Definitely NOT Niko's Cousin


New Member
Ok, so I know we have all admitted to looking at women with beautiful hair and thinking "could she be Niko's cousin?" But lately I find myself also seeing women whose hair is a H.A.M. and thinking to myself "ooh she is so NOT Niko's cousin" :lol:

Exhibit A - Woman whose hairline started at her ears, but still had the tightest ponytail I have ever seen
Exhibit B - Woman whose ends were so dry and rough, I swear they could cut paper
Exhibit C - Woman with a super nice wig, but it was cocked to one side..WTF?

I could go on and on. So anyone else seen women who are definitely NOT Niko's cousin?
I saw a lady like that today on the way to work. She had thin weird blonde hair that had raggedy ends. I was thinking why is she holding on to that damage?

Not Nikkos cousin.
I'll be glad when people can look at me and wonder if I'm Niko's cousin:grin: . Anyway, I see this all the time. But what's really sad is when I see little girls with no edges, micro braids that look like someone took 3 strands of their hair and just braided that or worse and I just wish their mama's knew better. At least be Niko's 3rd step cousin five times removed. :( I mean dang, they could be MY cousins and I'd have them looking better than that. :ohwell:
Maybe because the time is hot, but I also see a lot of women with toooooooo tight ponytails and their edges and nape is gone. I actually feel so bad...kind of want to yell LHCF to the masses!
:( I saw a lady at the deli counter on Saturday and I wanted to hand her an LHCF card so badly. She was so pretty, too. But her hair look fried. You could tell that it was over processed and/or heat damage. You can tell that "deep condtioning" is NOT in her vocabulary. She was checking out my hair, too. I so wanted to tell he about the board. We smiled at each other, too.

I don't think it is funny at all, because so many of our sistas need an intervention. We all know some don't want to do what it takes, but I think we all need the opportunity to know the facts and that we can have pretty healthy hair - short or long.
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I saw a woman at the train station the other day, and you could tell that she filled in her edges with eye liner :eek:! She even drew in sideburns! Then she had the nerve to wear a ponytail as if no one was going to notice her drawn in hairline and sideburns.
TSUprincess04 said:
I saw a woman at the train station the other day, and you could tell that she filled in her edges with eye liner :eek:! She even drew in sideburns! Then she had the nerve to wear a ponytail as if no one was going to notice her drawn in hairline and sideburns.

Girl tell me you lying......:lachen:
TSUprincess04 said:
I saw a woman at the train station the other day, and you could tell that she filled in her edges with eye liner :eek:! She even drew in sideburns! Then she had the nerve to wear a ponytail as if no one was going to notice her drawn in hairline and sideburns.

:look: :ohwell: :perplexed :eek:
HoneyDew said:

lol, It just looked soooo weird from a distance. It looked like she had a REALLY THICK, solid hairline. When I got up close to her, it was black eyeliner.
I am constantly looking at people's hair now to see if it is healthy and moisturized and even diagnosing what the problem is; I never did this before LHCF. I try to tell my friends about LHCF and they say, "you need to stay of the internet" ..WTF?:eek: I am trying to help you!!!
HoneyDew said:
:( I saw a lady at the deli counter on Saturday and I wanted to hand her an LHCF card so badly. She was so pretty, too. But her hair look fried. You could tell that it was over processed and/or heat damage. You can tell that "deep condtioning" is NOT in her vocabulary. She was checking out my hair, too. I so wanted to tell he about the board. We smiled at each other, too.

I don't think it is funny at all, because so many of our sistas need an intervention. We all know some don't want to do what it takes, but I think we all need the opportunity to know the facts and that we can have pretty healthy hair - short or long.

Totally agree...I makes me said when I see females with balding edges and napes and they have their hair pulled so tight...especially little girls. There hair might already be jacked up for life.
I ran to the BSS yesterday to pick-up some shower-caps and *browse*:look:

and I saw these two ladies (loud as all getout) asking to see some phoney-pony's and quickweaves. I glanced over and the lady's hairline was baby-butt smooth, yet she had it tightly pulled back with gel. The texture of her pony was sooo far off from her real texture it was sad.

