HELP!!! I Need Some Options!!!


I have unrelaxed 4a/4b hair, I'm trying to stretch my two strand twist extensions to the end of the month, which is when my next re-do appointment is scheduled(I've rescheduled twice because my hair is experiencing a LOOOOOOT of growth, due to my new hair regime). Anyway, I want to take my hair down because it is starting to get twisted and I want to retain as much length as possible. Here's were you lovely ladies come in... I don't want to wear it out in an afro... so I need some help/options to wear for about a week.....So can someone help a Sista' out???
I wear a pony puff through the week typicaly.

I am now trying to learn how to flat twist the front and I will wear the back in a twist out.

If you like banut knots...that style always looks chic!

Of course my favorite style is the two strand twist/bantu knot out! Love, love, love it!!!
I'm with Pookeylou! My favorite style is a puff or flat twists up into a puff. You can also do your own two strand twists was well as cornrows. You have PLENTY of options. If you need a couple of good websites, just PM me.