Hey, does anyone want to touch and agree that R.Kelly will be truly saved?



As much as we talk about him, we should be praying also. If anyone wants to join me in praying for him and his salvation then please list what you would like God to do in his life.
I am not praying that he won't be punished for what he has done but it seems that he has backslidden so much.

Ok, you can write this list down and look at it while praying.

Dear Lord God,

thank you first for life itself and protection. Thank you for a sound mind and your salvation.

Lord I come before to pray for
*change in the heart of Robert Kelly.
*we pray that he has faith in you even if it is only as small as a mustard seed.
*that he knows that if he confesses with him mouth and believes with his heart that Jesus is Lord, then he will be saved. Rom.10:9
*I pray he sincerely confesses Lord.
*that he has faith which comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
*and that the people or things in his life which seduce him to backslide are taken away.

We pray this in Jesus name and for the sake of your glory when you work in his life. Amen.:yep:
I'll say a prayer for him. The word of God says we all fall short of the glory of God and his righteous. I won't judge him, but he has my prayers for his salvation.