hair updates!


back from years of hiatus
ive added 2 pictures to my fotki. one is a growth challenge update and the other is of my new cornrows!

my hair is making slow but sure progress! you can see its thickened out some more(ugh, just what i need *rolls eyes*) and the ends are more even in this pic. i have got a total of maybe 2 inches trimmed off since the last picture update due to me trying new products and them not argreeing with my hair :-/ its ok though because im planning to just keep my hair cornrowed and use produicts that i know work! =)
Your hair looks great as aways weave
Beautiful cornrows!!!
I'm a huge cornrow fan and absolutely love yours. Wish I could do my own head so neatly
(Cybra, I'm still coming for lessons).

And hey, what's the "UGH" for...after you talk about your hair getting thick. That's a good thing, chicca. Just ask anyone who's got thinning hair or bald patches.
thanks! im trying to! i ran out of room im myt 1st albulm so ive moved my growth challenge updates to my 2nd fotki account! there are both links in my signature!