Does your hair keep your head warm in cold weather?


Active Member
Does your hair keep your head warm in cold weather?

Do you only need to wear a head band/ear muffs, or nothing at all on your head?

Until this year, I would never have gone around in fall weather without a hood and/or hat on. But this year, I'm realizing that my hair has gotten so thick, that I don't feel cold air on my scalp anymore! My ears still get cold though. I always wear my hair up :ohwell:.

Please share your experiences! :freezing:
Yes... it does. Hair is a very good insulator. 90% of your body escapes from our head so having hair on our heads helps to trap the heat.
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I have thick hair and I never wear hats. Never thought about it really because I've never had my head get cold. If anything I wear a scarf for my neck and ears or a hood for my ears and if it's windy.:look:
NO NO NO. //////Where Ilive turns into a deep freeze in the winter. They warn you that exposed skin can freeze here and besides I sweat in my head. I would be just asking for a rough ambulance ride if I tried that bareheaded thing. lol. bonjour
it sure did last year... but my ears were always cold, so i had one of those headband things that covered my ears.

this year i'm gonna be braided/twisted/cornrowed, so i'll have to buy a hat.
Heck head stays cold in the winter I wore a hat all winter long plus the cold air gets into my ears and gives me earaches :nono:
Funny you mention it. I was wearing my hair up yesterday and I took it down to help keep my neck warm. Usually I'm focused on protecting my ends from the cold dry air. :ohwell: