DC on dry hair or wet hair?

Stacy TheLady

New Member
I usually do my DC on wet hair after pooing. Since i have joined this site i cut back on pooing and started doing more co washing and DCing, moisturizing and sealing.

There is a noticable change in my hair softness and strength. Thanks All.

However, i was wondering what are the benefits of dry over wet DC, IF any? When i did my dry DC, for the first time day before yesterday, the result was practically the same as a wet DC.

Is dry DC better for natural ladies?
I don't know the answer to what the benefits are over DCing wet. I just do it for the convenience (when I don't feel like getting wet) and because the two Aubrey Organics products I use (GPB and HSR) specifically say that for deep conditioning, the products should be applied to dry hair.

I'm enjoying DCing w/o heat more than w/ heat so knowing that using the products on dry hair is considered DCing saves me the guilt of feeling like I'm slacking coz I'm not using heat. Plus, I'm not sure I like the idea of opened up pores (due to heat) and conditioner being on my scalp and perhaps being encouraged to penetrate my scalp by heat, so I tend to do dry DCing no heat more than w/ heat.
I wouldn't say conditioning on dry hair is better but the same for me in terms of results. However, I save quite a bit of time when DCing on dry hair because I don't have to keep jumping in and out of the shower between steps.

Once I DC on dry hair, I do a quick heavily diluted shampoo followed by a quick conditioner, rinse and I'm done with the shower.
I wouldn't say conditioning on dry hair is better but the same for me in terms of results. However, I save quite a bit of time when DCing on dry hair because I don't have to keep jumping in and out of the shower between steps.

Once I DC on dry hair, I do a quick heavily diluted shampoo followed by a quick conditioner, rinse and I'm done with the shower.

Bingo!!!! I can't stand jumping in and out of the shower !!
I just DC'd on dry hair and my hair is soooo soft. I'm debating if I should add a leave-in or just put some oil in.
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I notice my hair is a bit softer when i do it on dry hair, It's easier anyway so that what i mainly do. i like to heat up my conditioner (in the microwave) with oil and apply it to dry hair, let it sit in my hair for a few hours then rinse it out in the shower. :)
I wouldn't say conditioning on dry hair is better but the same for me in terms of results. However, I save quite a bit of time when DCing on dry hair because I don't have to keep jumping in and out of the shower between steps.

Once I DC on dry hair, I do a quick heavily diluted shampoo followed by a quick conditioner, rinse and I'm done with the shower.

Aggie when you DC on dry hair are you using heat as well? I did a DC on dry hair a couple of days ago but I didn't use heat. I did like the convenience of it.
I think that DCing on dry hair lets you absorb more of the yummy conditioning agents :)

Plus, it does mean 1 less trip into the shower.

I DC on dry hair 90% of the time.
DC on dry hair, then shampoo, right? I've heard that if one has fine hair, it's better to DC first, then shampoo. Someone confirm this?
Aggie when you DC on dry hair are you using heat as well? I did a DC on dry hair a couple of days ago but I didn't use heat. I did like the convenience of it.

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. If I am using a protein conditioner, then yes, I would use heat but if it's all moisturizing, then no I'd skip the heat.
Serenity_Peace;90724r20 said:
DC on dry hair, then shampoo, right? I've heard that if one has fine hair, it's better to DC first, then shampoo. Someone confirm this?

Yes this is true as some conditioners tend to weigh hair down after shampooing...
I realise that after my moisturizing DC that my hair does feel a bit heavy. So I water down a very small bit of shampoo and wash my hair. Does anyone know if this is safe?:look:

Not sure I know what you mean by safe. I shampoo out my DC with pure/concentrated shampoo (no dilution) per the directions on the bottle so I don't see why doing it with diluted shampoo would be a problem. I think a lot of people use shampoo diluted. I always use it neat.
Not sure I know what you mean by safe. I shampoo out my DC with pure/concentrated shampoo (no dilution) per the directions on the bottle so I don't see why doing it with diluted shampoo would be a problem. I think a lot of people use shampoo diluted. I always use it neat.

I was just wondering if the shampoo would decrease the benefits of the DC in any way.
I wouldn't say conditioning on dry hair is better but the same for me in terms of results. However, I save quite a bit of time when DCing on dry hair because I don't have to keep jumping in and out of the shower between steps.

Once I DC on dry hair, I do a quick heavily diluted shampoo followed by a quick conditioner, rinse and I'm done with the shower.

I am glad you said that! :yep: I thought I was doing way too many steps and there had to be an easier way. I think I will start doing more DCing on dry hair because it will save me so much time and I wont make excuses and put off DCing.