How did you learn how to braid (with extensions)?


Active Member
I'd really like to learn how to braid hair with extensions. I'm trying to save money on taking my sis to the salon by braiding her hair myself. But I don't know what the best way is to learn. Is it in a book, or braid video? And where can I get it? I'm seriously thinking of getting the Hair Lady's braid video from her website . Would you recommend getting a dummy's head to practice on, a barbie, what?

Thank you!!!
Lots of practice.

I could already tell what Braiders do from taking down my own or my Mum's extensions, so it was just a matter of practising on my own hair until I got them exactly the way I liked. It probably also helped that I've been plaiting and cornrowing since I was about 6 or so.

I don't know what the best way is to learn. I see videos recommended a lot.
Once you learn the technique and you understand how to attach the extension, it's really just a matter of trial and error. My sister and I learned by experimenting on each others heads. Basically, we found the easiest way to attach the extension was to do this:

-take the amount of synthetic hair you are going to use for one braid and split it in 2, with one half a bit bigger

-take the 2 strands of synth. hair and loop them. (A braid has 3 strands, so I like to section the synthetic hair in to 3 strands first, that's what I'm trying to descibe here)
The smaller piece will make one strand and the bigger piece will make the other 2 strands.

-so now you've got your ext. hair in three strands. You've got the section for the braid parted on your head, right? So you section the piece of real hair in to 3, you place the extension (which is in 3 strands) over it, and you start braiding under.

The trickiest part about it is the tension, which will only come with practice. Try doing a few on your sister's head and you'll see, it will come to you. When my sister does my hair, I section the hair into 3 strands while she's braiding to speed up the process.

I find that my braids slip out less and and hold better when I start with 3 strands, I know there are other ways of doing it, but that's what has worked best for me, plus I find it easier to braid.

If you already know how to braid somewhat, as long as your parts are neat, it should come out fine. I wouldn't suggest trying to do micros your first time, cause you will probably be slower at first and might have to do a braid over now and then. But you'll get the hang of it. I hope this makes sense, if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.
Re: How did you learn how to braid (with extension


Watch someone do it a couple of time then just start practicing until you feel confortable doing it. I've never braided anyone's hair before but I always knew I could do it. I started braiding my own hair to save money and they look pretty nice. It was a bit tough the first time but after that, I can do it with no problem.