Help!!! I need transitioning hair styles


Hi Ladies I Am New Here

Guys please help!!! I have no idea how to wear my hair at all :wallbash: I am new to the site I just joined in January and I have been lurking on the site for a few months. I have not had a relaxer since September of 07 and I am trying not to go back especially with the results of naturals I have seen on this site. I am trying to go natural and it is a struggle because I do not know where to start or with what products to use :nono: People on the site refer to the twist out and braid out but every time I try it looks like a hot mess. My hair is shoulder length and and I just can't handle the tangls once i wash it. Please anyone with advice on what to do to help me it would be greatly appreciated. Ladies ypu guys on this site have gorgeous hair Keep up the good work and hopefully some of you can whip me into shape :yay:
P.S Any product advice for a beginner like myself would be great (Detanglers and deep conditioners)
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Guys please help!!! I have no idea how to wear my hair at all! I am new to the site I just joined in January and I have been lurking on the site for a few months. I am trying to go natural and it is a struggle becasue I do not know where to start or with what products to use. People on the site refer to the twist out and braid out but every time I try it looks like a hot mess. My hair is shoulder length and and I just can't handle the tangls once i wash it. Please anyone with advice on what to do to help me it would be greatly appreciated. Ladies ypu guys on this site have gorgeous hair! Keep up the good work and hopefully some of you can whip me into shape!
P.S Any product advice for a beginner like myself would be great (Detanglers and deep conditioners)

I love Suave conditioners for cowashing...
Natural hair loves protein. So i just started using also protein conditioners. I dont really use anything to detangle because i havent worn my hair out and usually after cowashing my hair is easy to comb thru even after it has dried. For hairstyles im doing my transition with braids(medium micros) and sew-in weaves. I do use growth aids also(BT) and ORS fertilizer for my edges.
What point are you at in your transition? Honestly, once I got to six months, I could no longer do the twist-out and braid-out thing. At that point, I got braids (cornrows, box braids).

Also, at this point, you may have to really start cutting off more than 1" every month or so. I recommend this because it worked for me. I noticed that the more my hair was not all one texture, it began to fight itself, thus making it harder for me to style.

I recommend a lot of moisturizing conditioners and products during this time period. Try also to detangle your hair only when it's wet.

I also did a lot of buns and single braids (sometimes pinned up to make it look like an updo). HTH.
Thanks Ladyjoli I have been only getting my ends trimmed when necessary but you are right! I will start to get the dead hair cut off and see what happens. I can tell that my texture is a wave patter because I wear it in a bun with the baggy method and I can see the waves. I cannot wait until Ihave the full texture all the way thru... I know it is a process but I trust all the ladies out here on the site will provide encouraging words and keep me updated on the new styles and products. Also I am going to only do protective styles and not use my old faithful blow dryer. I will either air dry or sit under the dryer. This is a very hard transition because I really do not know much about hair but I do know I want my natural locs :cry:
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Thanks Ladyjoli I have been only getting my ends trimmed when necessary but you are right! I will start to get the dead hair cut off and see what happens. I can tell that my texture is a wave patter because I wear it in a bun with the baggy method and I can see the waves. I cannot wait until Ihave the full texture all the way thru... I know it is a process but I trust all the ladies out here on the site will provide encouraging words and keep me updated on the new styles and products. Also I am going to only do protective styles and not use my old faithful blow dryer. I will either air dry or sit under the dryer. This is a very hard transition because I really do not know much about hair but I do know I want my natural locs :cry:

I understand your frustration. It'll be okay. (((HUGS)))

As far as products, I learned that "if ain't broke don't fix it." Unless the products you currently use have stopped working for you, keep using them. I still use porosity control shampoo (I've used it for 7-8 years) even though it's for chemically treated hair.

But, if you're looking for products to try (not encouraging anyone to be a product junkie :look:) I recommend Dove Intense Moisture conditioner (dark blue bottle) and Cantu Shea Butter leave-in repair cream. I am a product minimalist, but I use these faithfully :yep:.

As far as styling techniques, during my transition I found that using perm rods to create a curly style camoflougued two textures really well and lasted for a least four days. But in reality, I spent most of my transition in buns, using gel and scarves to smooth down the edges of my hair.

Also, the transitioner's support thread may be helpful for you (it's a long one though).
Can you flat twist or french braid/cornrow. Not fancy, or neat but when you wash your hair to minimise tangles and drynesss at the root its best to put it in like 4 big messy cornrows or french braids etc. I find that when i just to simple plaits my roots are still tangled.

Flexi rod sets are a cute style that i like.
pics are in my album