Bc'd :yay: after a six month transition, and after I bc'd I washed my hair. When I was transitioning I air dried because I was scared the heat would damaged my hair, BUT I kinda hated the rough dry-ish look my hair got from air drying. My hair still felt soft tho. (I think air drying does that cause my friends have similar experiences).

I don't think I want to blow dry because I want to still have my natural texture, at the same time I don't want to air dry...

Do you thinks its safe for my hair if I went under a dryer to dry my natural hair?

How do you naturals dry your hair after washing it, without it getting damaged?

Thanks! :)
A hooded dryer is a decent choice if you dislike air drying. Are you using products when you air dry?
A hooded dryer is a decent choice if you dislike air drying. Are you using products when you air dry?

The only product I used is roux fermodyl 07 leave in treatment. Other times I use Elasta Qp leave in.

Should I just put my hair in the dryer with no cap on it or anything? My hair won't damaged?
Well I don't use a blowdryer/hooded dryer at all ( unless I am straightening and I just did that for the first time in several years a couple weeks ago ) I am strictly and airdry girl. The key for me, is to have a MOISTUIZING leave-in prior to letting my hair airdry. I use the kimmaytube leave-in, but alternate or mix kckt with tailah waajid. This is the thing, you may be used to soft/silky hair with blowdrying, but that's not gonna happen for you really with airdrying. The only time it's come close was when I airdried a rollerset, but it still wasn't exactly the same feeling. It's just something that comes with the territory. IDK, as your hair grows out, you will be able to tweak your routine and get your hair pretty soft. With the kimmaytube leave-in my hair get's pretty silky with airdrying in braids or in large twists that I bun to dry :D
Congrats on your BC!!!
How do you naturals dry your hair after washing it, without it getting damaged?
I apply a leave in and a moisturizer then I cornrow my hair into 4 to 8 braids and let them air dry. This keeps my hair from becoming too dry and brittle feeling while stretching it out (avoiding SSKs.) :) HTH!
you can towel dry, apply leave in and then air dry in braids,twists etc.this makes air drying alot faster)

since i dont like air drying(i hate walking around with wet hair) i have been sitting under the hooded dryer and i just love it. if i do air dry i always towel dry first to get most of the excess moisture out.
You can still air dry and avoid the roughness. Once you moisturize your hair, braid it and tie it down with a scarf. The scarf smoothes your hair.
The only product I used is roux fermodyl 07 leave in treatment. Other times I use Elasta Qp leave in.

Should I just put my hair in the dryer with no cap on it or anything? My hair won't damaged?

I only use the dryer occasionally as I am ok with my hair air drying. I usually use a creamy moisturizer and oils on my damp hair.

But under the hooded dryer, just set on a medium to low setting. If you cap it, you will prevent the hair from drying. Just try not to sit there longer than when the hair is dry. You shouldn't damage your hair by doing so.
Congrats!!! Pics please ??????? :grin:
I'm braiding my hair now so, its kinda too late, but i will be sure to take pics when I wash my hair again :)
Well I don't use a blowdryer/hooded dryer at all ( unless I am straightening and I just did that for the first time in several years a couple weeks ago ) I am strictly and airdry girl. The key for me, is to have a MOISTUIZING leave-in prior to letting my hair airdry. I use the kimmaytube leave-in, but alternate or mix kckt with tailah waajid. This is the thing, you may be used to soft/silky hair with blowdrying, but that's not gonna happen for you really with airdrying. The only time it's come close was when I airdried a rollerset, but it still wasn't exactly the same feeling. It's just something that comes with the territory. IDK, as your hair grows out, you will be able to tweak your routine and get your hair pretty soft. With the kimmaytube leave-in my hair get's pretty silky with airdrying in braids or in large twists that I bun to dry :D
I bought the Elasta QP olive oil and mango moisturizer, so hopefully that will help next time I air dry. I'm also going to use it when I moisturize my scalp while I have my plaits.

you can towel dry, apply leave in and then air dry in braids,twists etc.this makes air drying alot faster)

since i dont like air drying(i hate walking around with wet hair) i have been sitting under the hooded dryer and i just love it. if i do air dry i always towel dry first to get most of the excess moisture out.

Yea, thats what I do before I air dry
A hooded dryer is not direct heat, so you should be fine.

Most of the time, I airdry. I have a few methods:
*For WNGs, I cowash, wrap a t-shirt around my hair for 5 min to soak up most of the water without making my hair frizzy, then style and go. I sometimes add leave-ins before putting the t-shirt on my head, and sometimes after.
*For twistouts, I cowash, add my leave-in and (one of these) Noodle Head/aloe vera gel/KCCC, add 5 flat twists to my hair, then cover with a silk scarf and go to bed. Sometimes I will use the t-shirt first, sometimes I won't. In the morning, they are dry enough to unravel. If not (i.e. I did them too late at night), I take a blow dryer set on medium to my hair. I hold it about 6" from my hair and dry the damp sections.
for wash n go's i use a turbie twist ( i guess you could use a t-shirt or towel) and put it on for about 15 minutes then take it off and apply my leave-in and/or stylers and my hair is almost fully dry less than 30 minutes later
I do the same thing as ravengirl.

Wash towel try a little, put a leave-in in, right now it's castor oil but i'm trying Giovanni direct next. Then put in to about 8 braids so it drys stretched and detangled. If I wash my hair early I later on put it in to 4 canerows, they make my hair straighter. When I undo my hair is well moisturised and stretched