Hair gel/cream that doesn't look shiny?


New Member
Do you guys know of a hair cream or gel that dries down and holds the hair in place, but doesn't look shiny at all or feel crunchy? Eco styler gel, Hawaiian silky dry look gel, etc. have all made my hair look like a wet helmet. Perhaps I'm over-applying, but my hair is very thick/dense and I cannot get a good hold without using enough product.
Jane carter curling cream. That’s the one I can think of off hand. I’ll come back when my mind thinks of more.

it’s expensive though.
The title of the thread had me confused. Still does. Why wouldn't you want shiny hair? (I understand the "wet helmet" comment though).

I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but here’s some matte hair cream from Sephora

Who knew? Didn't know that matte hair products were/are a thing. This is why I love coming here.