Dr. Susan Taylor's RX for damaged hair


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Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

1. Each Friday night, saturate the hair and scalp with the hair reconstruction oil. Cover with a clear shower cap, which remains in place overnight. Before removing the cap, apply a warm towel over the cap for ten minutes or sit under a hood dryer for ten minutes.

2. Remove the cap and wash the hair thoroughly with the oil-removing shampoo and rinse.

3. Lather up with the conditioning shampoo and leave it for two minutes.

4. Rinse thoroughly and then apply the deep conditioner for fifteen minutes. You may consider sitting under a hooded dryer during this time or wrap a warm towel around your head.
5. Rinse, comb with a wide-tooth comb, and gently dry the hair (either air-dry or sit under a hooded dryer).

6. Throughout the week, apply the hair repair cream to the ends of the hair.

7. For itching and flaking of the scalp, throughout the week apply a small amount of the hair reconstruction oil directly onto the scalp.

8. While sleeping, wear a satin scarf or cap so that the hair does not get caught on the pillowcase and break.
Strict adherence to this regime for the next six to nine months will result in healthier, softer, and stronger hair.

*note she does not say what the hair reconstruction oil is made out of, but in her book she advises to do overnight oil treatments not specifying what type of oil, but I believe Olive Oil or Coconut Oil would suffice (I might do a mixture of the two). She also does not mention what the hair repair cream consists of.
* She also advises to get touch-ups every 10-12 weeks in the winter when there is less humidity and every 7-8 weeks in the summertime thereby decreasing the number of touch-ups to 4-5/yr.

I plan on doing this regimen until my wedding day and hopefully my hair will be in even better condition.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

Whew! You scared me for a minute girl. I thought you were referring to the other Susan Taylor (of ESSENCE magazine). I kept thinking how could she give such great advice on hair when she's wearing her trademark braids.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair


Heck No Clover, I would not be quoting her for anything about hair advice. This lady is a dermatologist and she runs the Skin of Color clinic in NY. I recently purchased her book Brown Skin it has helped already in just one week with my complexion, so I'm hoping that my hair will fare just as well.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

ms_kenesha said:

Heck No Clover, I would not be quoting her for anything about hair advice. This lady is a dermatologist and she runs the Skin of Color clinic in NY. I recently purchased her book Brown Skin it has helped already in just one week with my complexion, so I'm hoping that my hair will fare just as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rx for damaged hair sounds good. What skin advice does she offer?
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

Yes, she's a well-known dermatologist. Very knowledgeable and I always see her name in different written articles. Never knew she came out with her own book. This is good to know. Is the book worth purhasing?
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

It depends on your skin type, but she recommends Cetaphil for cleansing (there are different ones for diff skin types) and she said that most people with acne try to use to harsh products which just makes their skin act out more. I had small bumps on my face not typical acne bumps and I think it was in reaction to the "medicated" face washes I was using. I've started using Cetaphil for cleansing and apply Clean & Clear invisible blemish gel on my skin at night it's made a big difference.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

ms_kenesha said:
It depends on your skin type, but she recommends Cetaphil for cleansing (there are different ones for diff skin types) and she said that most people with acne try to use to harsh products which just makes their skin act out more. I had small bumps on my face not typical acne bumps and I think it was in reaction to the "medicated" face washes I was using. I've started using Cetaphil for cleansing and apply Clean & Clear invisible blemish gel on my skin at night it's made a big difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm.... Sounds like good recommendations. Thanks.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

Clover I would def. recommend buying this book, about hair a lot of stuff you could get from here, but it's nice to have something in your hand to look at, plus she talks about real cases she's overseen. For skin I think it's a must have. I plan on keeping this book forever
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

I have that book too I just bought it for hair tipps but didnt find much, I didnt read up much on skin because im okay in that department..I think
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

I have her book as well. I can't remember her exact prescription for flawless skin, but generally believe it to be (as any good dermatologist would advise
) as follows:

1. Cleanse (use a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil, but there are several others that would fit the bill)

2. Tone/Disinfect (an alcohol and irritant-free toner should be used to remove trace oils & dead skin cells left after cleansing the face, which will leave the face softer and smoother (Paula's Choice makes a good one) - use the toner before or substitute the toner alogether with a disinfectant (antibiotic) solution, gel or cream if the skin is acne-prone (an OTC benzoyl peroxide formula or combination prescription formula such as Duac or Benzaclin would do))

3. Exfoliate (an AHA solution or lotion, or better yet a BHA solution which can penetrate oil and thus get below the surface of the skin - exfoliating will loosen dead skins cells over time, unclog pores, etc. - for acne-prone skin a prescription exfoliant such as Differin or Retin A (micro formula if you have sensitive skin) will do the trick if used consistently over several months.

4. Protect/Moisturize (a sunscreen whether it's raining or sunny - it can double as a moisturizer as well - of course, at night sunscreen protection is not needed, but you should still moisturize if one has dry patches after following the above steps).

One should not use benzoyl peroxide and a prescription retinoid or retinoid-like product (e.g., Differin, Retin A) at the same time (try using one in the morning and the other at night).

Anyway, Dr. Susan Taylor's book is called Brown Skin: Dr. Susan Taylor's Prescription for Flawless Skin, Hair, and Nails. The skin care section only reinforced what I already know. I bought the book to see what she had to say about hair care. Not too much more than what has been summarized above. Still it's a good resource.

Of course, just as with hair regimens, not everything above will work for everyone.
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

I've actually met with her re: acne treatment when she was in Philly - very knowledgeable...didn't know she had a book out - will look into it...thanks for the tips
Re: Dr. Susan Taylor\'s RX for damaged hair

clover said:
Whew! You scared me for a minute girl. I thought you were referring to the other Susan Taylor (of ESSENCE magazine). I kept thinking how could she give such great advice on hair when she's wearing her trademark braids.

[/ QUOTE ]Girl, I also thought she was talking about the same woman.