Does Hair Grow In SPURTS?


Well-Known Member
Does hair grow in spurts or take growth "breaks" where it slows down significantly as part of a cycle? I have read about many LHCF'ers who have been dismayed to find no growth after certain challenges for 30 days or so and I, myself felt I had very little growth after my second Phyto, even WITH MTG (2nd round of it). For some reason, it was a good 6 weeks before I started seeing any new growth to mention when, before the 2nd touchup, which was beginning of summer, I had wonderful growth from various things including MTG.

Is it possible that hair grows in spurts and not exactly consistent each month? FEEDBACK PLEAAAAASE.
An individual's growth rate varies at times depending on all sorts of things like diet, stress, and warm vs. cold weather (faster when it's warm).