Help!!!! Whenever I detangle, I ALWAYS lose wayyyy toooo much hair...!!!

Try adding castor oil to your final conditioner. Really softens and gives good slip. :yep:

Honestly, I am still losing a lot of hair when I detangle. Now I've started using Roux Porosity Control as a final rinse and I should see a difference within a month. I have been advised that my old permanent hair color was the culprit. I dunno but we'll see. :ohwell:
I just tried this and was surprised at the results in terms of reduced shedding:

1) rinse your scalp and hair with cool water first for a minute or so (cool water tighten / closes pores...causing your skin to grip the hair follicle more tightly on your scalp

2) then apply a VERY generous amount of a very slippery conditioner to it (e.g., Pantene Relaxed and Natural, Herbal Essences Hydration or one of their other ones, etc). make sure you get your roots very well also if you have new growth so your hair doesn't break at the line of demarcation.

3) then just comb from the ends up.

you should definitely have less shedding.

for even better results i've heard that garlic shampoo definitely significantly reduces the amount of shedding. i haven't tried this but i've heard that this works very well from folks on this forum.
Great post. I ALWAYS lose tons of hair detangling. Its a mixture of shedding and breakage. I am ten months post. The crazy is part it is my relaxed hair that tangles and knots up on me. My NG is a breeze. I read some great info in this tread. I am going to try detangling during my pre-poo, because with conditioner while wet is not working for me. My hair gets all tangled in my fingers, hair be everywhere! Very annoying!:wallbash:
Honestly, I am still losing a lot of hair when I detangle. Now I've started using Roux Porosity Control as a final rinse and I should see a difference within a month. I have been advised that my old permanent hair color was the culprit. I dunno but we'll see. :ohwell:

For me, I have to baby( and I do mean BABY) my hair to help with breakage. Are you being harsher on it than you might realize?

Also, I'm sure this has been said but detangling before washing helps really well and is a good indicator of how much hair you are actually losing to washing process and the washing process only.

Good luck, I've been there!
Thank you OP for starting this thread I'm getting alot of great information. I always have a fist full of hair when I detangle. I keep trying to figure out why I'm lose so much hair, I detangle once a month, because I keep my twist or braids in that long. I'm extremely careful when taking my hair down, but I guess I'm not as careful during the detangling stage. I also think that I may need more protein. So I will definatley use some of the suggestions that were made to see if it helps me Thanks Ladies