Hair growth (1 month) update (detailed)

Hey, OP. I think you may be concentrating too much on the external and not enough on the internal. One vitamin repeadtedly used in pills and conditioners and shampoo to make the hair strands thicker is Vitamin B. I know that people have suggested quite a few things for you to do, and that you are probably overwhelmed, but here's my take:

1. Definately get your overall health/thyroid checked just as you suspect.
2. Take a B vitamin or multivitamin with a high amount of B in it. "Nature Made" makes a good one and you can get them at Target or Walmart. Just take one daily.
3. Back off the shampoo. I repeat BACK AWAY FROM THE SHAMPOO. Because you are a male, and your hair is so fine I'm sure you want to shampoo everyday to keep the greasies at bay. However, if you are shampooing that frequently you really ought to be using a sulfate free formula. I've been doing some research for the past 3 weeks on sulfates to see if I should eliminate them from my stash. A lot of the sites dedicated to discontinuing the use of sulfate shampoo are male baldness sites. I'll look for some links to post for you. I'm still fact checking, but it appears that sulfates are potentially causally linked to hair loss.

Good luck though, and really, it's doesn't look as bad as you think. Your curls are cute.

Keep at it.

I totally agree. What you put on the inside is just as important, if not more so, than what you put on the outside. Eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, and supplementation will enhance your Mega-Tek results. Ask other people to see what might work for you.

Currently I take:
-Biotin 1000mg once or twice a day
-Super B Complex (has folic acid and Vit C) once daily
-fish oil 2000mg 1x a day
-flax oil (liquid) one teaspoon a day
-protein shakes

My new growth is THICK as hell.

I think a really good place for you to go is the Egg Shake Thread. The ladies in there have had amazing results from the egg shake. And if you google eggs and hair growth, you'll find a lot of studies linking consumption of eggs with thicker, stronger hair.

Hope this helps and good luck on your hair journey!'re adorable :wink2:
One thing I can definately attest to is increasing your protein intake.My hair normally grows about .5 in a month,since adding more protein to my diet I now get 1-1.5 in a month.I believe you can take up to 1gm per pound (i.e. 160gms/day if you weigh 160 pds).Also chlorella and spirulina can definately help with increasing your growth rate :yep:
Hi, it's that dude again. lol. :look:

I thought I would give you ladies an update on my growth. I have been using megatek now since July 27th, and it's now September 1st. I was going to do a month long update, but I forgot and now decided to do one at the first. I have also been taking 5000 mcg of biotin for 3.5 months (with a 2-3 week break from the vit last month.) My hair was buzzed to the head somewhere near January 20th and it's been SLLLOOWW growing until recently when my growth shot up, unless it's just a placebo effect, and my hair hasn't grown at all. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the megatek, the biotin or a mixture of the two. My hair has always grown slow, and I have been recovering from a life-long straightening accident I call my childhood.:ohwell: lol So in a since I have been going "natural" without accually going "natural" because I don't have typical 3c + black people's hair. I'm mixed and have looser curls that straighten easily into typical white people's hair.

Now this new growth has not been without problem I have had SERIOUS breakage at the crown, darn near to the scalp. I'm not exactly sure when this happened, but I checked my scalp with a double mirror last month and I have noticed that the entire area around my crown is pretty much non existent compared to the rest of my hair. I FEAR male-pattern baldness, but my mom who is a "white person" hair stylist swears up and down it's just breakage. My problem now is trying to grow it out and prevent it from ever happening again. I refuse to look like bozo the clown for the rest of my life.

My hair after the big buzz in jan-feb. Looks like typical short hair. Looks like their MIGHT be thinning in the temple area, but not sure because I've always had a big forehead. I started using biotin sometime around this time.


When I started using this forum, and when I started megatekking July 27th. My hair was pretty much at this length at this point. SLOW SLOW SLOW growth all that month. which was pretty much typical. notice how little my hair grew from January to July. That's it IN 6 MONTHS.


My hair now, Including the scary breakage in the back.


Shorter sparse hairs are evident compared to big loopy ones. My natural texture is tighter curled than this, I just picked it out with a comb.

