Do you remember how u used to wash ur hair pre-LHCF??

Well.... I usually used what ever was in the relaxer box considering that was when I washed

There was no DC,conditioner,nothing.. I also liked using the comb attachment when i blow dried...

I was also good for flat ironing daily
I always used conditioner, but only because it left my hair feeling soft. But as for shampoo it didn't matter, once I even used body wash. My hair was always so dry, but I thought i just was born like that. :-(
Well in high school i used to just get my relaxer every 5 weeks then wash my hair two or three times a week with this prescription shampoo i had becausse i had bad dandruff. I's just put that in there and rinse it out NO CONDITIONER comb/rip my hair out. Blow dry on high and put it in a bun. Then i discovered the flat iron so I washed it, blow dried it on high, then flat ironed it on the highest temp. with no heat protectant lol...
I just washed once a week with CON (before they changed the forumula). I figured out detangling under the shower stream pre-LHCF worked. DC with Queen Helene cholesterol (didn't know any other conditioners existed). Used Infusium 23 (before they changed the formula) and either rollerset my hair with wire mesh rollers or blew it dry til the smoke appeared then put Pink Oil on it because it was too dry OR spray with Infusium 23 to get some of the moisture back. :ohwell:

ETA: I used over 10 different brands of relaxers. Now I stick to one brand.
Before hair boards I wore my hair in micros for months and never washed.:blush:

I would wash every 3 months or so after I'd taken my hair down. There was no sectioning or detangling, I just piled shampoo on my head and washed, then added conditioner. I never DC'd, did protein treatments, nothing.

Oh, the ignorance.
I used to wait 2 or 3 weeks to wash my hair. And during the time scalp would itch like crazy and i would scoop the dirt under my fingernails and smell it when i was really i know!!....

Knew nothin about heat protectant...i used to flat iron EVERYDAY. I did deep condition on wash days...but again....that was whenever!

I would go to the salon and wonder why the stylist would say i had dry hair when i didn't know all the bad ingredients in Pink lotion was the reason why i wasn't gettin any moisture in it.

I didn't have a problem with tangles bc i knew not to pile my hair on top of my head. And i used to think that airdrying was really bad for my hair and was only for white ppls.
I wash my hair pretty much the same way now that I did pre-LHCF. I just slap the shampoo on my hair and massage it into my hair and scalp. My hair is just fine.

Yep nothing changed for me but I wasn't doing anything terrible to begin with. Slap it on, wash it out. Just about anything will do so long as it doesn't have an awful smell :grin:
I'd wear braids for a couple of months with no washing. When I quit braids, I'd just pile it all up on my head, rinse. Rip out, repeat, rinse, rip out, and repeat again. I only DC'ed once in a blue moon when my mom made me, but I didn't know it's purpose.
I went to the dominicans for a wash and set every 2- 3 weeks. No DC's please- I didn't want to spend the extra $7.00....A MESS...LOL!
Erm I used herbal essenses just purely for the smell.. the yellow bottle[before the revamped packaging] thats as specific as I can get! If not that then the VO5 Moisture soak shampoo and conditioner.. I only bought shampoo & condishes from the £1 shop I was a student so thats the best I could do!

I'd wet my hair in the shower plop on the shampoo and go for it.. rubbing my hair in a circular motion try to finger comb.. rinse it out and then plop on the conditioner in a downwards motion after a good ole wiff.. then the famous pink oil moisturiser and blow dried.. *sigh*
Oh yes I remember, and it wasn't good:nono: When I was relaxed I would wash my hair every two weeks or once a month with a so called moisturizing shampoo. I didn't know the difference between clarifying, moisturizing, protein and chelating shampoos:perplexed. When I would 'stretch' and wear braids in the meantime I only washed once a month. I didn't just wash my scalp like I do now, I put it on my entire head, hair and scalp, lots of it, and then rinsed, I always did a second lather. And like you OP, I didn't care about how the shampoo left my hair feeling, I just thought: it's clean now. I only used instant conditioners, that's it.

