Give your three best tips

1. Henna and plain yogurt weekly or bi weekly.

2. Africa's Best Organics Shea Butter and Tea Tree oil daily.

3. Very little or no heat.

These three things together make my hair shine like new money:)
1-if ur wearing a hat maybe for the winter or etc go to the cleaners and have satin sewed to the inside to protect ur hairline and tresses

2-for strong or watery leave-ins add some glycerin to it, it will thicken it up and of course double the moisturize affect

3-when i want to give my ends a a BLAST of moisture i take a 99 cent plastic shower cap and pour quite a bit of kemi-oyl into the bag put my hair in a loose pony tail and take all of my ends dip then in the cap and put a scrunchie around it and wear it until bed time
1) Deep Condition your hair at least twice a month.

2) Keep your styling on the low manipulation tip.

3) Keep your ends moisturised, and up and away from touching anything.
Country gal said:
1. My trusted castor oil. My hair is super thick now thanks to Castor Oil.

2. Frequent washing. My hair loves the water

3. Twists- my trusted protective hair style and no real heat.

Hi country gal, I have heard a lot of members say good things about castor oil thickening their hair. What type are you using ? I am using MTG right now and have heard that that thickens the hair too, but since I am hearing so much about castor oil, I am curious to try it out.

Thanks in advance.:)
This is what has worked for me so far

1. Moisturize (with water, Infusium, olive oil and honey) and seal with black castor oil and a swipe or two of coconut oil
2. Sleep on a satin pillowcase and wear a silk scarf
3. Keep ends and new growth moist while leaving my hair alone. No rough handling at all.
Sorry, I know this is 4 but...

1. Moisturize daily
2. Minimize/eliminate heat
3. Deep condition with every wash
4. Relaxed heads - Stretch relaxers
1. Conditioner Washing
2. Deep Conditioning Weekly ) especially important in the beginning of a healthy hair / longer hair journey)
3. Sleeping with satin scarf and satin pillowcase / satin scarf and satin bonnet
Here are my 3. I am sure someone else has pegged the same 3 but:

Wash frequently (2-3x per week) dcing each time
Protective styles w/o heat
moisturize daily!