In all reality. I don't see THAT big of a difference with the megatek. It is faint, but I personally see a problem with my hair in general. Such as the UBER thin texture of it all over my head. My hair is more loosely curly in the back than in the front, and of course my crown area is failing to thrive. My hair is way thicker than it used to be, so this is a big improvement, but there is still a problem. I think I'm going to have my thyroid levels checked, or something, because my hair is sparse in some spots, and Even at this length (which is clearly evident by the recent pictures) you can still see my scalp through the hair in some spots. Look at my pathetic attempt at side burns, see my problem?

Hey bhj867,

Your hair really doesn't appear to look that bad; however, I'm not there and am not sure what you're experiencing. I use to use the Megatek and did suffer from protein overload, so I stopped using it in its cream-based state and added it to a bottle and mixed it with glycerin and rose water and add it every other day to my scalp. It seems to work better for me this way. I'm wondering if your breakage could be from using the Megatek without deep conditioning your hair after each use.:perplexed

I saw your regime and it seems as though you are missing a very important part of a regime, which is deep conditioning treatments and also applying a moisturizing leave-in after your washes. I would suggest doing a deep conditioning treatment (DC) after every wash, whether with a plastic bag or sitting under the dryer for at least 30 minutes or more. I think you will see a decrease in breakage and your hair will also start to grow faster. I always tell my girls that hair is like grass, it loves water/moisture. They think I'm crazy, but it's proven true for me. I always moisturize and co-wash daily. If you don't moisturize, your hair has a tendency to dry out and become brittle and break, and that rings true even more for us with a coarser texture.

Although your hair doesn't look brittle at all (it really looks good). I think you will benefit from the added moisture that you will get from deep conditioning and adding a moisturizing leave-in afterwards.

Now, I know what my son's hair will look like when he grows up. I think it's very cute. Oh, and by the way, my son has nice ringlets of curls like yours and I can see his scalp too; however, it looks very moisturized and is not lacking anything. I use Sunsilk Hydra TLC for him after every wash (before bed and in the morning) and that's basically all he needs, however, he is only four. He has his daddy's texture as well. Try moisturizing more and see what happens.

Good luck and keep us updated!
Thanks :) Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is, but there is definitely some thinning. What is a good deep conditioner I can use?
One thing I can definately attest to is increasing your protein intake.My hair normally grows about .5 in a month,since adding more protein to my diet I now get 1-1.5 in a month.I believe you can take up to 1gm per pound (i.e. 160gms/day if you weigh 160 pds).Also chlorella and spirulina can definately help with increasing your growth rate :yep:

What is your best source of protein
Hey, OP. I think you may be concentrating too much on the external and not enough on the internal. One vitamin repeadtedly used in pills and conditioners and shampoo to make the hair strands thicker is Vitamin B. I know that people have suggested quite a few things for you to do, and that you are probably overwhelmed, but here's my take.

I agree with the above. Is your diet healthy and do you workout often? When I stopped focusing on putting a bunch of magical crap on my head (MTG and OCT/MT) that didn't work, my hair thrived. I don't even believe all of those supplements are necessary. A multivitamin and fish oil capsule is all I take, and those are not for hair reasons. I'm going to start increasing my protein intake and will let you know how it goes. Walmart sells a decent whey protein by Body Fortress for about $12.

My recommendation for a moisturizing shampoo is Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo. It does not strip your hair and it only costs $3. I also suggest you schedule an appointment with your doctor and get some blood work done too.
IMO your hair looks dry, maybe you should find a good moisturizer that works for you as well. For some coconut oil alone won't do it.
Hi, it's that dude again. lol. :look:

I refuse to look like bozo the clown for the rest of my life.

That's toooo funny:lachen:

But seriously, your hair is gorgeous! It also looks like it grew since your 1st photo and is probably still growing. You must be doing something right.

Keep sharing your info with us.
BHJ, have you thought anything about cowashing and trying to keep a simple regimen without growth aids and keeping your moisture and protein levels in sync?

I ask this because, like you I was once using every kind of growth aid out there, but since going natural I keep a ridiculously simple regimen and have noticed a nice amount of growth for just a little over 2 months! Check the BC Thread Tracker there, I posted pics of my growth.
What is your best source of protein

Right now i'm taking:
Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Shake,which is 24gms of protein per serving(1 scoop).I use 3 scoops mix with soymilk.

Knox brand gelatine drink mix-14gms protein

Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein-15gms per serving

I also eat salmon and tuna which is also high in protein.
Also,be sure to take an enzyme as it helps with digestion of protein and be sure to drink plenty of water.
Thanks :) Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is, but there is definitely some thinning. What is a good deep conditioner I can use?