I'm so glad I found LHCF.
id wash every 2-3 weeks.... and shampoo twice, but i did use condtioner. then blowdry dead straight using pink oil, never once wondering why i had broken little hairs all over the floor each time when i was done. geee. no wonder i was stuck at shoulder length for all eternity..

now i cowash everyday and airdry, have no breakage and my hair is retaining all its length :)
I used to wash my hair every week to two weeks pre-LHCF. I washed twice a week if I was swimming. But I don't even want to think about it now; I used to pile all my hair on top of my head and put loads of shampoo, I would shampoo three times.

I would quickly apply conditioner wait 3-5 minutes; then go crazy with a comb (like a medium to fine tooth comb), comb real hard until I had lots of hairs in the comb. Then rinse. I did not use Leave-in just put on moisturizer or oil. Would just put a towel over my pillow and sleep with my hair wet.

Dang, i was really rough on my hair, yikes
Wow...after reading all of these stories I see that I wasn't that bad. I shampood/conditioned every 3 days or so with Pantene. I DC'd with something from their line once a week (not with heat, just in the shower for 5 mins). My hair always had slip. I never scratched my scalp or piled my hair on top of my head. I only shampooed once per session.
I would spray some of their light conditioning spray in my hair--I never had tangles, I just thought it would help add some conditioning. Then I would blow dry with a round brush. After that I'd use a shine spray/thermal protectant from Bubbles Salon called Sashini. I loved that stuff! It left my hair so shiny (reminiscing). Anyway, I would use that as I flat ironed.
Honestly, I don't think my troubles came from the way I washed. My troubles come from the fact that I don't self-relax very well (over process), I wore too tight ponytails which tore away at my length, and the blowdry/flat iron deal every 3 days was just too much. Plus, I NEVER protected my ends. I didn't know how!
This is so interesting reading everyone's responses!

Before LHCF, I would shampoo with whatever was on sale at the grocery store...usually suave. I would shampoo it a couple times until it was squeaky clean, then I'd throw some conditioner on my hair and let it sit for a minute or two.

I would towel dry my hair a bit, then blast it with the hot blowdryer with NO protectant! And I would flat iron it after that. I "moisturized" with pink oil every couple days. Man, my hair was a hot mess back then...and I wondered why it was breaking off and falling out!
I used to love washing my hair, it was everything that came afterwards that I despised! At first I washed every 2 weeks but then I moved it up to once a week thanks to exercising more often. AND I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS had to shampoo twice. Cus I was so sure my hair was just that dirty, it needed 2 shampoos.
Thank the lord in the end I was using CON cus I had habitually dry hair and that sort of combatted it a little. But back in them days I knew nothing about deep conditioning at all. LHCF is a saviour!
once a week. got into the shower with tangles used herbal essences- the yellow one someone described, piled it on top, washed it out. out of the shower some form of yellow pomade by africa's best or something pink oil if i had it slather it on hair tie the big knot into a ponytail or bun. when it was dry use the goody brush to brush through the knot. I got better as I got older though when i was 19 i found that if i used conditioner (i had highlights at the time and my mom thoughtfully picked me up some chamomile conditioner for blonde hair) because I wanted to keep my highlights. of course it was just some cheap drugstore brand i would leave it in while i showered rinse out and then grease my detangled hair.

I wash my hair more now just because I'm liking the clean scalp.
before lhcf I washed my hair all of 1 to 2x a month, i put shampoo over all my hair, i detangled after i showered no conditioner or detangler or anything. Then i blowdried on high heat, and pressed my relaxed color treated hair. :nono:
Yep I remember. I used to wash in the kitchen sink by piling my hair on top of my head:perplexed...I've always used conditioner though.
I used any ol thing that was around the house, and I used to scrub my hair CLEAN. I would try to strip it of ALL of the oils in my hair, and I always thought that all oils in my hair were bad. And then after that I would put some olive oil crap (i didn't read the ingredients i just assumed it would be good for my hair simply because they said olive oil on it) and then I would fry it with a blowdryer on the highest setting and then fry it again in the flat iron. I was relaxed then, but now I am transitioning, and I got a mini chop, so all of those fried ends are gone, and my hair couldn't feel better ever!