Had I been working the counter I would have def. suggested a full-cap wig to give her hairline a rest....:perplexed
Wow, some of these situations are so sad. :( So many women/girls are just so ignorant about how to care for their hair. Shoot, just a couple of years ago, I was in the same boat.:look:

I thank God for LHCF and other hair boards.
kittenz said:
I'll be glad when people can look at me and wonder if I'm Niko's cousin:grin: . Anyway, I see this all the time. But what's really sad is when I see little girls with no edges, micro braids that look like someone took 3 strands of their hair and just braided that or worse and I just wish their mama's knew better. At least be Niko's 3rd step cousin five times removed. :( I mean dang, they could be MY cousins and I'd have them looking better than that. :ohwell:

Shooo. I don't know about your family but mine are some of the worst. My cousins will comment on how thick my hair is or how well it grows. when I attempt to throw out a recommendation for a product they automatically say "That ain't going to work. I gotta perm"...:ohwell:
Do you think it is ever acceptable to offer a HAIR TIP to someone who never asked for help? :ohwell:

I think most of these women would be defensive although your heart was in the right place. :perplexed
I went to a family cookout three weeks ago - my my 12-year old cousin had fresh micro braids with NO (I repeat NO) hairline on both sides!:eek:
CurliDiva said:
Do you think it is ever acceptable to offer a HAIR TIP to someone who never asked for help? :ohwell:

I think most of these women would be defensive although your heart was in the right place. :perplexed

I agree, I think most would be defensive. But what I try to do if I am with someone is say something like "oh guess what I saw on LHCF today.." with the hope that they will overhear me and get up on this site, or ask me about it. It wasn't that long ago that I definitely wasn't Nikos cousin either...the security lady at the front desk of my building was like "you need to stop putting heat in your hair, it's thinning, and you need to cut off all those damaged ends and start over. At first I was like dang she has some nerve...but then sometimes you need someone to point out things you can't see for yourself. Needless to say the next day I was searching Long Hair on google...and began my love affair with LHCF.
You know its wrong when someone cant even pass for Niko's second step-cousin twice removed on her adoptive parents' side... Im so sorry for the long post...

But I do think someone who is definitely not Niko's Cousin (as terrible as it sounds) is my [family member's relation withheld to retain dignity cause despite the hair I do love this person]. She saw my hair straight one day (I regret this moment) and went out and bought a LOT of weave the exact same color and texture of my hair. Then she braided her head and sewed (or whatever people do, Ive never had any kind of fake hair except braids) this stuff in. Well thats all fine and dandy, except the front of her head aint even a part. This mess goes straight up and to the sides. Not even a part to make the hair go to the sides, it just goes up and out. ITd be cool without a part if it all went one direction but this mess is a disaster! I dont know how to describe it!! Its too thick too! She was aiming for thick hair with body and got this gigantic mass on her head, I mean for the life of me I dont know why she would want to look like this, with this... THING! She is almost 50, so there is no way that this mess is believable... (some women do have a full head of hair with no greys, but those women are not the majority in my family) especially since you can see a braid of grey hair peekin out on the edges in the front! And worst of all, this woman dont even comb it, at least it dont look that way. You know how people aim for a messy look? You know, like surf hair that doesnt get combed? But instead this mess got spaces in between, some is curled on the end some aint... got a dent thats been there for days... Her hair makes me :mad: sometimes just lookin at it. Because were respectable people and she does have money, so why she got to have a bad weave? I respect that she wanted hair like mine, but this just isnt the right way. I took it as a compliment at first, but now this is getting out of hand, like when someone sees you in a nice outfit and gets a cheap knockoff of it that is totally unflattering on them.

How do you tell someone theyre not Niko's cousin? How do you break it to them that they need a change? Is it possible to be nice about this one? She refuses to use a straightener, refuses to do anything to her own hair (weve forgotten what it looked like), and has the nerve to talk about my hair everyday tellin me to "grease it" and that I "need" a perm... Man, Im venting already Ill stop here...
TSUprincess04 said:
I saw a woman at the train station the other day, and you could tell that she filled in her edges with eye liner :eek:! She even drew in sideburns! Then she had the nerve to wear a ponytail as if no one was going to notice her drawn in hairline and sideburns.

this is not even funny. It makes me sad:(
TSUprincess04 said:
I saw a woman at the train station the other day, and you could tell that she filled in her edges with eye liner :eek:! She even drew in sideburns! Then she had the nerve to wear a ponytail as if no one was going to notice her drawn in hairline and sideburns.

:lol: I guess there's yet another use for eyeliner besides lining eyes & to draw on eyebrows. I haven't seen this for myself yet. I hope I don't.
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I hate to see strangers with messed up hair or weaves, but it especially bothers/hurts me to see loved ones who aint even Niko's 3rd cousin. :( I didn't really know how to care for my own hair until I came here to LHCF. But once I learned so much about how healthy hair is key to help you to retain length, I wanted to share all that with my loved ones. But it's like my advice and suggestions haven't really been taken seriously by my relatives except mama (I commend her for using a leave-in). I know I can't force it on them, but I just don't understand. Pesonally, I had started hating wearing fake hair long ago because i felt like i had to wear it because I was ashamed of my real hair. But I asked myself Why spend all that money each month or every other month when you can grow your own healthy hair and wear it. :confused: After 2008, you betta believe I don't plan to buy another phony pony, track or wig.:)