This list will get you started. It contains some of my favorites (see highlighted items).:yep:

DEEP CONDITIONERS--Use one of these for at least 30 minutes or more twice a week with a plastic cap:

*Nexxus Humectress (or Suave Humectant at Walmart, basically the same thing)
*Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner (you can put this on while your showering and then rinse out)
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Mask
Pantene Relaxed & Natural Breakage Defense Deep Conditioning Mask
Keracare Humecto
Joico Moisture Recovery (I love this one)
Mizani Moisturefuse (absolutely love this one too)
Elasta QP DPR-11 Remoisturizer
ORS Replenishing Pak (you can get this at Sally’s in a big bottle)
Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner (love this one too)
LeKair Cholesterol
Lustersilk Cholesterol
Queene Helen Cholesterol Conditioner
Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo
GVP Conditioning Balm (from Sally’s)
Redken All Soft Heavy Cream
Silicon Mix


Dove Daily Moisture Conditioner
Creme of Nature Nourishing Conditioner
Herbal Essence Replenishing Conditioner
Aubrey Organic Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
Redken All Soft Conditioner
Jason Seakelp Conditioner


Joico K-Pac (love this one)
Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Restructuring Treatment (my favorite)
Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin Reconstructor
Motions CPR
Nexxus Emergencee (love this one)
Nexxus Keraphix
Aubrey Organics GPB
Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo
Dudley’s DRC

GOOD CO-WASH CONDITIONERS--use while showering or during exercise workout -- apply plastic cap. I've also left these in overnight for extra moisture:

VO5 Moisture Milks Conditioners
Herbal Essence Replenishing Conditioner

LEAVE-INS (apply after shampooing):

Sunsilk Hydra TLC (smells great)
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave-in
Joico Daily Leave-in Detangler
Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner
Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in
Kenra Daily Defense
Elasta QP H-2 Leave-in Conditioner
Elasta QP Recovery Leave-in
Salerm 21

CLARIFYING SHAMPOO (use once a month):

Joico Chelating Shampoo
Suave Clarifying Shampoo
Baking Soda mixed with your favorite moisturizing conditioner (this will make your hair feel really soft and not stripped like most clarifying shampoos do)

I'd say to spritz your hair daily with a moisturizing leave-in such as one of these:

Kenra Daily Defense
or just combine rose water, glycerin, and water and spritz your hair daily

Notice that I did not list any shampoos. I don't use shampoo anymore. I like the hair soaps. My favorites are:

Shikakai, Alma, Brahmi Bar Soap
Carrot Milk & Honey Bar Soap (Chagrin Valley)
Coconut Milk Bar Soap (Chagrin Valley)

Hope this helps!

Hey u!:lick: Yeah, I feel ya on the megatek. It didnt do anything for me which sucks because it seemed to work so well for others. Maybe u could try using it for a couple more moths to see what happens. I've been taking Biotin for almost 3 months and my hair is alot thicker and my edges are growing in (finally!). I also use coconut oil.

Good luck!
Thanks :) Maybe it's not as bad as I think it is, but there is definitely some thinning. What is a good deep conditioner I can use?

Princessdi listed some great ones. Since your funds are low, I would suggest Lekair or Lustrasilk cholesterol--they're only $2 for a pretty big jar.
Have you considered Rogaine 5%, especially if male pattern baldness runs in your family. Also be careful of wearing tights or hats that may be causing friction in the area you have breakage. Good luck.
ditto on the low sulfate or sulfate free shampoo. plus a good leave in if you dont want to try conditioner washes.
OK BHJ I'm done staring at your pictures LOL

Have you gone to a doctor or specialist to see if there are any medical reasons why your hair is thinning out?

BTW you might benefit from using good old castor oil instead of mega tek.
I have trouble in that area but it's because it's a totally different texture from the rest of my hair. My SO has hair and hairline similar to yours only his curls are crazy HUGE.

Only one other thing crossed my mind.... how do you sleep? Is it possible that you're rubbing out the crown?
Hi there BHJ 876

Have you thought about seeing your Doctor to see if you have any deficiencies, to check your thyroid levels i.e. free Th3 and Th4 levels. Also just do a quick check on hormone levels etc.

Finally could it be that you are just in a resting phase of hair growth? If so maybe MSM could help.

Also the more we look at something the worse it seems so maybe just a bit of patience???